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Posts posted by Jaybell

  1. While I can't provide the shooping skills, what about Shna Bubbles? Pour on the milk and hold them up to your ear to hear them go Cut, Sample and Loop!

    But your body would end up rejecting the best ones.

  2. Went back and played Hotel Dusk again, second playthrough, and got the secret ending. I forgot how wrapped up I got in the story. I was just playing it to kill time and I ended up getting re-addicted to it.

    There's a LOT of talking. A loooooooot of talking. Probably more than half the game is reading through text. But it's OKAY because said text is the text to an incredibly intriguing story, and one of the best I've seen in a video game. Still, it gets annoying when you want to go do something else and the characters won't shut up...

    BUT STILL. Hotel Dusk is greatness. If you haven't already, PLAY IT. Get ready for a looot of text, though.

  3. I think this is my favorite zircon remix thus far (although A Nightmare Before Kefka and Monstrous Turtles! come close. Oh and some of the VoTL stuff, too.)

    The blend of orchestra and electronica is seamless. SEAMLESS I say! I can't really explain why this mix is my favorite; it just kinda IS. The transition into the trial theme coulda been a bit smoother, but that is about all I can say wrong about this mix.

    This mix never seems to get old no matter how many times I listen to it. I do not know why, but WHATEVER, if it means I get to listen to this mix more, then OKAY.

  4. Oh hey, it's Mazedude, and he's awesome again. What's up with that? How is every mix he makes so awesome? I do not know.

    Anyways, this is classic Mazedude right here. We've got crazy drums, trackery synths, wierd sounds, all coming together to make this song. It's a little on the short side, but this is forgiveable because IT IS MAZEDUDE for gosh sake!

    If you haven't heard Bound together yet, what the hell? Download it download it. It was awesome when it was released and it's still awesome now.


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