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Everything posted by LuketheXjesse

  1. Heck, a project on this would not be so bad.
  2. Hmm...Ray made me remember my SNES days and a certain other game I can play endlessly: Tetris Attack. Best Puzzle game ever. Who knows how much I've played that one.
  3. Tough time with those myself. After beating the game a couple of times, however, they weren't too bad.
  4. Yes! There's one of the reasons I liked the game a lot myself! It gave me that old school feeling. I love games that give me that! I've always been an old school type of gamer.
  5. Hmm...I think some games are not meant to be remade... ...and SMRPG is NOT one of them A remake of SMRPG would be a magical experience. But not on a small-time thing like DS. No, a full-fledged console remake, with Square (Square-ENIX) taking the lead yet again.
  6. Lol. Well said both of you. Moving back to the subject here. What about SMRPG's music? I liked ALL of the games' battle music a lot...and that's about all I can come up with off the top of my head. I'd have to research the rest to remember it.
  7. I find the music in Skies of Arcadia very good. Preferably these.
  8. It's my damn opinion. How's that stupid? It's stupid that you're posting a completely unproductive comment and not even going to the trouble to explain why you think my comment is "stupid". Can you at least say WHY my comment is stupid? Of course, the above might not mean a thing and you could just be trying to be an attention whore.
  9. You know, almost every time I start a thread, the first post I get is a smart-alecky comment like that (not yours, but the one you quoted). Stuff like that never does anything productive. >_<
  10. ... I hate you now. I completely forgot about that one. And yet at the same time it makes me happy there's so many glorious games I can actually forget some of them. Yes, FF6 truly is one of the best games ever. Hmm...maybe better than SMRPG...it definetley doesn't have as much magic as SMRPG, given, but better gameplay I must admit.
  11. I'm lazy in actually looking into new games. I'm kinda stuck in the past, know what I mean? Anyway, I also played the hell out of MGS1 and 2 (moreso 2 than 1 though) and 3 a couple of times. 4 not yet because no PS3. I have a friend with both a PS3 and 4 though and he's told me enough (not story-wise though) Also, another series that's fun to play consistently is Mega Man :3 Especially 4 or 7
  12. Meh, the random encounters aren't that bad. I can live with them. I can play the game endlessly.
  13. Another thought: Super Mario RPG; best RPG ever? What do you guys think? For its time it just might be. Skies of Arcadia comes close in my opinion.
  14. Geez, he helped write one of their best albums, Wish You Were Here, which is also one of their best songs. I'll post it here for the heck of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DXCHa9BYfE
  15. My personal favorite RPG. Great Music, original gameplay, awesome story. Lacking in dialogue though (did I spell that right??). But still the best RPG ever in my opinion. Either that or Super Mario RPG. I can't help but feel this is one of the neglected RPGs of our time though. Anyone else as passionate about this game as I am?
  16. Okay. There are two games I traditionally replay once a year. Maybe more. 1. Skies of Arcadia 2. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. 'nuff said.
  17. OH WOW. Forgot about that fight. That one MIGHT be tougher than Yardovich.
  18. Chrono Cross, truly, has the best music I've ever heard in any video game. There are almost no weak tracks throughout the entire game. Sure Chrono Trigger was good, but its music was not near as magical as that of Chrono Cross. This game deserves an album way before Chrono Trigger. I say OC Remix gives it a shot (when they get time that is)
  19. Having Bowser on team was so cool. And Yes Geno oozed cool simply because of his design. Let's face it, he's one of the underdogs of gaming with a lot of fans. I mean, didn't we all want him in brawl? Yes. Did we get him, or, for that matter, anyone else we wanted in Brawl? No ('cept maybe Wolf :3). But I'm getting off topic. What boss was the most difficult for you in SMRPG the first time? For me? Yardovich. Probably the most difficlut in my opinion.
  20. I think emulators take away from the magic ;_; That's why I've refused to play SMRPG on an emulator 'til I get another copy on Ebay. That's right...in middle school I SOLD SMRPG because I was greedy and wanted money. I deeply, deeply, regret that decision. Then again, didn't we all make bad decisions in Middle School??
  21. Thanks! I'm checking it out right away!
  22. Guess what? I needed my parents for help on that too. Guess we all sucked at that part as kids.
  23. I really want to play No More Heroes, but I'm into The Orange Box (hence my avatar ) and Subsistence right now. I just haven't felt like buying it either. Lol it's just so sad to go into a Gamestop and look at the Wii section and see the ENDLESS OCEAN of terrible games. Shovelware. It's almost an embarassment to buy a Wii game for crying out loud.
  24. I never found Culex too bad after awhile. Though I must say the very first time I found him in SMRPG (9 years old?) I went giddy with excitement because I had a new boss to fight. Got pwned though >_>
  25. ????? You can get either of those at any time in the game. I mean, after a certain point I mean. When I say you can miss items, I mean you can never get them after you pass a certain point. There is nothing like that in SMRPG. You can miss the Lazy Shell and Star Egg out of pure ignorance. I never heard of the Star Egg until I heard about it in a magazine. I found the Lazy Shell on my own however. Not my first time through though, that's for sure. One game you can miss stuff and never get it is Final Fantasy IX. Great game, but it's really aweful in that aspect.
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