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Posts posted by Jaybell

  1. That chorus is very much catchy. DJP complained in the writeup about how he ended up getting it stuck in his head? Same situation. I'll just be playing a game or working on something and I'll find myself humming softly, "...you my nigga, and I'm yo nigga" without realizing it.

    I'm not offended by the use of the word "nigga" in this context. If they had made a racist song and had lyrics that were racist, then I would not approve. But they aren't. It's like if you're playing a video game with your friends and they're about to beat you and you say "I swear, I'll kill you if you do that." In the most literal definition of the sentence, yes, it does mean "I have the intent of murdering you." But obviously, you don't mean that! It's not like you actually are planning to kill them, you're just goofing around. And you know that, and your friends know that. So, yes, by definition, the word "nigga" is bad, but it's obviously not used like that. They aren't saying "you're my african-american slave originating from nigeria" or "you're my derogatory term for black person" or whatever the definition is. They're saying "you're my friend, I'm your friend." That's all.

  2. Well, this song certainly took it's sweet time. :P

    At first, I was thinking, "this is just a chiptune cover of the original." but then it picked up! Oh did it ever pick up. It took an eternity to pick up, but man oh man it picked right up. Very happy, only complaint is that it's quite long.

    Also, am I the first person to point out that this is remix 666? Funny it's the happiest track I've heard in a while on OCR.

  3. Hey look what I found.

    Apart from the name change (from "The Osterzone Connection" to "Right Angel"), other things have been added, like a final section that sounds a lot like the first, but in double time. This is perhaps the last update I will do to it maybe, I think I've taken the source all over the place and there's not much else I can really do with it. Apart from maybe minor production things, fixing some transitions, maybe, (that one before the final section sounded good on paper, buuuut...) apart from all that, this is done.

    EDIT: I made a few tweaks and am prepared to submit it. Wish me luck.

  4. Good call on the fading thing, I think for the most part everything you changed ended up for the better. I almost think you got rid of the clickiness with the music box a little too much, it sounds less real now. Sorry to criticize everything you do, but hey, that's what you're here for right?

    I understand that I'm sort of sacrificing the realism of the music box, but the clicking gets annoying after a while, so I axed it. I think you're right, though, I took off a bit too much. If I can just get the right amount off, it'd be PERFECT.

    Now the question is, where do I go from here...

    Doing this really opens your eyes to the amount of work and such that goes into these! I have a new level of respect for all these remixers.

  5. Hotel Dusk is an awesome game. Why haven't you played it yet? I heard the track that plays whenever you talk to Mila, and was instantly enamored. Since not a lot of people have played this game, I will give you the source tune, right here.

    Isn't it haunting?

    Anyways, I goofed around in Modplug Tracker and came up with this WIP.


    And when I say WIP, I really mean WIP. At this point, it's really just a bag of ideas. The individual sections I'm sort of proud of, but as a whole the song is still very very sketchy. The music box section sounds very rigid and I probably won't include it in the final version.

    I'd like this to become something great, but I really don't know how to make that happen. Comments, feedback, and the like, again, are all greatly appreciated.

    PS: Can anyone come up with a better name than "The Osterzone Connection"?

  6. Perhaps the single happiest song or video ever. Whenever I am sad I watch this video and suddenly I am not so sad anymore!

    I was just thinking to myself why there weren't more real a cappella songs on OCR. There's Tragedy of a Bullet, and there's a Moon Patrol mix, and I believe that's it. I suppose it would have to do with the fact that most a cappella songs are just straight up covers, with little to no rearrangement...

    But that is neither here nor there. What is, in fact, here and maybe perhaps there is this video, and it's general awesomeness.

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