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Posts posted by Jaybell

  1. This is the only treasure mix on the ENTIRE SITE? For shame, OCR. Gunstar Heroes had an awesome soundtrack (which I never really noticed because there's SO MUCH going on in the game), as does Dynamite Headdy. MOAR TREASURE MIXES PLZKTHX

    Anyways, the mix itself? Eh. It's not my cup of tea, to be honest. I agree with orkybash, it felt like "oh man this is so building up to something awesome", but it never really did. It's perfectly good, but it's just doesn't appeal to me. Still, props on being the only Treasure mix on the site in it's entire 8 year run. </whine>

  2. Yeah, I was wondering this myself. I was toying with the idea of making a Mii Channel mix.

    Personally, I see no reason to reject Game System Music Type Remixes. But of course, as DJP said, there would be some people who would make a remix of an obscure Windows XP jingle and cry bias when it gets rejected.

    So how do we distinguish between consoles and computers? Easy.

    A console was designed primarily to play video games, and secondarily to surf the web, play dvds, make miis, etc. A computer, on the other hand, wasn't designed primarily with video games in mind.

    That's not to say the designers of a computer were like "NO VIDEO GAMES ON MY COMPUTER EVER EVER." They were like "okay, it can do all this stuff, surf the webs, run crazy programs, and all that stuff. oh hey it can play games too. cool."

    That's a terrible description, so hopefully you see what I'm getting at. :razz:

  3. Erm...? How does this work? Do we just post the avatars we made here? Cause that's what everyone else seems to be doing.

    Okay, here goes. I made some avatars from Dynamite Headdy, for the genesis. Good ol' Treasure. The 32x32 restrictions posed a challenge for Headdy's sprites, leading me to crop out the top of his head/bottom of his feet...

    Headdy - headdystand.GIF

    Headdy Running - headdyrun.GIF

    Headdy Panicked - headdypanic.GIF

    Headdy Exasperated/Tired/Messed Up - headdymessed.GIF

    LT: I'm not gonna add stuff where the cropping cuts stuff out. That just looks bootleg. Typically, you want to resize the image to fit the 32x32 limit. But for these, the sprites are so ugly that it's a no-go anyway.

    Silly four image per post limit.

    Trouble Bruin - bruin.GIF

    Headcase - headcase.GIF

    Hangman - hangman.GIF

    Beau - beau.GIF

    LT: The sprites are uglyz.

    The last batch.

    Generic Knight Enemy Guy - knightguy.GIF

    Twin Freaks (Green) - twinfreaksgreen.GIF

    Twin Freaks (Red) - twinfreaksred.GIF

    Dark Demon - darkdemon.GIF

    FUN GAME: mention twin freaks to ANYONE who has played Dynamite Headdy. Guess how long it will take for them to crawl into a corner and weep softly into a pillow!

    LT: Genesis sprites are always dim for some reason. Brighten the Twin Freaks a bit and lemme see them then. Those could be good.

    Heh, honestly, Twin Freaks were the only images I cared about. The rest was just "well if I'm doing them I may as well do a whole bunch more." I could care less about the other ones. Cropping = no fun.

    So here you go. I'm kind of debating which one of these ones is better...


    (they've both been modified from the original...would've put the original as well for comparison, but DARN THAT FOUR IMAGE LIMIT.)

    The one on the right seems a little too bright...Oh well, you be the judge.

    And as for the Red one...

    twinfreaksred.GIF ---> twinfreaksredbright.GIF

    This time the one on the left is the original, and the one on the right's the brightened one.

    LT: Good deal.

  4. It's about time a new character was announced! I myself have never played Fire Emblem, but I have heard greatness about it. And besides, that didn't stop me from owning it up as Marth/Roy in Melee. Ike looks about eighty times more badass, if only for his giant glowing sword.

  5. This is exactly the kind of culture we need to get rid of. The process of creating and conveying the emotions you want to convey is way more important that getting a mix on OCR. Do not desensitize yourself. I enjoy remixes most when it doesn't try to be original, but really keep the melodies while simply adapting the articulation and conveying the emotion stronger that the original. That's what it's all about IMO.

    Don't worry about OCR, worry about what you need to compose.

    Yeah, he's got a point, sort of. Should've mentioned that.

    While I imagine your goal is to get this on OCR, you shouldn't have to completely revamp and rebuild the track from the ground up to suit the judges needs should it get rejected. You shouldn't end up looking at the track and thinking "this isn't what I wanted to make, but if it'll make the judges happy..." What matters is if YOU'RE happy with the remix.

    Of course, that doesn't mean that you should reject all constructive criticism. If someone says "hey, that section sounds kinda rigid/out of place/stinky", don't just yell "YEAH WELL IT'S MY SONG SO SHUT UP". Take the criticism and choose whether or not you want to act on it. It's all up to you.

    Bottom line, it's YOUR mix, and you have the final say in what goes where.

  6. Oh man, Spider-Man / X-men! I have this game for the Genesis. I guess this song is from the SNES version, because it sounds a LOT better. Especially Breifing, Gambit, and of course, Spider-Man's theme. And Storm's theme is all ambient and stuff!

    Larry talking about it made me go dig up the game again. It be HARD. 'Specially Gambit and Storm's stage. Rargh.

    ANYWAYS, I would love to make a remix of this song. But I doubt that I'll have the willpower/ideas/I'm a procrastinator. Still I can't wait to see the results.

    And a happy birthday to Rexy also!

  7. Only one page of reviews?! More people should download songs from games they have never played or heard of. Great songs like this one are getting ignored!

    I was initially hesitant about putting this on my MP3 player. The sample quality was meh and it wasn't really my cup of tea. But I put it on anyway. Since then, the mix has grown on me like some sort of parasite. It's great, it's quirky, it's charming and most importantly, it's FUN.

    I can totally picture stereotypical french violinists/accordionnists (?) dueling for the spotlight while playing this. Awesomeness.:grin:

  8. Creative arrangement. Almost didn't recognize it at first.

    This is decidedly groovy. Sounds almost like you would hear it on an infomercial for Eggman Technologies. But not really. Um.

    So yeah, I'd say this is worth a shot at submitting. It's quite funky, it's got a creative arrangement. The only reason I can see the judges not liking this is it feels kind of short.

    Then again, I'm kind of a noob at this whole remixing thing, so you might want to wait for someone else's feedback.

    Edit: Upon repeated listenings, that piano section sounds kind of empty, especially when it starts.

  9. The judges usually don't like if you sample the game directly too much, but you really only do that for the first thirty seconds. So it shouldn't be much of a problem but you never know.

    Oh wait, yeah, it's back. But not for long.

    And then HUMMING! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD. Sounds like something you'd find on OLR!

    Anyways, that was all written as I listened to the song. So let me now start complaining. You're production is fine, the song sounds great. The samples are nice. The problem is the arrangement. It's pretty much the same as the source, except for bits and pieces after the humming. You'd need more parts like that. OR, you could add a solo or two. What you've got here is great, but I think you need some more soloing or parts that stray from the source.

    As a good example of a mix that uses the source obviously, but still add original sections, I think I will refer you to chthonic's Linear Groove, which also is a tetris mix. Pay attention to the parts that remix specifically Korobeiniki. They use the source, and then they go into a little guitar interlude. Then it goes back to the type C song (or whatever it is) and they're still clearly remixing the type C song, but still adding their own grooviness and such. Now that was a terrible description, so you should just listen to the song and see what I'm talking about.

    I'm not saying make you're song exactly like that, because what you have here is already cool and awesome. But you need more original parts and such if you want it on OCR. As it is, you would probably be able to get it on R:TS, if it were still updating. But for OCR, you need more varied arrangement.

    Again, like my other review, I'm a big ol' nub with this, so take this advice with a grain of salt.

    EDIT: Another good example is the recently posted Spinlock by aluminum. It goes places and stuff, but it's still clear where the source is. It's not too liberal, but it's not too conservative. It's just right.

  10. Heh, that guitar reminds me of Mega Man X. Which is to say, it's badass, despite it's fakeyness.

    Anyways. I'm kind of a nub at this whole remixing thing, too, so bear in mind I may not have any idea what I'm talking about.

    I like the arrangement ideas. The mashup towards the end with the final boss and the rest of the songs was cool, but it felt kind of crazy with all of the stuff going on.

    Also, I'm not really a fan of those synth strings. They are just bugging me. Maybe that's just me.

    For me, my favorite part was when the final boss music started. But the guitar is sequenced very rigidly, as are the synth arpeggio things (again, is that what their called?). And really, the most of the final boss section feels quite rigid. Except that intro.

    SO TO SUM UP: some better samples, better sequencing towards the end, a bit more polish, and you could have yourself a winner.

    Again, I'm a huge noob to remixing. Bear that in mind.

  11. for the love of god nintendo why do you keep pissing me off with starfox music

    the only starfox song ive wanted since the original smash bros was the ORIGINAL corneria theme

    this new one is ok at best

    Agreed, since that's the only song I know and remember from starfox.

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