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Everything posted by Draconiator

  1. Duly noted Ecto. I was going to do that too. 30 second jingle compo GO lol Although changing the points AGAIN might make people angry.
  2. ' I see your point. Very well then! Edit: A compo is about bettering yourself as a person musically. I'm trying to accommodate everyone to this end, so this is the reason for changes. Your criticism is well founded and wether it is a NO in the judges forum, or questions here, I appreciate everything
  3. hmmm... I did consider that..I'm trying to streamline it, and these suggestions are awesome. The bonus point idea came from auto racing though, the fastest person around an auto racing circuit during time trials gets a bonus point or points. so... I will keep that in mind though
  4. Current News: We broke the three-way tie, but now we are in a TWO way tie. King Tiger has improved his points position massively over last round, and unlike last round, we have a clear winner! KING TIGER, WINNER of ROUND 2! Lets check out the standings so far: T9 - King Tiger T9 - liquidwind 8 - Cosmic Sounds T5 - Ectogemia T5 - Cash and Change As you can see, things are pretty much neck and neck going into Round 3 (which I still don't have a source for yet..)...who will come out the champion? One cannot say currently. Everyone is fighting their hardest. That being said, keep a lookout for the Round 3 post!!! *** Round 1 mixes: https://www.box.com/s/k675vrnue3jiqes9pzqq * Round 2 Mixes: https://www.box.com/s/ipgbb2p4npj6ez84uuu8 * About Musical Replacement Initiative Musical Replacement Initiative is intended to give musicians a genre restriction, as to hopefully make them better musicians by potentially working in a genre that they have not tackled yet. In true OCR tradition, all source tunes are from video games, and you must compose an original in the same genre and the same feeling as that source tune. Rules Participants: You must make an original with STRICT ADHERENCE to the source tune as far as genre, and feeling is concerned. Any actual source usage should be none, to extremely minimal. You may use any instruments you like; you are not restricted to the sonic palette of the source, just the general feeling and genre. By feeling I mean what does it sound like to you? When you close your eyes, what do you see? For example, Burn Bobonga from Chrono Trigger ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-AfvgFfSSk ) makes me think of cavemen dancing around a fire pit, grunting obsceneties at each other. Or something. Auron's Theme from Final Fantasy X ( ) likewise makes me think of a hitchhiker in a futuristic city. Use this to your advantage, when considering what to do. I may at times throw in a curveball in the form of a source tune that is really hard to get the feel of, like Bokosuka Wars music. This is to keep things fresh, and challenge participants. Submissions: All entries must be sent to me by the 12PM PST deadline via PM on the forums, with a link to a reliable host for me to download your mix from. Please don't use Tindeck, as it doesn't give you control over what the filename will be when downloaded. I also recommend you post in this thread that you've submitted your mix, since I know there has been issues in other compos with PM's not being received. Please submit your file as an mp3, preferably encoded at 320kbps, but no less than 192kbps. Filenames must be in the following format: Artist - Title (Source and Game).mp3 Example: WillRock - The Beginning of Everything (Time's Grasslands - Chrono Cross).mp3 Proper file names mean I can do my job of getting the compliation done and posted faster, which means you get to hear the great music produced by this sooner. Schedule All deadlines are 12 PM (noon) Eastern time (EST). Voting (UPDATED): Votes should be based on, in roughly descending order: -How much the original feels like the source tune. Can it be put into the game in the source tunes place? -Usage of source is a no-no here. Any actual source usage should be extremely limited. -Arrangement -Production -Enjoyability Please vote via PM to me, with your top three. The votes I get will be tallied up. For example, if I get a vote and someone is in third place, and I get another vote with that same person in second place, I just add them up at the end of the round. In this example, that person gets 3 points on the round. The person with the most points at the end of the season gets to be that season's champion! You may not vote for yourself. This said, the points will be handled like this: 1st Place: 3 points 2nd Place: 2 points 3rd Place: 1 point I will throw in a twist too. During the final round, all points are doubled, like so: 1st Place: 6 points 2nd Place: 4 points 3rd place: 2 points That means come-from-behind wins are possible. Lets start ROUND TWO! Entry: Anyone can enter, from vetrans to beginners, just post in the thread that you are entering. Template based on "ReMixing With The Stars", by MindWanderer
  5. April 28. I got a PM saying to not bunch rounds together, as people have lives too. so I decided people should have a week break after a round.
  6. So nothing changes then (aside from rewording the rules heh). I thought of a major mix-up during the finale of the season though; not rule-based, but enough to be called a mix-up. I'm so happy and thrilled you people like my idea though!
  7. I will do that. I had an IM that wasn't sure on the voting process. Edit: I was thinking, and my mind wandered over to RMwtS compo, and how MindWanderer puts extra little things in his compo to keep it interesting. Like this round he has "Be based on any source, and be done in a style of music that seems to be the only thing you can get on the radio when you're in the middle of nowhere. In my personal experience, that's country western, mariachi, and contemporary Christian music. You may base this choice on your own experiences." Would you guys like it if I did something similar with this one, only with certain aspects of the source preserved? like if a source has a solo in it, you do a largely original, but with that same solo in it. I was thinking of this just now when I was listening to the Round 2 source...
  8. Yep, I'm using a points system not unlike the ones in auto racing...lol. I thought it would be unique to adapt it to a compo here.
  9. "you are not restricted to the sonic palette of the source, just the general feeling and genre."
  10. I will extend the deadline for you King. I was just going to edit the main post for the end of the round, but you missed the main round, so I'll gladly extend it.
  11. Already on it. After judging, we get a week break. It will more likely be 2 tracks a month I think.
  12. I have all three of your tracks so far. I will extend the deadline by two days if necessary, say if someone else wants to join and they missed the thread. Also, I am closing in on a Round 2 source. It's looking more and more likely I will be using it for Round 2. Great job you guys
  13. By twice, I mean, it starts playing, then loops once, on the next loop a fadeout. Edit: And I am currently hunting for the Round 2 song.
  14. I never thought of that.. Alright, if a source loops, loop it twice before fade-out.
  15. Introduction Picture this - You are at home, and suddenly decide to fire up your game console to work on your favorite RPG. Another one of your friends has the same game, but he is into fighting games. Yet another friend has those two games, but they are into shooters. You load up your save file, and all of a sudden, the music is not there anymore. Yet you change areas, and the theme for that area plays, but you go back to the previous area, and nothing. Confused, you call up your buddies to confirm it since you know they have the same game, and are significantly farther than you. When they confirm it, the news is completely baffling - but your brain is completely fried when they tell you something similar had happened to THEIR games, the fighting and shooter games. The next day, you wake up, turn on the morning news, and recieve quite a shock - Similar baffling reports are all over the news, given weird headlines like "Game Consoles Literally Eating Music", and it all seems to be one or two songs from a game, never an entire soundtrack. The authorities seem to be just as puzzled as you are... Being a musician, as well as a somewhat mad scientist, you conjure up a way to return the missing tracks to their respective games. Create original masterpieces closely resembling the deleted tracks, and use the game consoles as a way to re-insert that track into their respective games, somewhat similar to a virus. You also realize other sciencians (ha!) must have come up with a similar plan, so you also realize you have to be on top of your game to beat the other guy. Current News: Winner of the round: THREE WAY TIE FOR FIRST. Points as they run: T5 - Ectogemia T5 - Liquid Wind T5 - Cosmic Sounds 3 - King Tiger Well the first round has come to a close, and with no one giving an inch. It's still anyones game. We'll see you for Round 2! T = tied POINTS EXPLANATION, lets say if I got 2 votes for the same person, one for first place, one for second place. I just add them up. 3+2=5, so they get 5 points. Keep on the lookout for the Round 2 post! Mixes for this round: https://www.box.com/s/k675vrnue3jiqes9pzqq About Musical Replacement Initiative Musical Replacement Initiative is intended to give musicians a genre restriction, as to hopefully make them better musicians by potentially working in a genre that they have not tackled yet. In true OCR tradition, all source tunes are from video games, and you must compose an original in the same genre, same feeling as that source tune. Rules Participants: You must make an original with STRICT ADHERENCE to the source tune as far as genre, and feeling is concerned. Any actual source usage should be none, to extremely minimal. You may use any instruments you like; you are not restricted to the sonic palette of the source, just the general feeling and genre. By feeling I mean what does it sound like to you? When you close your eyes, what do you see? For example, Burn Bobonga from Chrono Trigger ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-AfvgFfSSk ) makes me think of cavemen dancing around a fire pit, grunting obsceneties at each other. Or something. Auron's Theme from Final Fantasy X ( ) likewise makes me think of a hitchhiker in a futuristic city. Use this to your advantage, when considering what to do. I may at times throw in a curveball in the form of a source tune that is really hard to get the feel of, like Bokosuka Wars music. This is to keep things fresh, and challenge participants. Submissions: All entries must be sent to me by the 12PM PST deadline via PM on the forums, with a link to a reliable host for me to download your mix from. Please don't use Tindeck, as it doesn't give you control over what the filename will be when downloaded. I also recommend you post in this thread that you've submitted your mix, since I know there has been issues in other compos with PM's not being received. Please submit your file as an mp3, preferably encoded at 320kbps, but no less than 192kbps. Filenames must be in the following format: Artist - Title (Source and Game).mp3 Example: WillRock - The Beginning of Everything (Time's Grasslands - Chrono Cross).mp3 Proper file names mean I can do my job of getting the compliation done and posted faster, which means you get to hear the great music produced by this sooner. Schedule All deadlines are 12 PM (noon) Eastern time (EST). Voting: Votes should be based on, in roughly descending order: -How much the original feels like the source tune. Can it be put into the game in the source tunes place? -Usage of source is a no-no here. Any actual source usage should be extremely limited. -Arrangement -Production -Enjoyability Please vote via PM to me, with the subject as ( yourname - who you are voting for ). When the voting period ends, I will go into PMs to tally the points, and whoever gets the most votes, gets the most points. I will use a points system in this one, I.E. there will be 5 rounds in this first "season". The winner of a round will get 3 points. That means if the same person wins every round, 18 points will be awarded to them, and they will be that season's champion. This said, the points will be handled like this: 1st Place: 3 points 2nd Place: 2 points 3rd Place: 1 point I will throw in a twist too. During the final round, all points are doubled, like so: 1st Place: 6 points 2nd Place: 4 points 3rd place: 2 points That means come-from-behind wins are possible. Thanks for your interest, and lets get this show on the road! SEASON ONE, ROUND ONE: Source tune this round: You're Not Alone!, Final Fantasy IX ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI5fD7Jbnuw ) - Remember, original, in the exact genre and feeling. No source is to be used. DEADLINE REACHED - Voting takes place until April 21, 2013, and Round 2 starts April 28, 2013 A bit of inspiration: You've lost your way in life. A traumatic experience has caused you to completely close yourself up to the outside world. You don't care anymore...even though your best friends are trying to help you out of your funk. you know that they are there however... Entry: Anyone can enter, from vetrans to beginners, just post in the thread that you are entering. Template based on "ReMixing With The Stars", by MindWanderer
  16. One thing's for sure, I'll link someone to this page if they ever want an example of ORGAN MUSIC HAR HAR HAR
  17. Mazedude is awesome. I hope he makes a Boogerman mix made out of flatulence noises next.
  18. Almost ready to go, not sure of when to start though, I don't want to run into any other compos, especially PRC.
  19. Almost ready, logo needs to be done, and first round source tune needs to be chosen. Not long now. Oh, and post formatting, can't forget that.
  20. Sure, I will try to do that. Some pictures may be just of world maps though (I'm using every system for my source tunes just about).
  21. hmmm...I could do it that way too. Also I have a pretty big collection of game music (1.1GB using native file formats[psf, usf etc.], 10,247 files in 196 folders, all categorized by game), so I will not run out of source tunes anytime soon. So I will get started on the initial writeup...and get this going. I'll need a better name though....what would you name something like this? Edit: Nevermind, got one. based on my story even! "Musical Replacement Initiative", or MRI....and me being the wierd person I am will probably use an MRI machine in the logo.
  22. Hosting here on OCR would be pretty good Mean more work for me, but I'm willing to do it. Darkesword, I'll need a voting area lol
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