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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Short comments: I think that sounds fantastic. I like the reinterpretation of the original material, I like the pacing and dynamics of the piece (nice tempo changes for instance). There's maybe some room for polishing in humanizing the wind lead (I don't have any ideas for that) and the more prominent piano bits (where f.e. lowering the velocity of every other note/thing could make it more natural (and interesting)).

    In any case, I thought you did really great - the mood is not far removed from the original, but there's a lot going on that makes the arrangement its own. Quick turnaround too! Love the intro, the static & vibraphone/sine wave style instrument reminds me of early electronic music and stuff like that.

    The MP3 I could download from Soundcloud was a bit low quality it seemed!

  2. I guess the point - or what I'd make the point to be - is to compare to what you find is the best - what you would like to achieve.

    I kind of try to achieve something unique with each piece of music I make (or most of them), kind of find my own way - but I realize there's a part of this thinking where I'm fooling myself, as if I couldn't learn from others. I don't use e.g reference mixes nearly as much as I know would be useful for me. (And that's just technical thing, composition, technique, style, attitude are equally important..)

    I like the idea of finishing things quickly and moving on. I certainly don't do that myself. I don't think my old wips that I still intend to finish are that dated (or can't be salvaged), and they can be many years old (even from 2008!) Maybe I just haven't progressed much!

  3. Good stuff definitely! Love that jazz, absolutely.

    Perhaps you'd like to take a look at The Shining Force II 2004 Mix Drive?

    I think you could do a great moody jazzy version of

    , the melodies of
    (basically the lead theme for the game, the
    could be used as a reference) or perhaps

    We're doing this to celebrate Shining Force II's western release 20 years ago - there's going to be a show on Radio Sega's Sega Mixer Drive show, hosted by Rexy, in mid October, so we're making arrangements from the game in time for that (13th October is the deadline).

    It'd be great to have you on board & I'd love to hear your take on any of the pieces from the game!

  4. Welcome, welcome Supercoolmike! :) Yeah, it is perfectly acceptable to mix many themes together, mix more than one source separately, mix sources other people have already claimed.. basically, feel free to do what ever you find inspiring in the context of Shining Force II music, as long as it is a remix, cover, rearrangement, reinterpretation, etc of the music from the game.

    edit: Just keep in mind the deadline for the Sega Mixer Drive show is 13th of October!

    And yeah, the source for the Meat 'n Potatoes round #23 is

    . I'm pledging to enter the next round and make the winner's source pick into an eventual OC ReMix submission. So go compete in the name of Shining Force! :)
  5. The Shrine track is pretty awesome, bitl3gs! I love that stretching ambient feel.. it sounds like you use & manipulate the original audio quite a bit, which is really neat. For me it's also quite refreshing since I listen to OCR-style game music stuff and also think in those terms when arranging myself. Certainly will be listening a lot more of your stuff!

    Many thanks to HoBoka for grabbing the Devastation theme! It's the game over theme unless I'm gravely mistaken. I'm looking towards the results!

    I'm pretty happy with my Wandering Warriors C64-techno remix, and have gotten a good response from it - I want to make a few tweaks and call it done, and move on to arranging the Castle theme at the start of the next month. I'd love to see some more people doing some tracks, and will send a few more calls out, but things are looking pretty good already!

  6. Final candidate 2

    I tweaked the harmony timaeus mentioned - flows more easily I'll admit. I also changed the drums a little bit in the final third to hopefully make it a little more dynamic structurally.

    - the lead at 1:45 fading in and out was a little jarring, but that might be a style thing.

    I'm not sure what you mean with fading in and out..

    edit: submitted on 2014-09-19

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