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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. If I can fit a Smash Bros. track in my schedule, I'll do one. I'll come back to you in November.
  2. Thanks for answering the question I asked. I wanted to post it early because many people asked for frequent updates, or simply asked questions about it, and I wanted to avoid that question to be asked 50 times. And btw, asking question in 140 characters is HARD!
  3. Really smells like scam. Plus they cannot say the contract is up with just an e-mail like this.
  4. The Proposition (original title, in French: La proposition) is a 2-minute short film I made with the help of friends (FFL Production, my association). Plot: December 21, 2012, mankind's final day. A young man gets ready for his typical work day. The shortest day, but his most emotional day. Credits: - Actor, scenarist: Pierre Seyller - Director, composer, editor: Alexandre Mourey (me) - Assistant: Margot Petel The story behind the project: We entered a contest for a national channel, and the theme was "December 21, 2012: the shortest day". The film was shot in one afternoon. We didn't win the contest, but many people gave us positive feedback, some saying it was our best film to date. More: - We released the music though Bandcamp: http://fflproduction.bandcamp.com/album/la-proposition - We have other short films and series on our website (French only): http://www.fflproduction.fr/ - We are going to release a new short film (15 min) on October 31, with English subtitles. Get hype!
  5. Sure? Because I wanted to add some references to the FF1 and FF3 remixes, so it would have been a perfect trilogy. :)

  6. Okay, guys (and gal), October 6th is the final deadline. (Oct. 15 will be the ultimate extension, so we can work on the final trailer and on the website). Beyond that point, your track will be simply cut. Don't make me cut your tracks, make VV2 your musical priority, and turn in WiPs or finished tracks!!
  7. Well, do the two VV2 tracks (Oct. 10 max), and I'll do the FF2 + FF3 ones. :)

  8. Try to stick your drum patterns to your lead sections. Example: Melody 1/Lead 1 -- Drum pattern 1 Melody 2/Lead 2 -- Drum pattern 2 ... This way, things tend not to be too boring, and as drum patterns change with the actual melody, people WILL notice the change easily. Just avoid 8+ bars sections, or add fills between 2 runs of the same drum pattern.
  9. Hey dude, do you want me to re-work a bit the arrangement of our FF2 collab, before you record it? I think it's not good enough compared to FF1's and FF3's. (And I'll do my "Dungeon" mix too".)

  10. Reading the topic's title and seeing djp's name over the first message gave me a mini-heart attack.
  11. Thanks, guys. Jazz and blues are not my things, but I'm glad to see it worked well.
  12. It's been almost 3+ years... I was recruiting for VV1 when he stopped.
  13. Same here, I'm interesting in doing a Golden Sun track or more.
  14. Happy birthday my friend! You truly are a Gunstar Hero! You should check this new album too, he released it today and the trailer sounded very promising: http://djmokram.bandcamp.com/
  15. Re-listening to the album, and everything sounds super solid. I don't know the original soundtrack (if Mokram reads this, he will kill me, hahaha), but the energic and agressive feeling of BA is really cool. Nice job, gang!
  16. And huge bravo to you two for creating such an amazing tribute album! Happy birthday to Gunstar Heroes!
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