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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Tracer really is an amazing package of music.

    The subPixel album is also quite cool, the context (both "live" and "chip" versions of the music) is lots of fun, and the music itself, energetic quirky happy warm progressive stuff (I thought) is just what I needed. Reminding me of Gentle Giant among other things.


  2. Well, I did a quick fix that I'll review later. There's a slight bass freq boost to bassdrum, lofi timpani and bass. For the overcrowded part, the following kept the lead sound ok: I panned the leads a bit more & differently, and layered one of the leads with the same notes, octave down (and tweaked levels). I think that's a quick fix that helps.

    Final candidate 3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7iim851vfrjpa5/eino_keskitalo-sadevakio-fc3-20121003.mp3


  3. Many thanks for the supportive feedback & comments Gario!

    I'll probably have to work hard to check the bass levels with my monitoring options (decent cheap headphones and awful band PA monitors), comparing with other (similar) tracks but I'll do that.

    It'll be easier to tweak the "overcrowded" section, I agree about that and it's bugged me a bit. I'm not sure my samples have the fidelity in them to make them go up an octave, but if not, I'll figure something out. :D (edit: ah, you also suggest down. I'll see what works)

    I was kind of hoping to submit today (so I could've submitted two tracks with just the three week wait between them), but that's unlikely. No matter, I'll get to those (hopefully last) tweaks as soon as I can.


  4. Again, a quick listen - the second version has very cool source usage. The time signature change, you've made it work quite well. Also nice work taking the source apart and managing to stretch it over the arrangement and make it build. Got to agree about the sounds with Rozo, but that's just something to work on.

    I've started the conversion over to Renoise on the first version, but I haven't worked on it in a while. Since it's been months, I'll soon work on it some more.. sorry about taking so long!


  5. I think you should always take a break between thinking it's finished and submitting.

    When to stop? Well, if you're aiming to get posted on OCR, you should work on the track until you think it will pass the panel. No point submitting before that! Workshop mod reviews are what I use to gauge that (apart from my own ears). After that, if you feel the track has obvious spots to improvement that you want to do, you should do them. Of course, there comes a point where you should let go of the track.

    If you're just tweaking things without improving them, that sounds not very productive. :) But really finishing the mixes seem to take a lot of tweaking, at least for me.. I love the saying "when you're 90% done, you still have 90% left to do". It's hard work. I hope it gets faster when I get better.


  6. Thanks for the additional tips! I went and applied a little reverb and eq changes, but I'm probably not going to remix the whole track to fully realize the space/distance idea I mentioned. It's around time I let go of this one. :D I'll keep that in mind for future, I could do a track where the aim is precisely to create such a layered soundscape.

    Other than those tweaks, I did the levels tweaking and some other slight tweaks, such as additional panning of instruments, which should help to separate them a little better. The levels changes seemed to make the track sound better.. since I also got a little more headroom (I think) I pushed the limiter on the master channel for a little more loudness. Sounds ok to me - when I try to side-by-side compare them, it makes it sound like the channels that were toned down are as loud as before, and the rest of the thing came up a bit. The sense of space is actually much nicer as a result.

    Final candidate 2: here


  7. Many thanks for the speedy review! The snare seems to definitely jump out, and when I listened to the track on (bad) speakers, the bass seemed to do so too. The snare(s) are pretty bright which might be something to adjust.

    I think the difference between foreground and background instruments creates a certain sense of space, but maybe that doesn't really work, or the difference is too steep. I'll start with tweaking the snare and bass and work from there, rest of the percussion and leads will probably be toned down a bit. Hopefully later today!


  8. Final candidate 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g0yy0qbaa698gb9/eino_keskitalo-sadevakio-fc1-20120927.mp3

    Several small adjustments. Tweaked bass mixing especially; tried to punch a hole into the lofi-timpani for the bass drum, also tweaked bass EQ to make room for bass drum, also tweaked the high EQ of the bass drum, and levels. Boosted the overall mix about 1db. Adjusted some background pads and stuff. Changed the drums in the "loud snare" section a little (snare/tom interplay).

    I'm hopefully done, but am concerned: mixing, overall; are the leads solid enough.


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