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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. YoshiBlade, I like your attitude! :nicework:

    Of course, I may have to read the rules again, because I'm not sure if mashups are allowed, even if they're remixed.

    If you mean mashup as in combining two or more sources, that goes on all the time. If you mean sampling original audio, that I believe should generally be treated carefully, but a couple of recent tracks do sample the original songs extensively: Eclipse Apocalypse and Powerglove (It's So Bad).

    Sorry for off-topic. =)

  2. I love the music, have been a fan of the arrangement since it was released. With the video, I really liked how much was achieved with makeup and costume and no CGI, not that I was expecting computer effects but I was reminded of fantasy movies with similar visual imagery and lots of CGI and I just liked the feel here very much in comparison.

    From one viewing, my understanding of the story was that the main character simply comes across a magic mirror, and I understood the other characters to be some sort of tree or nature spirits that bewitch the character and then toy with her, having her go through transformations. She then makes for escape and purifies herself by diving into the water. Moral of the story? Hell if I know. If you see a mirror in the forest get the fuck out of there. It seemed a bit linear and straightforward, but I need to give it another viewing (to see if the visuals line up with the lyrics for instance). I appreciate it didn't cut into performance scenes (my pet peeve of music videos with stories).

  3. I approve of picking up the old tracks again!

    Love the tuned percussion. Veeery nice instrumentation overall, chippy leads with the rich percussion makes for a super fun sound.

    The lead levels seem a tiny bit uneven. 0:22-0:23, 0:25-0:27, 0:32. The swipe across the stereo field at 0:38, 0:52-0:53 & 0:56-0:58, 2:08 jump out of the mix as a touch loud. The higher notes of the leads at 1:27-1:42 (1:28-1:33 area) and 2:13-2:27 (2:18 onwards) too. Maybe try to soften the higher freqs on the EQ.

    I enjoyed this one very much & hadn't heard it before, glad I did!

  4. True, but when such a large portion of the game remains unremixed, it makes it a little harder, wouldn't you agree?

    No! :D Well ok, maybe it'll be harder to find people with arguably thinner fanbase than Final Fantasy, but still worthwhile (case in point Be Agressive!). And there's geeks like me who think it's good to devote your resources to some stuff that hasn't been done yet. Anyway, I'm not really saying anything new. :) Good luck with the project!

  5. (practically the main theme of the game) is now the source for People's Remix Competition round 277!

    The source has great melodies going for it, but also some delicious compositional complexity. I believe many different approaches can be taken for several kinds of enjoyable results! As a bonus prize, I have pledged to gift the winner a copy of the game on Steam. I look forward to hearing people's entries!

  6. WIP 2014-08-06

    I should be doing many other things with my time, but I listened to the WIP on my MP3 player and it clicked to me what to do with the structure.

    There's a hole in the instrumentation in the middle, but the overall structure should be about there. Needs more variation since there's a little copy paste in the end, and the beat comes back to full speed a little too soon maybe, but it's getting close!

  7. Listen to the main melody again (the one I'm singing). I grabbed a melody from each source and then combined them. I'm guessing you just heard Sherincal in it and didn't keep listening to hear if Pokey was there too, which is understandable. The bell thingy at :53 in mine is also from Pokey. In GLL's, check out the gated saw at :59. That's Pokey.

    Thanks for the pointers! I can hear the bells figure, that's the bass line indeed. With the other usage, I can hear the rhythmic pattern, and your piece's melody going in the same direction (up, down, up) in the first phrase, but the intervals are different. I can kinda feel now it's pointed out to me but I do think it's too far off.

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