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Everything posted by LuketheXjesse

  1. Let's not get carried away. I'm not THAT good. I had to replay every stage once or twice because of my trying to be hardcore And doing it with Plug Man is just plain intimidating (at first)
  2. Anyone try beating all the robot masters with just the mega buster?
  3. SPEAKING of which... You people hear me RANT about DT all the time, but I will never truly 100% think they are the best band out there. They're just the best band that I know of. If I ever find a band that makes better music than DT, I will cry
  4. Maybe I shouldn't have brought that up, as I did hear it from a somewhat untrustworthy source. But he was on G3 only once and after that he was never back on, so there is evidence...sort've. I wouldn't think I'd be the greatest guitarist ever and think I know everything. You've always got to be open to new things and hear the ideas of others instead of just passing them off as average joes. NEVER decide you know everything. Even if you were, I would just ignore you. I've heard people here say the blasphemous phrase "their music is terrible." At that point you just don't care :\ On a side note, we're so off-topic. But reaching a conclusion was so easy we might as well be
  5. You are right. I'll just let the sig start speaking for itself. ...and how is that an offense? John Petrucci IS insane.
  6. He could so be in Dream Theater. Or Symphony X (there, happy now?) Seriously, he's amazing. And DarkeSword, haven't you ever had a song or musician you enjoyed so much that you wished everyone knew about them? You just had to share this song or musician with everybody? That's what a deep appreciation for music is. I'll outright admit I took it too far on a few occasions, most of which weren't supposed to be taken seriously to begin with (listening to a band is not an achievement, duh) but that's not the case in this thread. I'm not saying you don't appreciate music at all, I mean, you make music. But surely you've had that feeling before, at least once, and you know what I'm talking about. He got kicked off of the G3 tour for being such a cocky prick, FYI. Although he is talented, he sure is full of himself.
  7. Ah, Joe Satriani. I've heard great things about him. Never actually got to hearing him though. This is a sexy song. Very 80's feel to it. Yes, that right there is passion. Much different, like you said. DT's a far more...how should I put it...random band. I could get into that song. I'll considering looking him up more. I'm pretty sure you like Steve Vai too, then?
  8. Herman Li was the perfect example Now here's a good example of soul and skill at once http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SIJ4zvmzJ8 There's SO MANY time signature changes throughout the song and lots of technical ability, and yet is also one of the most original and awesome compositions I've ever heard. Soul and skill, united.
  9. I think MM9 is trying to be like Mega Man 2 since it's the most popular. I mean 3 or 4 tracks came straight from MM2. And Wily's castle looks a lot like MM2's. And we already mentioned no charging/sliding (i.e. MM2).
  10. I do understand that there is a lot of sound layering there and stuff to think about, and I didn't mean to demean synthesizing. All I had meant by that was that they aren't hard to actually play, but now that I think about it can they actually be "played"? Thinking up innovative ways to use them can take skill.
  11. Question Is this the longest it's ever took for a project? (cancelled projects do not count) I damn want recording stuff soon so I can start remixing.
  12. The point is to be just like the classic games. Although I must agree it sort've is BS. Also everybody, notice that EVERYONE on OCR has posted here? It seems that Mega Man is UNIVERSALLY liked. It's almost blasphemy not to like Mega Man from the looks of it.
  13. THIS took two years? This album is gonna be so fantastic. Thank you for all your hard work, Arek And of course all the other album mixers. You know who you are!
  14. ...what the hell? There's a fighting game of that?
  15. Thought as much. FPS's are much better on PC (for multiplayer) anyway.
  16. What's the preferred method of playing TF2 around here, because I HAVE TF2 with the orange box but I don't have my xbox online yet.
  17. I just meant some games don't stand the test of time really well is all. I personally don't think KSS is one of those games, but then again I played the original game when it came out (I was 8 years old maybe?) so maybe my opinion wouldn't matter on something right that.
  18. It's a remake. Remakes always score bad. You can't appreciate a remake, really, unless you experienced the original game when it came out. Plus some magazines are just plain cynical anyway (i.e. Electronic Gaming Monthly)
  19. NOW you're getting what I mean. And you're right, you DON'T need technical ability to write good music, which is why passion and soul and actual writing talent always win. And at least you HAVE technical ability at Trumpet. I was (and still am) terrible at it. Why? Because my 6th grade teacher failed to tell me that my mouth position was bad and now I have to practice all over again with a different mouth position. I hate middle school. And my middle school band teacher.
  20. He's right, you know. Also right. But I didn't say all video game music lacked technical ability. Though most of it does. Some ReMixes here change that around.
  21. Hmm...but is using a synthesizer really difficult? No, noodling around and writing down what sounds nice is actual passion and writing ability, nothing to do with technical ability. Technical ability is being able to play really hard stuff. It could sound terrible but if it's hard to play, it's technical ability.
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