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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Yes, it is much appreciated!

    While we're on the subject, I notice the Mega Man II track title is capitalized wrong (for Finnish) in the vgmdb: instead of "Miljoonamiehen Muistelmat" it should be "Miljoonamiehen muistelmat" - that is, the second word starts in lowercase. Titles are capitalized different in Finnish than English. (I'll PM this to Larry too in case this fix can make it in)

  2. I'll send a WIP in for a Castlevania 3 track shortly. Some thoughts about the project concept below:

    About track selection: almost all of those well known games have been covered numerous times. SMB1, almost all of Mega Man, the first Zelda and Metroid have been done numerous times in many different styles. The NES/Famicom Final Fantasy games have or will have full dedicated OCR albums.

    I makes sense to include those well known games of course, but it'd be great if the directors and arrangers took care to pick tracks that are less arranged - such as on your list, from SMB3, the Airship and Athletic themes have no arrangements on OCR, which is good. And if the sources have been done already (SMB Overworld), do them in a style that hasn't been done before (you'll have to think hard about that!). Kid Icarus is a good game to do, a Nintendo original that hasn't been done to death.

    There's a ton of games on NES, a huge variety of stuff with tons of less known but still great music. It'd be great to showcase that variety and unearth some gems for the people alongside the stuff they are already familiar with!

    Overall I think this is a great idea for a project, it is timely and it's not too far away - this worked great for the Game Boy project reboot (coming out just next week!) so I do hope this gets off the ground. Good luck, and I'll be sending in my WIP soon!

  3. Good arrangement. The way it progresses, grows and pulls back and develops the instrumentation sounds very thoughtful and is both easy and rewarding to listen to.

    I like the string work. It's quite buried under everything else though. I think there's more work to be done in giving each instrument their space with levels, EQ, stereo placement, and possibly reverb. There also seems to be little in the way of bass, a solid bass might help to glue things together and help the other instrumentation to find the balance.

    The loudest hits of the djembe are quite loud and make the percussion sound mechanical. Guitar is, like everyone mentions, quite mechanical. Trying to let the previous notes ring longer might indeed help. The sound is also kind of hard. Very very cool arrangement on the guitar alone though.

  4. That's a cool list, thanks for linking!

    I took a couple of comparison listens.

    is pretty interesting to listen to, it's quite similar indeed but at the same time it's clearly(?) not a note-for-note copy, didn't check the 2:00 bit more closely though.

    From a bit of cursory comparison of

    , it seemed very close but not quite the same. I have an old WIP that I'm thinking of working on some more, but I couldn't be bothered if it wasn't applicable for OCR.

    And oh man,

  5. More than that, if they can reach 25k (their first stretch goal, although they're struggling to meet their main goal), there will be a remix album with virt, Jeff Ball, coda, Mitch Murder, and Vince DiCola (& Kenny Meriedeth) of Rocky IV/Transformers: The Movie (1986) fame!

    Just a few days left to support!


    Temporus happily got funded! They'll be setting up PayPal for preorders/stuff which will count towards the stretch goals, I hope that remix album becomes a reality.

  6. It'll be coming!

    edit: Sent! Still had to leave a few holes in the arrangement and couldn't put every bit of the source(s) I was intending, but I'm pretty happy with what I could achieve. I obviously need to gauge a bit better what I can achieve in what time. I really needed the extension and used pretty much all of it (not that I had every moment of the week for making this thing but anyway!)

  7. I've gotten past the pain and am now having fun with the arrangement. I have no idea if it is any good, but good times are being had. Good to have a second week, I put the bar way too high for myself with the time signatures and live guitar and what not.

    On Monday I actually had a crash that erased a bunch of work I had done, including a transcription of the chorus (or whatever) of the Xenoblade theme, that I couldn't just get right a second time. That's still waiting. I think the laptop just overheated in the hot weather. Hope it doesn't act up anymore or blow up, I dunno when I could get back to making music again if I lost it..

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