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Posts posted by Jaybell

  1. The small ammount of tracks that was the Vib Ribbon soundtrack was also pure enjoyment.


    Such a great game! The only original tracks, though, I think, were the title, the demo video, the menu screen, and that crazy song the rabbit sings if you do good enough. The six AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME songs that were already on the disc I think already existed? They were by some crazy japanese band, Laugh and Beats or some such, maybe.

    BUT IF THEY WERE ELIGIBLE FOR THE STANDARDS a remix of them would be baaaaaaadaaaaaaass. They are the happiest songs ever.

  2. For the record, I don't hate Ocarina of Time. I just couldn't really get into it. I can see why everyone loves it so much (it successfully brought a 2D franchise into 3D, the music is bitchin', the world was huge, and the graphics were good lookin' for the time.) But that's just it. A truly great game should be able to stand the test of time, it shouldn't need to have "well it was awesome for the time" as an excuse.

    Part of what turns me off from the N64 zeldas are the controls. They just don't feel natural. Compared to Super Mario 64 (which I spent a good portion of my childhood playing, so there may or may not be the nostalgia factor in there), in which Mario controls smoothly and fluidly, controlling Link felt very forced and awkward. And I know Zelda isn't Mario, but I ended up liking Wind Waker a lot better than the 64 zeldas, partially because Link controlled much smoother. After playing WW, I went back and gave Ocarina another shot, as I do every couple of months or so and it felt very stiff. (Of course, I haven't played Ocarina in a while, so my memories of it aren't the best, but I do not remember liking Link's control.)

    And I know Mario 64 hasn't aged too well. Everything is one solid color. The characters and enemies are very polygon-y. The trees are always facing the camera. The levels are small compared to later N64 games. But I can still play it and have a great time doing so, partly because of nostalgia, but mostly because it's FUN. Another point is the oft mentioned Mega Man II. I didn't play a lot of NES games until I started emulating them three or four years ago, and Mega Man II was definitely great. Someone raised on PS3 and 360 should be able to play these games and still have a great time playing them.

  3. With the recent "dethroning" of OOT by Galaxy as the highest rated game ever, my friends were all whining about how awesome Ocarina of Time was and how Galaxy, while apparently awesome, is nowhere near the level of OOT. I shamefully confessed that I could never get into Ocarina of Time, and everyone stared daggers at me.

    Am I such a terrible human being for not really caring for this game?

  4. I have no idea what ground loop means, BUT if I understand correctly, you are saying that the cables that are "screwed" (lololol) into the NES are the problem? Unfortunately, I haven't got any cables other than the power and the audio/video.

    Still need to try w/o dvd player, though...

  5. Hello EEX This game is really great and has lots of humor!:razz:

    I'm glad we have some great devs like you who make these types of games.

    Because me and my friend have been distributing it across the internet and has had at least a thousand of downloads from your game! Its really quite exciting!

    I'm also planning on Making this game available on a lot major sites so customers dont have to waist there time going to the store and buying it.

    Hope you make a sequel!

    Hahahahahahaha! It's like stealing your neighbor's car and going "BOY THIS SURE IS AN AWESOME CAR THAT I STOLE FROM YOU AIN'T IT?" Way to be retarded. And a dick.

  6. Off the top of my head, nothing else is on, except a computer on the complete opposite end of the room. And maybe the DVD player? The NES is surrounded by a 64 and a Wii, but they are off. I will try with the DVD player off, and then maybe the computer.

    Thanks for the advice! Even if it doesn't end up working! :P

  7. Actually, my NES is not really broken. I have no trouble playing games on it, so long as you keep the cartridge on the right of the NES. The problem is the audio.

    I connect the NES to my TV with audio/video cords (the white/yellow/red things), but sometimes, when I'm playing, there's a humming coming from the TV. (The speakers, not the actual television itself. :P) Sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it's soft, and sometimes it's loud, but it's there. I switched the cords, and it still hums, so the problem is either the NES or the TV. Halp plzkthx.

  8. Seven hours and nary a review in sight?!?!?!? For shame, OCR. For shame.

    So this song! I preferred Too Much Fighting over this, but that is just PERSONAL PREFERENCE and it does not mean that this song is any less awesome! Because it goes from crazy dnb technoez to this sitar-tastic ethnic dealy. And while in my head, I'm thinking "this transition couldn't be more abrupt"... it works, somehow!

    So hooray for Another Soundscape! I eagerly anticipate your next remix. I'm keeping an eye on you!

    Literally. See that shadowy guy out your window? 'Sup.

    lololjkjk :P

  9. I loves me some chill tracks. I've never really fallen asleep to something, but Prot's Brambles mix (I think it was Brambly Rivers?) and Forest Birdcussion, I imagine, would be good. As would be the originals from Donkey Kong Country 2 (Stickerbrush Symphony and Forest Interlude, respectively.) Glow Worm Jim from Mazedude's American Album might be good too, but there's a big funky beat near the end which may wake you up.

    Also, once when I was depressed, I found it oddly helpful just walking around at night listening to Invertebrate Retreat by Daniel Baranowsky. (Another thing that helps with sadness is Lizardino Slayer Quartet by ilp0, but not because it's chill; it's impossible to listen to that and not be happy. But this is UNRELATED.)

  10. Hahaha! PSI Rockin would TOTALLY be Ness' Final Smash.



    This kid is the biggest cunt ever.


    Say that Kyle Hyde, Mega Man, and Missingno will not be in the game in any way shape or form.

    And say there won't be a bramble stage.

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