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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Contact Information Your ReMixer name : 8 Bit Instrumental Your email addres: 8bitvgm@gmail.com Your websit: 8bitinstrumental.com Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Super Dodge Ball Name of individual song(s) arranged: A Ultima Carimbada Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. This is our version of End Credits from Super Dodge Ball to the Around The Wolrd Project. -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14686 - 14 "End Credits"
  2. Remixer Name: Willrock Name Of Submission: Reincarnated Remix Game: Castlevania: Bloodlines Source: Remix Link: Comments: So, this is an older remix of mine which I have lost the original file for, but I put of subbing it for a while for some reason. Because of this, I wasn't sure if I should sub this but I figured what the hell. Enjoy kthxbye -------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Hey OCRemix judges! My name is Matt, remixer name SuperiorX (user id: 28286 on the OCR forums), and this is going to be my second attempt at a submission. I submitted a track quite a long time ago that was criticized as lacking in arrangement (which in retrospect was quite a poor submission on my part) so this time around I wanted to try something really different! So what I came up with was a remix of Dive Man's Stage from Mega Man 4 (source tune, if needed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQVlXJ0cMY4) that I call "Lay Down and Dive". I've always been a fan of swing/big band music and I thought Dive Man could use a little jazz This started out as more of a smooth jazz peice but progressed into more of a big band style the more I worked on it. I can just imagine Dive Man chillin' in his own jazz club and sipping on a martini. Oh yeah. I let this song hang around on the WIP forums for quite some time (it was the first time I've put a song up on the forums) and I have to say that I received a ton of incredibly helpful feedback! This song wouldn't be the same one it is today without the numerous critiques and suggestions I received. A lot of people on the forum seemed to really enjoy this song, so I hope you guys will too! I included my song as both an attatchment, or you can download it directly here: Thanks! -Matt -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14305 - 06 "Dive Man" This started off very promising, with some great sounding drums but once the brass came in, I just wasn't feeling it. The trumpets were ok, but pretty much every other instrument just doesn't have the right articulation. That's pretty much all there is to say. Liked the arrangement, need to make it sound more realistic. NO (resubmit)
  4. Contact Information Your ReMixer name: Tanuki Suit Riot Your real name: Matt Van Gelder Your email address: mattvg@gmail.com Your website: www.myspace.com/tanukisuitriot Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 4478 Submission Information Title of Song: Burning Building Name of game(s) arranged: TMNT The Arcade Game Name of individual song(s) arranged: Level 1: Burning Building Arranged by Greg Hosharian. Produced by Matt Van Gelder Link to the original soundtrack www.myspace.com/tanukisuitriot Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. I always loved the first level of Ninja Turtles the Arcade Game. I noticed I never saw a remix of it anywhere and thought our band would do justice to the catchy track. We use live horns in the recording. This is not a mash up, but a rock cover of the original tune! I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we had playing and recording it. Thanks for your time, Matt Van Gelder tenor sax / producer of Tanuki Suit Riot --------------------------------------------------------------- Man, I did like this a fair bit and there's some pretty cool soloing halfway through, but at least half of this is a straight cover, as you admit. On that basis, gotta say NO. This is very cool though and the performances sound great. Recordings could have used some sparkle but the coverishness is the reason I'm saying NO. NO
  5. Moving to Accepted since djp gave it the ok a while back.
  6. Yeah I added that little bit ten minutes after putting this up, realizing that you all would think I forgot the remixer info. Apparently, it's still too vague. I'll tell ya, we never had this problem with Larry "notreallyaremixer" Oji manning the inbox.
  7. Heyo! Here's the vitals, Remixer Name/Real Name: Ross Kmet Name of Game Arranged: Donkey Kong Country 2 Song Arranged: Stickerbrush Symphony Composer: Dave Wise "Brambles Open Minds Like Bubbles" So, when I jumped on the DKC2 project, this track was open for like a day before JM nabbed it, so I started a WIP. Well, JM got the claim first, but I really liked my sketch, finished it, and sent it here. I had been listening to alot of dubstep as I wrote this, so this is my way of blending dubstep and VGM, although I wouldn't go so far as to call this song in it's entirity "dubstep". Acceptance or no, at least enjoy it. Regards, Ross Kmet --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkq - 13 "Stickerbrush Symphony"
  8. Hey OCRemix, Real Name: Paul Rosenthal Remixer Name: Bigmowthp Email: bigmowthp@msn.com I looked but I dont know how I can find my user ID. Name of Game: Shatterhand Songs Arranged: Stage Select Theme, Area A BGM Additional Info: Arrangement is called "With These Hands." I finally got a laptop that could really support my working on this project, so Im glad I was able to finish it proudly. Hope you guys like it! It was a goal of mine to submit something decent to this site before I go off to college, so hopefully this passes : ) -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14599 - 11 "Stage Select Theme", 01 "Area A BGM" Right off the bat, I'm not liking the intro. Too dry, not a great EP sound, and rigidly sequenced to boot. The piano has the same rigid sequencing. It picks up after the intro but it never quite comes together for me until 2:22 with some very cool drums that fill the space. Before that, it never feels like it has reached its potential, always a little lacking. Arrangement-wise I thought the transition from the second EP part back to the main part was unmelodic, but otherwise the rest of the arrangement was not bad. This definitely needs some production work though. Hope you work on it, Paul. NO (resubmit)
  9. "The Wind Fish" Contact Information Name (both real and remixer): Caius Roth Submission Information Game: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Song Arranged: "Ballad of the Wind Fish" This is my first shot at a remix. I wanted to put the melody more or less as-is into a pseudo-orchestral setting. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks. -Caius -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/15485 47 - "Ballad of the Wind Fish" Nice arrangement for a first remix. The idea to add an orchestral backing to the Ballad was a good one, but I don't think the production sold your concept. It was played too evenly and the parts blurred together when there should have been more separation. I could hear some changes between each iteration, but they were small and I would have liked to hear something more. So I'm gonna have to say NO. But if you want to spend more time on this, I'd like to hear another version. NO (resubmit)
  10. HOLD IT, everyone! It's time for another submission! We've been hard at work trying to remix Phoenix Wright for the past couple of days, and we're glad it turned out the way it did after a few consecutive throw-away's. Some of the ideas we've gotten during the process were quite odd, to say the least! We haven't done a 5-in-1 remix in, well, ever. So we're happy with how it turned out so far! We'll save specifics for after the mandatory things we've got to add! Details: Your ReMixer name: Digital Element a.k.a. DigiE. Your real names: Maurice Willems & Sanjay Sampatsing. Your email address: NemesisTheory@gmail.com Your User ID: 2761 Additional details: Name of game(s) arranged: Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations. Name of individual song(s) arranged Court 2004. - Examination 2004 - Examination 2001 - Cornered 2001 - Finale/End 2001 - Timestamps 0:00 - Court 2004 0:55 - Examination 2004 0:55 - Examination 2001 (Background) 1:20 - Examination 2001 1:48 - Court 2004 2:14 - Original piano solo 2:39 - Examination 2001 3:05 - Examination 2001 (Strings) 3:18 - Cornered 2001 5:04 - End 2001 Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney is easily one of our favorite game series in recent years, and we figured after all the enjoyment we got out of it it was time to pay homage to it in the best way that we could. As such, we've remixed 5 tracks of two PW games (The original and the third) into one cohesive (we hope) remix. We think it turned out rather well, as it was risky trying to break melody with something completely different at first, but it seems Capcom is sneakier than we thought because most of the melodies flow through each other so well we couldn't help but extend our ideas even beyond it and include even more themes to the remix! There's undoubtedly still a lot of other songs we wish we could've included in this song (Cornered 2004, Objection 2001/2004, Turnabout Sisters, and many more), but it's already gotten a lot longer than we had originally planned for it to be, and some things sadly didn't work out as well as we had hoped. We also definitely would've wanted to do a little more with the END theme at the very end, but didn't want to risk extending it to the point of making an end too difficult. In the end, we're hoping you enjoy this remix! And finally, the link to the track! Link to Remix: http://section3studios.free.fr/Trance%20Turnabout%20%5bABR%5d.mp3 Remix Name: Trance Turnabout! Regards, DigiE. --------------------------------------------------------------- Gotta love those artist breakdowns. It only speeds up the process, people, it's in your best interest to send them. I thought about DPing this one but the piano ending was a weak spot. I think something brighter would have worked better there. But the first five minutes of this are awesome, it barely sounds like a medley. Best beat yet from these guys, excellent variation across the array of rising and falling instruments, perfect control over the song's pace. So good. YES
  11. There's something just a little awesome about seeing an e-mail in the submissions inbox from Dave Wise.
  12. We're totally with you. We actually have form letters written up for regular pass too, but haven't tested it out yet. I'm gonna try the direct post ones first because there's less of them, the decision is less likely to change, and I get the most PMs asking if the mix fell through. We're also experimenting a little with when we close decisions, so if a fair number of our regular decisions get reopened, form letters when it passes might not be a good idea. I've mentioned this before to Dave and Larry, but I wasn't aware that either of my first two mixes on this site were posted until months after the fact. I never heard back and I assumed they had been rejected. So I'm behind the idea of more contact with the remixer.
  13. I've actually started using the direct post form letter going forward (and so should you, Larry!).
  14. Not to mention that 4Y/1N is still a YES, so one NO vote doesn't slow anything down. And two or more NO votes means there is probably a real issue. Better to bring that stuff to light. Also 'Ili, you're awesome for catching all these source usages that I miss. That said, just going by memory, I don't remember thinking this was too conservative even though it matches what you describe. The melody is kept intact, and it's fleshed out with beats, bass, and FX. I have probably NO'ed songs for that before if it sounds too much like the original still, but the feel of the piece was different enough to me in this case. I'll take another listen later when I have speakers.
  15. I'd like to submit a song, please. Thank you for your time! Submission Information Motol DM Super Metroid Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - 20 "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" This song is getting to Ice Cap levels of coverage. This arrangement had some stuff going for it, namely a nice ambient mood that transitions into a stiffer beat halfway through. The leads aren't that strong or cutting, they play rigidly, and the delay on them sometimes conflicts with the lead. That ends up really hurting this. I also think this gets a little sluggish and could have more driving it while not overwhelming it. Just something to really fill it out. Nice work so far, but I don't think it's quite there. NO (resubmit)
  16. Title: Farore Lies in Wait Game: Zelda 3 Themes: Lost Woods, Fairy Fountain/File Select Screen Remixer: chthonic Userid: 3842 I hope you all like this. I like it. It's pretty straightforward. Thanks. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=loz3 - 18 "Forest of Mystery", 25 "The Goddess Appears"
  17. Song Information Song Title Dixieland Battlefield Artist JasonP27 File Size 2.99 MB Bitrate 192 Kbps CBR Duration 2m 10s Contact Information Remixer Name JasonP27 Real Name Jason Patterson Email address Forum UserID 20287 (http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=20287) Submission Information Name of game arranged Super Mario 64 Name of individual song arranged Course 1 / Main Theme Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. System Nintendo 64 Composer Koji Kondo Link to the original soundtrack Source MP3 Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. My grandfather played in a Dixieland band so I've always liked it and I have heard my fair share of it. I always wanted to try to arrange or write a song in the Dixieland style, and one day I heard this Super Mario 64 song going through my head, but in the aforementioned style, so I laid it out as best as I could. I've always thought of jazz, particularly Dixieland, as a sort of "controlled chaos" that can have multiple melodies and rhythms at the same time, yet still have some sort of continuity to it all, and that is what I tried to achieve here. I hope, at the very least, it brings a smile to your face like it does for me. ------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12246 - (05) "Super Mario 64 Main Theme" I like the arrangement, it's a little conservative but the entirely new feel and the short little bits that you added give this a unique flavor. However, the production wasn't doing it for me. The horns just sound too honky and fake, the drums flat. Room reverb would help this out, but I think better samples and better articulations are what you need. Hope to see another version come our way. NO (resubmit)
  18. Contact Information Remixer: El Pogo8bit Real Name: Jorge M. García Homepage: www.myspace.com/pogo8bit UserId: 28245 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: F-Zero Name of individual song(s) arranged: Silence After I was Invited to make a song for a GM4A F-Zero Proyect, I decided to change my genre and chose "Silence" because of its slow-soft nature. To keep a bit of rock and break the speed of the song I made a change of rythm at the end of the song. Pretty much time I spend on this song, because of my lack of experience with fusion-jazz music, but im pretty satisfied and happy with the final version of it. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=fz - 05 "Silence"
  19. I was a pretty damn good Tetris Attack player back in college, but I've lost those chops. I still think I'd fare better playing that than SSF2HDRBBQ.
  20. Added benefit of getting one more mix done. I too had thought about doing something like this at Otakon, but there's a lot to explain. It's only interesting for those who know the process, making Magfest a good place to try it. Though this makes it less fun, we'd probably have to pre-judge the track to make a fair vote on it if we want to post it. Not a good idea to base my decision on some overhead speakers. Otherwise, we could do a mock vote that doesn't really count. I'd prefer to go with the latter, it's more fun. The other advantage is we could involve anyone, really, doesn't have to be current judges.
  21. Bingo. There's a whole lot of variation going on in this, even more than the last version, but it's within one very very narrow band and the changes come off as contrived to me. I think this needs to develop beyond that. Even including the second six notes of the source would add a lot more variety. This just doesn't do it for me, sorry guys. NO (resubmit)
  22. (also attached to email just in case) Remixer Name - Jae Real Name - James Clyburn Email - buggie_buggs@yahoo.com User ID - 29277 Name of Game Arranged - Fighter Destiny 2 Name of Individual Song Arranged - Mongol System - Nintendo 64 Source - Comments - 3+ weeks later... I seem to have a theme here. I probably won't run the "Fighters Destiny" series into the ground anymore after this. If you may have noticed, there is no "s" in "Fighter Destiny 2" due to the fact that it was taken over by another company who removed the "s" out of fear of copyright issues. The "sequel" to "Fighters Destiny" was even less memorable than its predecessor, however one song really stuck out to me yet again. This is Mongolia's theme entitled "Mongol", which I took to be a nomadic Mongolian. I pulled my title from the definition, travelling from a far away land and ending home. It has nothing to do with fighting, but a lot to do with destiny (rather...destination ). Anywho, I liked the flute in the original song. The small trills were nice, so I didn't want to mess with that much. Hopefully, the remix sounds original enough by what I added to accompany the ocarina and piccolo throughout the song. I hope you enjoy! I actually made sure to upload this mix to a site that didn't butcher its quality this time. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Original decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24251 Remixer Name: MrMilkcarton Real Name: Nick Tomassetti E-Mail: Nicktomassetti@hotmail.com Website: www.myspace.com/mrmilkcartonmusic User ID: 28401 Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask Calling the Four Giants (There are multiple variations of this song. I'm not sure if the video below is the exact one I used to make the song.) Comments: Resubmission of the same song, added a few things and redid the EQ on most of the percussion. I didn't have any future plans of revisiting this song but I suppose seeing the (Resubmit) put a little hope into it. I extended the break to add a little flavor and introduce the harp movement of the song earlier. The original is mostly composed of chords so I consider the lead to be the harp portion. I tried to keep the song within a time restraint so I didn't do an all out trance progression with it. I know everyone isn't a fan of 8 minute songs so I cut it in half, though I could of extended the break to a much longer duration. Trying to keep the peak interesting while not destroying the overall feel I added more sidechain (I have a fever and the cure is more sidechain). That being said I opened a hihat muted it and chained it to the lead adding some hits on the off beat. It gave it a nice pulsing sound and added some variation to it. --------------------------------------------------------------
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