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Posts posted by Jaybell


    When it starts, you're thinking "oh man sweet orchestral cool i guess", right? Then it builds up, slowly, and THAT SYNTH COMES IN. Gets me every time. And the drums come in and they're all crazy heavy industrial and shit. And then the source comes in, and the rest, as they say, is history.

    And don't even get me started on when it transitions to Run, Rambi, Run.

    The ONLY problem with this mix is that the first section seems to go on for a good long while. Unlike Birdcussion, though, you don't find yourself going "oh six minutes are over already?" It seems to pass by slower than Birdcussion did. Now, whether or not this is a bad thing is in the eye of the beholder; slower could mean more time spent with a super sexy mix, or it could mean the mix becomes more boring and drawn out.

    I really hate myself for saying anything bad about this mix about this mix, though. Because it's awesome, if you didn't catch that already.

  2. I never played DD2, so there's no real nostalgia for me =/. I will say that I love the last section, where it gets all funky-like. The meh samples weren't really an issue, although there's no denying that they are "meh", prot makes really good use of them here.

    But overall, it doesn't really strike me as "amazing". Probably because I haven't heard the source? Heck, the only reason I listened to this was the title, which is the best title of any OC Remix, ever.

  3. live and leeeeeeeeeeearn

    hanging on the edge of tomorrooooooooow


    As for the last "third-party" character, it's really either Cloud, one of the Belmonts, or Megaman. Although I am totally not ruling out Master Chief.

  4. This gets the BUMP DE BUMP.

    Although there's not much I can add to this thread other than MOAR DYNAMITE HEADDY PLZKTHX.

    You know who would kick a rather large amount of ass with this soundtrack? MAZEDUDE. But Mazedude kicks ass with any soundtrack, or at all. And the odds that he will see this are slim to none...

  5. Sheesh, is this track liberal enough? It took me ages to figure out where the connections were (by ages I mean two or three listens.) I don't mind a track with a creative arrangement, but dang, apart from the obvious intro riff and again at maybe four minutes, I can't find much Green Hill in there.

    That said, if I had never played Sonic before, I would have absolutely no problem with this song. It's dang FUNKY and it's probably going on my mp3 player despite what I said up there. That last paragraph was just my dumb ol' neuroticness wanting to know EXACTLY the source in every remix I listen to.

    What is that original section from at 1:35?!?! It sounds SO FAMILIAR but I can't seem to place it. It sounds like the song that annoyingly happy techno unts unts unts song that plays in Trauma Center when there's a cutscene at Cadaceus, at all, regardless of context. (Derek I can't believe you are euthanizing patients. I have no choice but to BREAK OUT THE GLOWSTICKS UNTS UNTS UNTS UNTS)

    ...not that that's a bad thing that it's in this mix.


    SO TO SUM UP: This mix is pretty coo.

  6. In Windows, the problem is dependent on where the file is placed. If it's placed under many subfolders (so the directory structure looks like x:/folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/file) instead of near the top of the drives folder structure, it goes crazy and can't read that particular file, because the filename with the directories added is too long. Once the file is there, it's stuck and can't be renamed or moved. The only way to delete it is by taking everything else out of the folder and deleting the folder itself.

    Yeah, that worked! Thank you.

  7. Totally agree with you there man. Gunstar Heroes, Silhouette Mirage, Bangai-O, Guardian Heroes, and of course Dynamite Headdy are all severely under represented.

    We need more Treasure remixes on the site.

    QFE and QFT.

  8. The file name is 132 characters, which apparently is giving some people trouble... though most seem to be having no problem with it. I suggest renaming it something like "4-10 Various Artists - Black Wing Metamorphosis.mp3" when you download. What OS are you using?

    Yeah, that seems to be the problem. I re-downloaded the track and saved it as "a bunch of people - black wing metamorphosis etc etc." Trouble is, I still can't delete/rename/do anything to the old copy. I'm using Windows XP, by the way.

    Also I agree ENTIRELY with what Pixietricks said about Another Soundscape. Too Much Fighting is just friggin' awesome. And so is Golden Feathers, it went from super happy techno to soft relaxing sitar strumming goodness, and it did it well.

    ALSO STILL, how did Valse Aeris get accepted onto the site? It's ten megabytes in the torrent file! o_O I assume it was edited down/compressed?

    Also one winged chiptune ftw.

    okay i'm done.


    EDIT: I KNEW there was something else I had to say. It's that a little past the two minute mark in Star Salzman's mix (2:10 to be exact), the percussion sounds almost EXACTLY like the Battletoads pause music. You know, "boom CH boom CH boom CH CH CH." Well, not EXACTLY VERBATIM COVER of it but it sounds QUITE similar.

    NOW I'm done.

    but probably not really

  9. You are correct. I have been berated too many times for listening to vidjagame music but it has always been better to me for whatever reason than mainstream music. Seriously I would listen to sound tests in video games on end when I was a youngin'. It was almost a crime to me when a game didn't have one.

    You can imagine my surprise when I discovered this website with people who love video game music as much, if not moreso, than I do.

    in before move to gendisc

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