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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Nail in the coffin here. I think maaaaybe if it didn't loop, I'd be ok with this, but it's still very conservative. Same tempo, same structure, similar instrumentation. The new backing writing you added fits like a glove, but there's just not that much of it. Sorry, Aaron. Excellent excellent cover, if you could work more of your own writing into this, it'd be an obvious pass. NO
  2. Thanks for the heads-up! Anyone know what it comes with? I'm DLing right now, won't get a chance to install for a week or so.
  3. Haha, like the concept, but the production on this is way too rough. The volume is too loud AND the reverb muddiness hurts this, it's really hard to make out the accompanying instrumentation. There's a lack of timing to hold it all together (sounds like there is an extra beat in the chorus because you couldn't cram the syllables in). The lighter drum parts sound too soft, not that realistic. Overall, it seems thrown together rather than polished. There's a lot of small things you can do to improve this, Brandon. My criticisms on this are pretty one-sided. Some of the vocals drift, though I was alright with that. Fun arrangement, just need to improve that production! NO (resubmit)
  4. We'll get the positives down first, and there are many. Great style that holds the sullen tone of the original, expanding it something much denser. Great drum programming, and I was totally grooving to the 1:40 section. I liked how the melodies from the original were traded off on different instruments, and used in different ways. Torn Apart is a pretty subtle source, not that easy to get a grasp on. The only parts of the source I heard were the bells that open the song, and the bell melody from 1:05-1:10. Those definitely get used at: 0:00-0:04 0:08-0:21 1:15-1:36 1:40-1:55 2:01-2:17 2:51-3:06 4:03-4:18 4:29-4:36 Sums up to 40.4%, when I round in your favor. But they also cameo a number of times throughout the song in the background for a second or two, sometimes just half the phrase. Going by my gut, I'm willing to say this is borderline passable. By having near-constant cameos and keeping the mood similar, I thought the source stayed dominant, YMMV. I think this would have been a much stronger arrangement with a fuller tie to the source, not just the cameos. I was looking out to see if you used the string section that opens the Xenogears track but I never heard it - that would been cool to use. That's the breakdown part of it. As my esteemed colleague pointed out, the production is too bass-heavy, and I was feeling that criticism (literally hur hur). The lead starting at 0:34 was sort of an ugly, lo-fi sound to use so much, and it's especially bad when it drowns out the rest of the track, like at 0:51-1:06. This is just under the line for me. A stronger arrangement or production could make up for the other, but with both a little lacking, it's a NO. Sorry gents! Might be an easy resub though. NO (resubmit)
  5. Dunno if this fits your definition? http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01102/ I was trying to emulate Daft Punk in this song.
  6. Honestly, it's just a matter of convenience for us. When we update that thread, we just copy the thread titles (minus some judge-only information), and the thread title is sometimes long enough that we would have to leave out the remixer name, so we don't include it on our end. Simply put, it's just one more thing that would delay judging, and I don't think much is gained from doing it. It also adds even more information to the already bloated Currently... thread. OA has been updating that thread lately, so if he wants to do it, that's cool with me.
  7. The part I was talking about is pretty buried in there starting at 2:30. It sounds like female vibrato vocals, except very fake. You can disregard my comment about it; for some reason, I remembered it get used a lot but it seems like it's only that one very short section.
  8. Name of game arranged: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! Name of song arranged: Frosty Frolics Remixer Name: GSlicer Name of remix: Winter --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkdt - 09 "Frosty Frolics"
  9. Too chippy? - palp ReMixer name: ProtoDome Real name: Blake Troise Email address: protodome@hotmail.co.uk Userid: 25246 Name of game arranged: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Name of song arranged: Overworld Original Composer: Minako Adachi, Pure Sound Inc. Original Sound Track: So, this is a long shot I guess. Chiptunes aren’t exactly within the submission guidelines, but here’s hoping that this isn’t so chippy that it gets rejected. Basically this is my entry for the “Essence of Lime” Oracle of Ages Remix project and went down pretty well (so could you hold on to it until the album is done? That’s if it gets accepted that is). I thought, “oh screw it, I’ll submit it. After all that Halc/Cthonic chippy number got passed recently.” And so here we are. It’s a pretty straightforward mix. Imagine Oracle of Ages duelling Megaman in a battlefield of 8-bit percussion and Zelda SFX, whilst a piano, a couple of pads and various drum kits try to form some kind of support to aid the bloodshed of the two great soundtracks colliding- that is what this song is. There’s all kinds of instruments in it actually- there’s an organ from Chrono Trigger, the MMX drum kit, a choir from some SNES game and the different leads span from NES, SNES and GB along with the percussion. Not to mention the analogue stuff, modern synths and drum kits. I’m really trying hard to justify why this isn’t straight forward chiptune- is it working? ^o^ Anyway, hope you enjoy it. --------------------------------------------------------------- Overworld
  10. ReMixer Name: Theophany Real Name: Jason Gallaty Forum UserID: 7553 Game Arranged: Final Fantasy 6 Songs Arranged:Overture, Fanatics Tower, Aria di Mezzo Carattere ReMix name: Many Lives for 80MP Comments: This is a kind of re-imagined orchestral and piano arrangement of the Overture, which brings in the buildup from the Fanatic's Tower and uses a section from the Aria di Mezzo Carattere for the climax instead of the Celes opera theme. My effort here was to bring out the beauty of the FF6 universe as it teeters in the balance, only to be shattered by the catastrophic events later in the game. The beginning of this mix is pretty loud, and the piece runs almost 7 minutes long, so just a fair warning. Theophany is down to one member for the time being, but I've spent a lot of time on this piece. It's definitely not perfect, but it's been awhile since we submitted anything new, and I personally think we owe the judges a sincere apology for the fuss we made over the Majora's Mask remix, and for submitting old remixes instead of making new ones. Sorry, guys. I feel really bad about it. I hope this latest submission will be considered a more honest effort. - Jason -------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - 207 "Overture (parts 1-3)", 312 "Fanatics", 208 "Aria de Mezzo Carattere"
  11. Contact Information Your ReMixer name - Seth Essington Your real name - Seth Essington Your email address - 6thhugh@gmail.com Your website - www.sethessington.org Your userid - 22889 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged - Metroid Prime Name of individual song(s) arranged - Chozo Wastelands Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. - Kenji Yamamoto, Gamecube Link to the original soundtrack - http://www.ocremix.org/game/metroid-prime-gcn/ Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Hi There, I am submitting this arrangement. It's the track Beat Them! from the Sega Genesis Action RPG Light Crusader made by Treasure. I found the music catchy enough to make an arrangement for it. I couldn't choose, so i started with this one. I got inspired by various sources like Castlevania and The Black Mages. I hope you enjoy it. -Washudoll- More game information can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_Crusader Contact information: Remixer name: Washudoll Real name: Dihaz, M.H Email: Washudoll@gmail.com Userid: 3331 --------------------------------------------------------------- I love the personalization applied here, even though the song follows the original really closely. This song jumps between styles and it matches the frantic pace of the original, which is itself a weirdly structured song. Very powerful drums! I was split over whether there was enough difference from the original, but the production tipped me towards me a NO, unfortunately. Nothing majorly wrong here, but the strings could sound a lot more realistic, and the vocal parts sounded weak. With an arrangement that adds more original parts like you did in the second half, and a tighter production, this could pass. NO (resubmit)
  13. Greetings! I would like to submit a video game remix that a buddy and myself have produced. We are registered on your forums as DrKrake vs Jellyfish (user id is 27399). The track is called Tor für Deutschland (which is German for "Goal for Germany"), it is a remix of the Ireland theme from the Super NES game Super Soccer. As an additional source we used some (German) soccer commentary from public broadcasting to create a soccer game atmosphere. I hope the fact that we are using German commentary and a German title will not cause any trouble, but we both agreed to insist on this naming style. Our music style is influenced by Trance (all sorts) and Electro House, though pretty unique after all. The game Super Soccer is not currently listed on your site as far as I am aware. It is a SNES game released in 1992 (1991 in Japan), developed by Human Entertainment and published by Nintendo. Obviously, it is of the Sports genre. Unfortunately, I do not know who exactly (as in which person) composed the soundtrack and I did not yet have the chance to check for the credits ingame. I am uncertain about hosting the original. The whole game soundtrack can be acquired in SPC format at Zophar's Domain, which I am sure you know: http://www.zophar.net/music/spc/super-soccer.html The MP3 file of our remix is hosted here: We are looking forward to your review. Thanks and kind regards, Patrick Dinklage DrKrake vs Jellyfish ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/19362 - 12 "Ireland"
  14. Cool arrangement. I always have a problem judging Halo subs because of the lack of strong melodies in the sources, but I felt like I could hear the sources in this most of the time. I'm impressed that you've changed the arrangement from version to version so much and still come up with cool things to do with these songs. This is produced better than previous versions of this, but I still feel like it's flawed. It's close, don't get me wrong, but the instruments mush together too much and they aren't emphasized in the right places. The leads don't cut through, the drums don't have fullness but have too much high-end. I'm sorry, John, I have to pass. I'd recommend listening to more music in this style and really comparing part by part what instruments fill what ranges. Please keep going with this one! NO (resubmit)
  15. Yeah this is an improvement mixing-wise, but still not there for me. The lead and backing guitars still blend together some. It doesn't sound very powerful, and the drums lacks punch. I'd add more lows back to the drums and bass, though that's always a tricky freq range to work with. So unfortunately, I don't think this version will cut it for the site. If you're willing to stick with it, you could learn a lot from trying to perfect this mix. NO (resubmit)
  16. Yeah, I might have liked to see more heft to this, but it's a sweet little arrangement that doesn't hurt from sounding light. Smooth new chords transform the melodies of the original into something less sugary but still playful. Very imaginative approach, Blake. YES
  17. Yeah I can close this out for you. The production is tighter than last version, making the synth connection stronger as well. I think this could use more variation in how you handle the source, but with everything clicking, this remix accomplishes what it is supposed to, and it's hard to say no to that. YES
  18. Your ReMixer name Djbjra Your real name Brett Jones Your email address Your website bjra.newgrounds.com Your userid 29653 =========== Submission Information =========== Name of game arranged Final Fantasy 6 Name of individual song(s) arranged Searching for Friends Link to the original soundtrack is a youtube link alright? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGwrbXGq7Tc Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. I have been considering making some music for OCremix for quite a while but never found a song that I wanted to remix. I checked the remix page for searching for friends, and was pretty dissapointed by the songs there, so I elected to remix it myself. I wanted to retain the sad yet spaced out feel to the song, so I used a crisp oldschool hiphop break, and spacey saws arranged in guitar-solo like melodies, with soothing pads flooding the mix. I also fleshed out some of the more epic parts of the song, as evidenced in the breaks, and reinstrumented it, adding several new harmonies and counter melodies to add to the diversity of the track. Overall I went for a crisp and bassy mix with a recessed, yet lush mid range. Enjoy it! -------------------------------------------------------------- This isn't the most unique mix, but all the parts were clicking for me. The drums and bass provide an insistent backbeat for the piano and leads. Great sounds chosen, sort of an old-school OCR sound, and the synths have a lot of natural expression. The additions to the songs added a lot while not overpowering the original melody. My only criticism was in the reuse of sections, but I didn't think that was enough to say NO to this. Excellent work, I'd like to hear more. YES
  19. Crazy stuff. Can't believe how close he got it sounding. I feel tempted to try this out myself now!
  20. Contact Information * Your ReMixer name : Eftos * Your real name : Frank Eftos * Your email address : eftos@gmx.de * Your website : http://eftos.de * Your userid : 30161 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged : Zoids * Name of individual song(s) : Title * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) : Rob Hubbard, C64 * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) : http://www.slayradio.org/sid_info.php?sid_tune=MUSICIANS/H/Hubbard_Rob/Zoids.sid * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : French Impressionists Bitonal Remix v6.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source - 01 "Title"
  21. Hi there! Please accept this, my first submission to OCReMix. I've been a fan and keen listener for a couple of years and I usually compose original material (see my myspace below) however I started playing around with the 'ressurection' theme from Terranigma and this is the result of my meddling! My submission details are as follows: Remixer Name: Typewriter real name: Matt Curtis website: www.myspace.com/typwrtr userid: 30151 Game: Terranigma Song: Ressurection Growing up my favourite games (like many of us) were always the SNES RPG's from Square and Enix and I loved Terranigma because its real time combat system was a welcome break from some of the turn based games such as Chrono Trigger (which here in the UK I had to get on import!) and Final Fantasy III. One of my favourite sequences in Terranigma was near the beginning of the game was when you had to ressurect the continents before you could travel to the surface of earth and I was particularly in awe of the short but sweet piece of music that accompanied this. Despite this I found this piece of music to be dissapointingly short and so one day whilst playing around with the basic chords of this simple tune of the piano I began to hear other parts forming in my head. The original is based around an arpeggio of four chords, using these chords I gradually began to build up layers of guitar, bass, synths and drums until the song crescendos into the original piece... with some added rock guitar action of course. I composed this piece using Sonar, Truepianos, Analog Factory for the synths and Amplitube 2 made the guitars sound good. It is completed composed, mixed and mastered by myself. Enjoy! Matt Curtis --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ts - 09 "Open the Door" There is a lot of cool stuff going on in this song, there are also some sizable issues. First is that I wouldn't really call this a remix of the song you chose. Too much is based upon just the chords, only near the end do the arpeggios come into it. This has tended to be a contentious issue among the judges, so we'll see how others feel. The second issue is that this doesn't have that much direction. I would have liked there to be more of a lead, it felt a little like a backing track. The third issue is that the mixing gets really crowded towards the end, and could be cleared up at various points throughout as well. One smaller issue is that the chords clashed with the parts at a few points. You seem to have the arrangement and production chops to make something really badass, so I hope you send us more stuff in the future. NO
  22. Remixer nase: Nase Real Name: Joshu Skowronek Email: kaesomorph@hotmail.de Secret of Mana Danger, The Orphan of Storm (last minute) Ok, this is a relatively liberal one...the idea was to carry the original into more catchy funk territory, and to do that, some of the parts had to be altered quite drastically. 0:37 and 1:09 are good examples of that. whatever similarities are left there are to be found in the bassline and overall rhythm, mostly. Apart from some transitions though, no section is entirely original, and many are obvious enough i think. This is way closer to what I'd consider my own style than the last two mixes i submitted, so I just hope it all works out Peace out, Joshu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sd2 - 19 "Danger", 20 "The Orphan of Storm"
  23. I love the word "caldera" - palp Name: Trevor Burch ReMixer Name: Vibratissimo userID#: 26877 Game: Diddy Kong Racing (N64) Song: "Along the Caldera" Hello friends! As the end of August draws nearer and the dreadful reality that is the resumption of school creeps ever closer, I decided to reorganize all of my stuff...including my hard drive. With a fresh start in mind, I set a new goal for myself: to create a game remix before school starts! I chose a game that, in my opinion, receives much less appreciation than it should: *Diddy Kong Racing*. All the tunes are absolutely addictive, so I immersed myself in the soundtrack and chose the theme for the *Hot Top Volcano*. I was highly inspired by the ethnic contrast that this song offered in nineteen-ninety-whatever (I'm feeling old now ) and felt the desire to flesh it out entirely with my own special touch... I don't want to spoil *too* much about what I worked on this weekend (so much for needing a deadline), so without further ado, I leave you at the mercy of what my friend recently described as, "a belly-dancing slap in the face." I'ma go start applyin' for college. Enjoy! Class of 2010 ftw! Musically, Trevor a.k.a. Vibratissimo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Top Volcano
  24. Dear OCRemix, Attached is my OC remix subbmision. Contact Information Your ReMixer name: Tal15man Your real name: Hamza Saleem Your email addres: teqn0b0i@hotmail.com Your website Your userid: Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Street Fighter IV Name of individual song(s) arranged: Indestructible/Character select screen theme music Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site: Composer: Exile (Japanese Band) Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfhc7PPbDU0 Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: My friends and I play SF4 religiously and one of them said, thinking out loud, that a chill out/ambient remix of the character select screen theme music would be great. I got to working and came up with a remix... I remember being very nervous when I made my friends hear it for the first time, but seeing them enthralled after they heard it was a great confidence boost. I hope you enjoy my remix and I look forward to seeing this on the website. Many thanks, Hamza Saleem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indestructible Great mood, but this doesn't do enough with it. The same melody line just gets repeated constantly on different instruments, and I kept wishing for something new to take over. Song could have used more dynamics and more detail. The lack of humanization on the leads also hurt, and the guitar synth used later on just didn't sound good. A promising sub, Hamza, but there's a lot of work you could do to improve it. NO
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