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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Yeah being out of the age range certainly didn't help my self esteem. Maybe I should start a study on that.
  2. Can you send me the details? (Over PM is good.) I've always been interested in learning some of the basics, though I might not have time for another month or so.
  3. Hey Xarnax, it sounds like you're already on your way to making a portfolio. Take some of the best compo tracks you've sung on (with permission) and start there. A portfolio will always be a work in progress. You're in the right place to make more tracks too; god knows this site needs more singers. Keep vigilant for people who need singers and remind people of what you do without being annoying about it. In fact, making a thread like this has already put you in my mind in case I need a male singer. Keep updating the portfolio as you make better and better stuff. Hope this helps!
  4. Biggest thing for me was learning that a track should add and subtract sounds. For the first few years of making music, I would make songs that would only build and build. That's a fast way to make your track sound like garbage. Only when I started looking more carefully at professional music did I notice "hey, in the chorus they dropped out that instrument that was in the verse!". Sounds stupid but that was a big lightbulb in my head, and I don't think I'm alone. To this day, I still give remixers that critique.
  5. PM Liontamer. If it's only used on the 3DS menu, we likely would not consider it game music, but if you're using it in a remix that has dominant source usage of another video game song, I personally would not have a problem. Although we state in our standards that non-VGM source use should be limited, console menu music is close enough to VGM music that I think it's acceptable. I can't give you a 100% answer on this because I don't think we've had this situation come up, just my feelings on it.
  6. As I listen to this song, the emoticon with the dude butting his head against the wall (this guy: ) is going in time with your guitar solo. Just throwing that out there. The song is a bit on the slight side, but I was impressed with how much you were able to do with so little. I never felt bored or underwhelmed by what was going on. Better to err on the side of too little, I've always felt. Good use of reverb and other effects to add depth and detail when needed. The live instruments were integrated pretty well, though the cymbals in the chorus stood out a little. Still overall, I want to pass this. YES
  7. Gotta agree with the Vig. This is too sparse, and even then, the kick takes up way too much of the available space. The piano is quite mechanical, so even though there's some decent ideas in here, the production is not selling them at all. I think this needs more time in the cooker. NO (resubmit)
  8. Oh yeah?? Well I agree with Larry too, but I fall on the NO side of the line, so there! In all seriousness, this is a badass arrangement that absolutely deserves to be on the site IF the remixers can clean it up a little bit. The distortion is really apparent in several places (mostly on those booming drums) and hurts it. A version with that fixed would be very well-received. NO (resubmit)
  9. My vote is somewhere between Jesse's and the two YESes. I wasn't blown away by the sound design or the mixing, but what's here is serviceable. The arrangement is stronger than the production, featuring some great harmonic choices and a good flow. But the beat sounds too boomy, not enough thwack. I wanted to hear more mids in the kick, something you can really hear rather than feel. The synths could have used more bite as well. I think with a little more attention to production, this would be a no-brainer pass, but as it stands, it tiptoes past the line. Good work, but some areas that could be tightened up. YES (borderline)
  10. Take... these broken wings... and learn to fly again, learn to live so free...!! Oh this isn't a Mr. Mister cover? Well, I guess it's a nice song nonetheless. Great atmosphere and build-up, the song flows superbly. You guys really take advantage of that beautiful melody to tug the heartstrings, ekeing the full emotional impact out of it. The lack of source may trouble the Larrys of the panel, but the song is so well-connected that I could have sworn the closing piano notes of your arrangement were in the original somewhere. The percentage is close enough to the border that I can pass it. In regards to the piano intro: I agree it is mechanical and something smoother would have been better, but context is important, and it is treated as more of a background instrument for texture, so I wasn't as bothered by it. YES
  11. Brandon's past few subs have been mostly solid, but I find it really hard to get behind this one. The writing isn't that complementary, the other sources feel tacked on to the Guile theme. The mixing is also very cluttered, and the instruments don't have their own space. I wouldn't even have been able to pick out Schala if you hadn't mentioned it was there. There's a bunch of instruments that overlap in their frequency ranges. Sadly, I have to agree with Larry that this would probably be better off as a plain Guile mix; I might even pass it with those Chun-Li parts removed! They don't add much, it just makes it harder to hear the other stuff. NO (resubmit)
  12. What I think is funny is who are the people that like the DiD trope? Most of the defenders in this thread seem neutral to it at best, and are content to explain why it started rather than say that they like it. Let's face it, even putting aside sexism, it's a really tired cliche. So why do developers continue to use it? My guess is it's laziness rather than "it sells", so I think any video that can raise awareness of that kind of thing could be helpful in breaking these tired, minorly sexist attitudes in games. I liked the video overall and I'm interested to see more.
  13. Going by the good ol' standards, I would say these employ nothing but basic tones and would most likely get rejected. You could theoretically do some sophisticated sounds with hardware, but if it sounds like these examples, I'd say no go.
  14. No problem, dude. Let me know if you want any more help with it, I'd be glad to listen to any future WIPs.

  15. Remixer: jaxx Real Name: Patrick Jacks Website: http://about.me/patrickjacks Artist Forum ID: 4301 Final Fantasy VI Demake Some Money Locke's Theme, Forever Rachel Original Composer: Nobou Uematsu (of course)... Comments: So... about three years ago I had a plan for an arrangement album I could do on my own time. I love working with people in collaborations, but sometimes you just need to go solo. It's an album consisting of all the Character themes in Final Fantasy VI called "Demake Some Friends". It's done in sort of a 90's rock/punk thing mixed with chip tune, kind of similar to something like Anamanaguchi... sort of.... Always considered the game to have the best cast of characters in the franchise and I think they're some of the best character themes on any soundtrack. I have 4 tracks near complete and I hope to finish it someday but as time goes on it seems less likely that I'll find time. So I've been sitting on these tracks for a while and I want to make sure at least a couple of these get out there. If this track and my project perk any interest it may give me the determination to finish this thing. It's encouraging (and motivating) when people genuinely enjoy something you've done. This is probably my favorite one. It's "Locke's" theme mixed with a little "Forever Rachel". I heard you guys like full on WAV files now. This is 24-bit 48000-hz . File was too big to attatch so here's a link.
  16. ReMixer name: Moomba Game arranged: Dark Cloud 2 (Dark Chronicle) Name of arrangement: Fishing Spirit Individual track arranged: Peace of the World ( )Comments: A while ago I did an extensive writeup on MMORPGs and one of the subjects I'd intended to bring up - but never actually did - was fishing. Whenever I think of fishing in games I always inevitably fall back on Dark Chronicle as my example of the game with what I consider to be the best fishing system. I'm pretty sure at least some of that can be chalked up to the fantastic (and highly underrated going by the fact there's only one related remix on OCR) music that went along with it. This ReMix was actually conceived while planning out some sketches for a trailer track I've been writing for a client. While putting ideas together, Peace of the World began to worm its way into stuff and so 'Fishing Spirit' was born. The title may be a terrible pun, but it's grown on me since a friend first suggested it! Cheers! --------------------------------------------- Love the source tune, one of my favorites from the game. I love how Joe took this and made it so much more dramatic. He totally sold me based on the strength of the arrangement and the intricacy of the partwriting, but the production was also solid. The key change towards the end was a small misstep IMO - it didn't flow that well - but he had earned more than enough goodwill by that point. Great work! YES
  17. ReMixer name: Psycho Crusher Real name: Cristián Escobar Website: http://www.psycho-crusher.com Userid: 47622 Name of game arranged: Mass Effect Name of arrangement: Full Paragon Name of individual song: Uncharted Worlds Ahh... the galaxy map music, present in all 3 Mass Effect games. Its recurrent melody always got stuck in my head, so it was only natural for me to make an arrangement of it. It's a heavily layered piece, and I also took a lot of liberties with it. Basically, the rhythmic section after the main melody is a whole new riff which I thought fit pretty well with the rest. I hope you like it! I hope you like it! Greetings from Chile! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpu5cTk_qvI
  18. Contact Information > ReMixer name: HeavenWraith > Real name: Antanas Palaitis > Website: N/A > Forum userID: 50325 Submission Information > Game: Metal Slug 4 > ReMix Name: Eau Charix > Original Name: Furiously > Original Author: Mega Enterprise and Noise Factory (it was beyond my ability to sniff out the name of the exact composer) Resubmission of a previously rejected mix. The process was smooth due to break I've previously taken from composition and mixing. Looking forward to the evaluation and gonna work on another mix in the meantime. -------------------------------------------- There was a lot to like here, particularly the guitar playing. The structure and instrumentation were conservative but there were more than enough changes here and there - subtle countermelodies, quick twists, new sections. The production was a little harder to overlook though. Some of the instruments aren't that high quality, like the piano, and to a lesser extent the snare. Another huge problem was the timing. There are several sections where you're playing it too loose and it sounds sloppy. I know this is your second time subbing this track to us, but with another pass to tighten up the playing and production, I could see it making the front page. NO (resubmit)
  19. Yeah seriously, for a first dubstep track, this is quite enjoyable. I think you could have used a few more tweaks in those sections, for maximum craziness, but what's there is solid. Even the non-dubby sections were well executed. Pretty much I'm right in Larry's court on this one: the intro is the weakest part, and the two themes didn't mesh that well, but weren't bad together either. The good outweighs the bad by far, so a YES it is. YES
  20. LOL can't believe you remixed Bubsy just because of Dave's write-up, nice. Thought this game's soundtrack had some pretty good songs; this one sounds like Banjo-Kazooie. Dat banjo. This wasn't on the same level as your Puggsy sub, though I can appreciate the arrangement ideas you came up with. The first problem is that the string lead is definitely not realistic enough to hold the lead in an orchestral song, but even the supporting instruments were stiff at times. There was also a very awkward dropoff/fade-in at 1:55 that sounded like the end of the song, and that broke into a section that hewed closer to the original and didn't really fit with what had come before. You tried to mix the two styles toward the end, but it still wasn't that cohesive. I could see this turning into a passable sub, but it would need a lot of care on the sequencing and realism side, and probably a little bit of rewriting. NO (resubmit)
  21. What a lovely set of instruments and arrangement - this put me in a very happy mood. I have to agree with the issues that the other gentlemen have mentioned. This feels quite short given the intro that takes up more than 30 seconds of a short song, and the sequencing is also a little loose and sometimes not that realistic (accordian). I was tempted to pass this anyway, given how everything else sounds great, but it's just under the bar for me. I imagine this would be a really easy resubmit, and I strongly suggest you do. NO (resubmit)
  22. No, I think you're right on the money. The changes were very subtle here, mostly some added/changed notes in the left-hand and sometimes some rhythm changes. The intro was awesome, and it's interesting how even a tempo change gives it an interpretive feel. I wished the rest of the arrangement had that much distinction. I feel like this is a NO, but given the recent discussions we've had on cover vs. arrangement, maybe it would be good to hear from djp on this.
  23. I was the biggest holdout on this one and while my opinion hasn't changed, I'm not sure djp really needs to chime in. This should just be a panel decision. I think we've had some good discussion here and everyone that voted YES is ok with the usage of the source. Moving to Approved.
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