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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Thanks FenixDown & all the participants & voters for a fun compo! And congratulations to Jason Covenant for an excellent run throughout. A well deserved victory!

    After going through all the rounds in the compo, I must say I'm completely wiped out, and won't be signing up for any new compos any soooWAAAITAMINUTE, SHOVEL KNIGHT COMPO? SEE YOU THERE!

    What I liked about this one was the theme that was focused, but enabled people to pick from a game or game series of their own choosing from within that theme. I also enjoyed mixing my pick into themes that were from "outside" the match-up if that makes sense.

  2. I hope people are busy working on their entries. =) I wanted to throw in an additional little incentive: I pledge to enter the next round & work my entry into an OCR-evaluation passing piece! So the winner gets to pick the source for that. It might take a while - the Deus Ex mix I just got posted was from round 199... but it will happen.

    Additionally, I've started my bonus entry: some techno with C64 samples. Sounding pretty strange already!

  3. Nice pick! Great to see some love for the MSXs.. not that I've had many interactions with the machines, but I've always thought they were quite neat and had interesting game libraries. (I saw Maze of Galious one day as a child and it haunted me for the longest time until I found it again on Youtube).

  4. Well, I liked the guitar idea but it doesn't seem I'm picking up the guitar in a while, so I started with the EQ (and stereo!) fixes, plus a couple of other tweaks.. I think this is better:

    Final Candidate 3


    Newer: Final Candidate 2

    Tiny update, such as doubling one lead with the organ. Mod review time!


    New: Final Candidate 1


    Here's a kind of a shoegazing/post-rock take on

    from Cave Story (with references to
    at 2:11-2:26 &
    at 2:26-2:42). This debuted on the People's Remix Compo round 250 and I've since worked on the leads, bringing them up in the mix & layering them with some Commodore 64 sounds.
  5. Cool treatment of the source tune.

    I liked the tones of intro and had a nice moment of recognition at 0:19-0:22.

    90s eurotrance piano is hurting my sensibilities at 0:49. The section feels a bit empty in general. Didn't really read the thread carefully what you're planning to do in case you already got plans to fill it up. :) The low whistle lead is pretty static and hogging up the sonic space, but I see you have already some plans to change that up.

    I was kind of expecting the piece to pick up (with a nice steady beat or something) for a long time, but perhaps you're going for a more ambient/newagey approach. The progression of a tune is feeling a bit blocky to me, the sections seem to just change into one another, they could build up into each other a bit more. In a way, what I'm hearing now is as if each section was a intro-style build-up followed by a break (which is another intro-style build-up), before the beat (or so) would drop, but that never actually happens.

    I very much like the rewriting/harmonization with the piano & stuff from 2:10-> onwards, though the piano is a bit loud and mechanical. The writing's really good! Keen to see how this will continue.

  6. Lovely sound, I like your style & got your EP.

    I like the structure of the arrangement, very nice acoustic sound at the first part & speeding up with the electric for the later half.

    My main gripe was that the main melody felt a little clashing harmonically in the first half. I felt it could've been adjusted better to the new chords.

    From memory, I recognize 0:05-0:10 used half of the figure in the source's intro, 0:19-0:41 was the main melody in the A part. To me the source usage felt a little on the thin side, though it might add up & it's definitely ok to use only a part of the source (talking about OCR context here). I can't help but feel that the B part of the source would've sounded great with your instrumentation!

    Also, what you did use felt a bit marginalized, maybe mainly because the synth lead in the first part of the sound was a bit quiet. The intro figure on the acoustic definitely is quite buried in the mix in the last part! :) But it does definitely sound like a GHZ arrangement to me in the end.

    Apart from the harmonic clashing with the melody, I enjoyed this a lot!

  7. Great to see an update on this.

    I disagree with Old Man Pac about being too similar with the source. Simplification counts as personalization, as far as OC ReMix goes at least. Frankly, this sounded very familiar, but when I listened to the source I was sure there was another source track that used the same melody, since the original was that different (turns out I was thinking of OverCoat's rearrangement).

    Sounding pretty good! I really liked the arrangement additions, and now that it's a more complete piece, I'm really digging it.

    I do think the soundscape is a little on the sparse side from around 1:40 forwards. That point is kind of cool, with the backing pad being soooo quiet (and gaining volume a little later), I wouldn't mind if it had been just a touch louder initially. 2:25 some nice synth enters to fill the mix, it's good, but there could be some other element coming in earlier already.

    I was definitely expecting the beat to pick up at 2:30; instead the busy lead solo filled the purpose, but dammit if I didn't love the beat to start building up after it around 2:50 and got to full swing at 3:07. Lovely variations on the flute! I still felt the mix from 2:30-> to be on the empty side, you have some cool backing elements, maybe they're mixed a little low or there could be some more stuff going on. Don't lose the sense of space of course, it's definitely a good feature of the arrangement.

    I'd also turn the snare and maybe bass drum down just a notch.

    A very enjoyable update & I'm looking forward for the next one!

  8. Hello from another Renoise user. =)

    The idea for the arrangement is great, hearing the theme as a metal riff brought a smile to my face.

    The arrangement could flow better structurally, it's a bit blocky from section to section, and while the tension in each varies, it doesn't build up from section to section as well as it could. It seems that you could cut some of the sections or cut the length of some sections to make it progress more.. say, dramatically. Some of the sections also sound empty (0:22-0:37 for instance).

    Timing of the playing is better in version 3, but still loose at least in the slow/no drumming sections.

    I personally liked something about the drum sound better on the 2nd version, it had a better presence in some sense. The 3rd version drums do sound more metal in style, the 2nd version was a rock kit. Either kit sounds workable to me.

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