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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. You can do "edit" and "go advanced" to change the header thing thing.

    I don't have much to add from before when I commented on the PRC thread.. I love the piece, but it's very hard to hear the source in it. I think I hear the first melody in the source (00:10) first coming in at 01:00 of this version. But I'm not really making the connection as a whole. On its own, I really, really enjoy the piece though.

    The atmosphere of the piece is amazing.. it feels like this piece really has character and identity. It evokes this sort of strange sense of, hmm, desperation.. and also of space. Heh, can't seem to put it better than that. Also I really love the SIDalicious lead sound coming in around 02:30.


  2. Many many thanks for excellent feedback, it's clear you took an insightful listen!

    Sounds great. Production sounds nice, clean and clear. I love the dynamic start but think its possibly a little too quiet compared to when it kicks in at 00:23. Its a nitpick though.

    The source is easily recogniseable and there's really nice expansion of it. It sounds even more like Castlevania than the original :)

    Haha, that's a nice compliment :D

    The intro is indeed a bit quiet, but I'm drawing a blank what to do about it. So it'll do for now. Thanks for pointing it out, it confirms my suspicion about it. :) If I get an idea between here and submitting, I'll fix it.

    Thanks for the production compliments too. I did try to adjust the overly bright EQ in this new revision (below), and now I think it sounds ok - a bit bright, but ok.

    I think the arrangement/instrumentation remains a little too static by half way through. The pipe/accompaniment thing could perhaps take a break earlier on the arrangement before returning than it already does. Perhaps mess around with some extra grooves? There's plenty of interest but once it gets going, but I think you milk the breakdown more and build to an even more energetic climax. You can squeeze some more excitement out of this. Harmonically, it seems to be the same progression throughout. Having a little bit of exploration with some new chords or moving to some new keys would also provide nice contrast to keep the initial excitement/interest going.

    But yeah, seriously, these are just some thoughts. The mix is well produced and crafted. You incorporate the source well with your own touches and expansions. I enjoyed listening to it, more people need to :)

    I can't disagree with those points. The chord structure does change halfway, but only slightly, and overall it's a pretty static piece indeed. The idea to emphasize the breakdown more is a good one. However, I think I'll stick with this (unless it gets NO'd because of that) since I'm reasonably happy with the arrangement and I'm looking to move on. :) I did mix the pipe/stabby thing a little lower here and there (I tried to mute it occasionally, but the mix felt empty), and added one fill somewhere. I'll keep your feedback in mind for future stuff though!

    Final candidate 2: here

    • adjusted EQ to be less overly bright
    • mix the pipe/organ/thing a little lower in places to reduce monotony
    • one additional drum fill

    Workshop mod time yo.


  3. I have a question about II.1.a. Specifically in regards to Kyle's TMNT project. The title theme for each game is pretty much a straight rip from the theme composed for the show. Does this mean that a remix of this song isn't allowed on the album at all, or will it just not count towards the evaluation?
    It would be allowed, but would not be a valid candidate for counting towards the 50+% of OCR postable mixes needed to pass evaluation.

    This makes it sound like to the contrary:

    Source tunes that are licensed music not originally composed for a game are still not allowed.

    It's not quite the case with TMNT (it's not licenced music as such, but a tune specific to the TMNT franchise that doesn't originate from a game soundtrack). (The document goes on to allow public domain/folk tunes for album tracks but that's not relevant here.)


  4. Random thoughts:

    - I like the piano sound

    - Hmm, could use a little more humanization in the beginning: I'd vary the velocities so that some of the notes are accented and other are played more lightly, especially when there's a bit faster run. When the bass drums comes in, the mechanical feel on the piano is fine for me (though humanizing that too a bit might be a cool touch)

    - The intro seemed to flow into the meat of the arrangement better than the previous version

    - Very nice to hear this familiar theme :)

    - Rock!

    - Some flubs, playing of the lead sounds messy in.. can't seem to get a timestamp from the tindeck player? Just before the halfway mark.

    - The volumes of rock and strings/piano seem uneven just after the halway mark, the strings seem to overpower everything. Maybe use compression on them?

    - The new extension in the end works quite well, modifies the original but still follows it

    - The piece didn't seem too short like the last version did

    - Cymbal crescendo at the end clips a lot

    The playing is pretty good and enjoyable both in performance and sound. I think it could affford to be a bit tighter at some points (can't give timestamps). You're doing a good job here, so it deserves to be top-notch and flub free. Tyrian FTW!


  5. Final candidate 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rrh4kknr8itwd92/keskitalo-clockwork_groove-20120820.mp3

    Finished! Well, final candidate 1 mixdown. Not quite sure about the overall EQ, seemed quite bright compared to some reference ReMixes, and I tried to tone it down, but these other headphones are quite shitty, either I succeeded or I can't tell the difference. For finalizing the mix, apart from a bit of master EQ to done the bass down just a little bit, I just used Renoise's stock Maximizer that I suppose must act as a limitter as well, got a good boost and can't hear any clipping (myself).

    (Other changes since the last version: shortened the intro a bit, tweaked levels/eqs of particular sounds, that's it.)


    Source breakdown:

    The vocal melody, used without the drone note and canon/delay: used mainly with the "organ stab note" instrument. Introduced in full 00:07-00:19. Used almost throughout: 00:21-00:47, 01:06-01:08, 01:14-02:08. More sparsely during the last minute: 02:11-02:13, 02:17-02:27, 02:30-02:31, 02:35-02:36, 02:40-02:47, 02:52-02:56. Starts to vary the original melody by following the chord changes from the bass line around 01:57.

    The lead is also based on the vocal melody line, most clearly 01:02-01:25-ish. Rest of the lead writing is "inspired by" rather than clearly referencing the original.

    Panned bell from the source used as a panned atmospheric noise, introduced at 00:04, used 00:04-00:48, 01:30-01:44, with about half-speed rhythm during 01:45-02:05, and towards the outro again fading in from 02:48-3:00.

  6. Great to see an update! I am looking forward to this album. I like the idea of experimentation and unusual directions for the rearrangements. I might still shoot you a WIP at some point, but I find it's useless to make a claim unless I have a start I know I'll be able to finish. :) Pretty nice list of tracks already!


  7. Do you mean OCR moderators would lock a request thread if the source track didn't fit the site's submission standards? I don't think that makes sense. People might still fill the request to remix the music (or find rearrangements elsewhere and link here), whether or not it would go to OCR.

    You could ask in the "ask judges" thread.


  8. The track picks up a little randomly, and not for long either. When most of the track has been a slow groove without any hints of it picking up like that, it feels a bit out of the left field. Dunno how best to solve that.

    I'm more concerned with that than with the arrangement overall, tho I've done a fair share of meandering tracks myself so I might not be the best to judge.

    Beautiful track in any case.

    Now that Rozo commented on this, I hear it too, it comes in pretty suddenly. I was too happy to hear my suggestion happen to pick it earlier. :oops:

    I do think it helps with the earlier problem.. Perhaps such a tempo change-up could be foreshadowed earlier in the track. But of course, it's finished and submitted.. it'll be interesting to see what the panel has to say. It's a great piece in any case!


  9. I usually get all sorts of ideas that never survive the trip to my DAW, and if they do I can't seem to visualize them properly before they mutate into some other idea or disappear entirely.

    Almost always, my ideas become something completely else quite soon. I find this a fun process. But when I kind of "succeed" in doing what I envisioned, I get the most dubious about the outcome. I have no idea if it's any good.. come to think of it, those tracks usually are left unfinished. I should make an effort to finish that kind of a track to see if it ends up any good. Should be interesting.


  10. G-Mixer, not quite. You might be thinking of this bit:

    Games that are shareware, freeware, or personal projects may or may not be accepted at our discretion. We strongly recommend arranging music from commercial releases to avoid any problems.

    I guess the aim of this is to make sure the games are notable enough. Then it's another matter if the source in question is notable enough.


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