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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. I feel like a bum having already finished my song like... 2 years ago or whatever... but I also think my song is really strong even though it's a genre most won't get or be into, with Willrock's help I got it up to what I'd say is industry standards for the djent genre... as for whether that flies at OCR is yet to be seen... I don't know OCR's stance on djent as I'm not familiar with any djent remixes... It's always fun and interesting to get something new out there and see how they go with it!

    I had to look up "djent" actually, but I'm familiar with Meshuggah. And if Meshuggah submitted a VGM rearrangement to OCRemix, I have no idea why it would be rejected based on style or production standards (: I'm looking forward to your track now.


  2. That was fun to read and check which of the releases I had heard. Preschtale and tracer were probably the highlights of my year, but there are a lot of goodies (and fun trivia) in there. yay gameduels! Thanks Mirby for putting the post(s) together! (:


  3. Haha, I remember playing this for a day or two straight with a friend back in the day.. the blisters I got on my thumbs were so bad.

    I'm a bit sad I don't remember the music so well, the first stage seems familiar, but the two others don't really ring a bell. But most importantly, all are very good stuff! Perhaps I'll get around to paying tribute to this game, the memories are good!


  4. My previous compliments apply. The solo piano section seems much more coherent now. It still has a sort of hesitant quality to it, which didn't detract from the piece musically. jnWake had good-sounding comments on improving it though.

    The only thing I have to gripe about is the cello at the beginning. I think it gets too loud before it fades out again, and drowns out the synth.

    I agree with this.

    I personally found the percussion a little bit lacking in terms of punch, dynamics, and part-writing, but there's enough going on otherwise that you don't really notice unless you're the type of guy who neurotically listens for that stuff. A lot of it seemed like straight-ahead patterns, and I'd like to see a little more development and variation in them - particularly after 2:29, which I feel is the climax of the piece.

    It sounds like a 90s style looped beat thing to me, which I don't have a problem with, but some more activity wouldn't probably hurt. But I have to say I thought the percussion in the quiet section starting at 01:39 was pretty stiff. Giving it a more humanized feel might work, but if you don't want to go that route, perhaps more processing/filtering, fading that stuff in/out would give it more interest.

    Some bass notes clash, so check to see that the bass agrees with the rest of the harmony.

    I think this is a serious problem with the arrangement, you have to bring some of those notes in line with the overall harmony of the piece. Fairly easy to fix though. The bassline and the idea you have about it is cool in itself, and I like its overall sound.

    I hope you can get a live player on this, it'd be cool to hear! Because that is in the possibilities, I didn't much concentrate on the current sax sound so no comments on it now.

    Oh, and the flanged shaker is <3


  5. It took me a while, but here's a few more comments.

    Doesn't sound too dry to me. The piano sound seems ok to me as well. I think I liked the real piano sound more, but it was some time ago so I can't be sure. It sounds good enough to me in any case, especially the quieter parts. Of course I can't speak for the judges panel, I think I have a lower standard for production/sound quality than them.

    I had to turn up the volume on the computer to hear the track properly, so it's a bit quiet on the quiet sections. The loud things are then really loud! Then again, classical music usually has a big dynamic range.

    I feel like the arrangement gets a bit predictable as it progresses in my opinion, and I sometimes lose focus on listening to it (around 03:30 maybe?). But sometimes it seems just fine. I don't have a concrete suggestion unfortunately. I do enjoy the minimalistic style/feel at the same time.

    You could see what the workshop moderators think by setting the thread up for mod review.


  6. That's great! It looks like I couldn't contribute at this point, but I will be buying the game in the future. Tiny sprites, can't resist them.

    (I'll have to note that at least one of the trailers I saw didn't showcase their tinines enough - every view of the action was zoomed in. If I hadn't seen zoomed out video or screenshot somewhere, I wouldn't be as excited about this game as I am now. Interesting, huh?)


  7. Using a MIDI as a starting point is fine. (It's actually a requirement for source tunes in regular rounds that the chooser provides a MIDI). Just personalize it in the process so it's not just instruments changed + drumloop added. :) I can attest that taking part in compos such as this is a great way to improve your music and get stuff done (or at least started). Good luck!


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