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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. I do find the balance better now! Nice work!

    One thing that I notice is that some of the long sustained leads in the middle (2:04-2:30) have no rests to them, having some (and thus letting the backing "surface" a bit in those sections) might give it some more sense of room so to speak, and more rhythmic interest, especially the first lead.

    At 1:48 there's a harp note that sounds off-harmony to me. Man, does that bug me now that I noticed it.

  2. When listening through the Legacy album, this tracks always jumps out of the playlist in a very positive way. It's a very nice addition to the album, it adds even more variety and always makes me smile.

    The rock kit is still sticking out of the mix, maybe just by being a touch too loud or lacking the reverb the other instrumentation seems to have. Their stereo placement seems too wide too: it sounds like you're listening to the band/orchestra from a bit of distance, and you'd expect the full kit to be at a single spot, but (unless I'm hallucinating) the cymbals and toms seem panned to the sides.

    That's about the only thing I have to criticize the piece. Joe's contributions blend absolutely seamlessly and without doubt add to the whole greatly, but it's hard for me to separate them since they fit in so well! :nicework: Super fun track and I'm glad to see this posted (and happy to see Bluelighter get posted too), and I'm happy to see how hard everyone worked to bring it to this level!

  3. When it comes to mastering, I'm still mostly clueless. :P

    Heh, me too. Actually, one of the most liberating things I read from Rozovian's guide was the suggestion to not fret about mastering (or finalizing, as he calls it) and focus on mixing first. For the master channel in the end, I still pretty much just use the basic maximizer DSP that comes with Renoise and pump up the volume to some agreeable level that doesn't start sounding bad, and if there's some problem, I go back to mixing, where I probably just have to adjust levels or EQ.

    Getting to know your DAW is also important. I couldn't compose a thing until I found one I understood. (Mixcraft)

    That's also true. I tried to migrate from trackers to Cubase, but I just couldn't get going. Thankfully I found Renoise.

  4. Okay, I pretty much agree what timaeus222 said. A tiny bit more TLC here and there. Generally, I felt that some of the leads were blaring just a little too hot, but I wanted to check with some comparison. Haven't done that, but now that timaeus brought it up too I thought I'd second it.

    I liked the harp sound too! :nicework:

    Good development and progression throughout the piece as always (I complimented this way back then already). I like that I never feel that your pieces have a blocky AABA, ABCD or whatever structure, but that they always flow like narratives. Keep up the good!

  5. Who does this guy think he is, updating a track from 2009

    Awesome. I remember the round. :>

    Sword of Sand

    I'm gonna submit it. Criticize me.

    Pretty good I'd say! If I can I'll try to give a closer listen soon, I need to compare with some chip-heavy stuff if there's anything to point out. I thought there was enough variety of sounds and depth in the instrumentation and mixing, though it was still decidedly chiptuney. Some nice stereo detail and processing on the leads.

  6. As a regular participant since 2008, I heartily recommend People's Remix Compo as an easy-going environment to hone your skills, no matter what your current level is. We could always use more participants!

    I remember a regular voter who was ultimately disappointed in how relaxed the competition was and felt the musicians weren't taking it seriously enough because they weren't fighting tooth and claw for the win. I also find the feedback is on the kind side, though still useful.

    I trust MnP is much the same, even more so. Since its idea is to stick close to the source, there's definitely no composition skill prerequisite. And even the tournament compos can definitely be entered at whatever skill level. Also look for Remixing with the Stars, which is about pairing up with a mentor.

    Personally if I wasn't taking part in PRC (and lately other compos), I wouldn't probably have ever even started a VGM arrangement let alone finished several. Regularly having a deadline and some sort of an assignment has been really really good for my productivity, and through that has come the gradual skill increase.

    I definitely ditto the recommendation for Rozovian's guide, it was very helpful for me as well!

  7. Personally, I wouldn't put Bubble Bobble that high as a priority, since it's not a NES game originally, but an arcade game. But hey, not my call!

    Perhaps NES soundtrack has some tunes specific to it? (That's what *really* matters if you ask me!) Here's the

    and the
    - I'm probably going to do a little comparison once I get the chance.

    Like I said - not my call, just my 2c & thoughts & stuff.

    Btw the idea of chronologically advancing in time & production style is a very cool idea, but probably hard to coordinate and pull off. People probably want to do things in their own style anyway. The idea of bookending the album with the first and last game is very good though, and for two tracks (first in chippy style, last in modern "epic hollywood orchestral" which is the contemporary standard in a way) can probably work. Perhaps the rest of the tracklist could be then arranged in a sort of a "stylistic" progression, without dictating what track should be in which style.

  8. Aha, that's a familiar game. It's a Finnish freeware game, I did squish a few aliens indeed (and then get squished myself) in this arena shooter. It's sort of a spiritual predecessor to Crimsonland even.

    Interestingly, the game (including music) was made by Atte Ilvessuo, one of the founders of RedLynx, of Trials fame. I feel kind of compelled to try to do something with this ditty, it even fits the PC ReMix agenda!

  9. WE'RE DONE!

    edit: Podcast here! First block starts around 31 minutes in and the second around 1:17:30. But you do want to listen to the whole show ;)

    We set out to honour the soundtrack of the Shining Force II in time for its 20th anniversary of the NA release, and we have done it! So many thanks to everyone who stepped up to help out! There were also many who wanted to join in but couldn't - thanks for their support too and I hope you all can catch the SEGA RPG SPECIAL on Sega Mixer Drive! Rexy's show this Friday is all about the Sega RPG series and this is where our tribute will be featured. The show is on Friday 17th at 9PM UK time (1PM PDT / 4PM EDT / 10PM CET) on RadioSEGA! https://www.radiosega.net/listen/

    Here's the list of tracks:

    The Audio Sprite - Wandering Warriors - done!
    Eino Keskitalo & Tuberz McGee - Castle Theme - Not too bad!
    Eino Keskitalo - Wandering Warriors TECHNOMANGA - Finished? 2014/10/10
    bitlegs - Shrine (Bitlegs Vision Questing) - on soundcloud!
    HoBoka - Devastation - done!
    Supercoolmike - Water Goddess Mitula - https://soundcloud.com/the-game-to-be-retitled/supercoolmike-sanctuarywater-goddess-mitula
    Supercoolmike - Last Moments - https://soundcloud.com/the-game-to-be-retitled/supercoolmike_marching_disasterlas_moments
    Esperado - Water Goddess Mitula - done!

    Also check out:

    People's Remix Compo round 277 with arrangements of Wandering Warrior by gercr & HoBoka
    Meat 'n Potatoes remix compo round 23 with Water Goddess Mitula as the source - FOUR arrangements! Won by Chernabogue
    People's Remix Compo round 280 with the Town Theme as the source - gercr is the sole competitor & winner with a cool fusion-y take on the theme

    using instruments & style of the soundtrack

    --------------------- old stuff below: ---------------------------------



    This is a rally to get people to make arrangements of
    before the 20th anniversary of the NA release of the game (19th October 1994). The game is a great, light tactical JRPG and for my money the soundtrack is easily one of 16-bit Sega's greatest. There are no mixes from it on OCR (and only four from the Shining series in general). It could really use some more appreciation!

    For an idea how to make an event out of it, I've talked to Rexy - who hosts Sega Mixer Drive on Radio Sega, and she has agreed to highlight Shining Force 2 music on the show near to the anniversary date (Friday 17th October I guess?). She noted the scarcity of fan arrangements of Shining series music, and would certainly welcome any new ones that could be produced! I enjoy Sega Mixer Drive, and the couple of OCR album listening parties I've attended have been a lot of fun, especially with the IRC chat room interaction. A few people putting together some tunes and coming to join the chat for the show will make it a fun event!

    This is aiming to be a fairly relaxed and a low-stress drive. At the same time, there's only a couple of months to the anniversary date. This should give a nice tight timeframe, I know those are good for me and I hope you agree! It's worth to mention were not aiming for OCR standards here - in production or arrangement criteria - so don't feel like you have to be a posted ReMixer to join. You can also do a nice good straightforward cover of a source tune. It'll of course be Rexy's call if she wants to air each tune on the show!

    This is not an album project (or really a project per se). I'll however be happy to keep track of everyone's progress here, provide feedback on tracks (post on the workshop forums or PM me!), or collaborate if you want drums sequenced, tracker-style synths or modest live-ish bass guitar or guitar! I'll also do my best to contact people who might be interested - feel free to point this thread to musicians and fans you know who love the game and its music!

    If you want to join in - and why wouldn't you - just announce it here (or PM me) and I'll add you below. Once you know a source you'll be rearranging, tell me (thread or PM) and I'll add it. If you want feedback from me, again PM me. I also encourage to post it on workshop forums - the tracks don't need to be kept secret (unless you want it so yourself) - we're just making tracks in time for the NA release anniversary! The date when the piece should be ready for the show is Monday, 13th of October. Also, don't worry if you want to do a track someone else is already making. Just pick the track you want to do.

    (If you're wondering, why is this not an album project? 1. I think it's very unlikely it'd be done and out in time for the anniversary, or even in 2014, 2. I don't want to run an album project right now, but I felt I could put this onto the table and 3. if the turnout is good etcetera, who knows what this'll build into later!)



    Here's a Youtube playlist for the soundtrack:

    (I'm leaving the shortest ditties/cues out)

    Places, Plot & People

    - kind of a "lead theme" for the game, pops up in lots of sources

    - so good!

    - same as Mitula's theme without the flute lead
    - pick this instead of Eleven town :)

    Battle Themes

    - the scary battle theme
    - basically the main theme of the game; plays in map/overworld sections and during several battles

    Attack Themes

    - boss attack theme

    Short Ditties


    Mixer -- Source -- Status

    The Audio Sprite - Wandering Warriors - done!
    Eino Keskitalo & Tuberz McGee - Castle Theme - Not too bad!
    Eino Keskitalo - Wandering Warriors TECHNOMANGA - Finished? 2014/10/10
    bitlegs - Shrine (Bitlegs Vision Questing) - on soundcloud!
    HoBoka - Devastation - done!
    Supercoolmike - Water Goddess Mitula - https://soundcloud.com/the-game-to-be-retitled/supercoolmike-sanctuarywater-goddess-mitula
    Supercoolmike - Last Moments - https://soundcloud.com/the-game-to-be-retitled/supercoolmike_marching_disasterlas_moments

    -- Other stuff:

    People's Remix Compo round 277 with arrangements of Wandering Warrior by gercr & HoBoka
    Meat 'n Potatoes remix compo round 23 with Water Goddess Mitula as the source - FOUR arrangements! Won by Chernabogue
    People's Remix Compo round 280 with the Town Theme as the source - gercr is the sole competitor & winner with a cool fusion-y take on the theme

    using instruments & style of the soundtrack

    ps. Anyone who knows good SF2 arrangements out there - doujin especially (since I have no clue) - feel free to post em in this thread!
  10. Happy birthday & congrats for the well-deserved birthday mixpost! Thanks for all the music, hosting Sega Mixer Drive and even running People's Remix Competition when I started participating! You've done a lot for the community and I hope you have a great day for that alone. :nicework:

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