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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. My picks: 1. Gogo (FF6) 2. Cid (FF7) 3. Kefka (FF6) 4. Sephiroth (FF10) 5. Auron (FF10) I'll be quite busy, but let's see how it goes.
  2. No problem, dude! That's ok!

  3. I knew such a release would bring such a discussion, hehe. Considering the format, and the collaboration with Capcom (and started by them), I understand the album is commercial, even if I'm not a fan of the concept. Maybe it would have worked better with some people if the album was directly released by Capcom (and not as OCRC). I don't know, it's just an idea. It isn't a big problem for me, as I'm not a die-hard fan of Mega Man. I took a listen on SoundCloud, and the album is great (I love Brandon's track).
  4. I'm not a fan of the commercial thing, but hey, that's a milestone for the website after 11+ years. Congrats on the release!
  5. Noted. Enjoy your week out! Oh and BTW, I started a mix for Pokémon Red & Blue.
  6. You can still tweak things, I'll just have to re-up the tracks after. :)

  7. Vampire Variations II is done! See you at the listening party in less than 3 hours!
  8. There are really good remixes in this album, you guys should definitively check it out if you haven't. I like it, even if I never played the game or listened to the music.
  9. I'll be home in the middle of the day and will do mic tests for Sunday's show. I sent you my Skype thing ID, so don't hesitate to add me. :) (All times are French times :D)

  10. He and Andrew Warwick are listed as producer and artist, not musicians. As they contributed to VV2's greatness, they deserve to be in that list.
  11. Indeed! Feel free to tell me if you need some help/feedback. And everyone, please share as much as you can this new trailer! Get HYPE!
  12. I might re-do Sturm all over again. I have new arrangement ideas, and my old project file is crashing a lot. Better start fresh again!

  13. Perfect then, it's already done! Nice job on Eino's track BTW. :wink:

  14. Metroid's "Brinstar Depths" got me here. Bets thing ever.
  15. Hey, is that okay if I link "Menagerie"/your BandCamp as your website for VV2's artists page? :)

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