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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Not a lot of interpretation in this track, most of the parts play it disappointingly straight. I did like the bridge though, which was much more creative with combining themes. There's a lot of things you could have done to make this more interesting. D&B is a nice style for this track, so make the most of it! Throw in some bass drops, jazzier chords, additional layers of percussion, etc. The drums were too loud and plodding, and the saw at 1:28 needed some expression or movement to it. There were other production issues, but those immediately jump out. I'd recommend spending some time in our WIP forums, I think they'd have some advice that could help you improve. NO
  2. Reminds me of an early 80's sitcom theme, like Silver Spoons. Very warm and floaty, dreamlike soundscape. I think you did a great job with the backing parts, very colorful. This might be my new favorite of yours, though it helps that I love the source. However. I think you really rushed the balance on this, the leads are much louder than the rest of the track, and the low-end also feels neglected. I'm not crazy about the snare, it's flabby and doesn't have much bite to it. I know you like the washed-out 80's sound, but it could sound better. Let's call it conditional YES? YES (conditional on balance) EDIT (5/18 ): An improvement over the last version, low-end sounds more full. The leads are still a little loud. Could have been improved with access to the project file, but I think this still passes muster. YES
  3. I remember this ditty from when I was a kid playing this game on my Mac, using the cheat code to put up arcologies within my first month as mayor (good times). This kicks life into that simple little track, instantly recognizable as a remix of it but much more colorful. Man, that brass is wrecking what is otherwise a delicious track. I've half a mind to pass this anyway... but alas, I can't. I think even if you layered that brass with some other brass instruments it would do the trick, but it has to be fixed. I don't mind calling this a conditional YES, it shouldn't be too bad. YES (conditional) Edit (3/20): Brass replaced with an organ that sounds much better than the brass. I can't help but wish we could get some live brass there instead, but the organ definitely does the job keeping the funkiness. It's a little longer now too, with some synth-y stuff going on towards the end. YES
  4. I absolutely agree with OA, the melodic aspects like the piano should've been much louder and some of the backing elements should've been more tucked in. That was the biggest issue with this, though there were also some mechanical sequencing issues with the leads. With those fixed, I'd almost certainly be a YES on this. The hip-hop/live instrument combination is really original, and the processing is slick. Very creative percussion as well. NO (resubmit)
  5. There are some subtleties to this, but for a while it comes across as a standard orchestral performance of the big Mag. The Manoria Cathedral section is handled more creatively IMO, with some rhythm and writing changes that set it apart without losing the feel of the source. That point was when this really started to come into its own and offer something new. When you returned to Magus later, there were some bigger liberties taken and I liked that. I will say 3:34 was a weak section, where the writing started to overlap and became harder to hear - should have shifted something there up or down an octave. Not the most realistic orchestral production we've had, but most of this was sounding good. Strings sounded slightly too far forward, volume jumps were too quick sometimes, the choir had a slow attack - those were the biggest issues I noticed. Overall, I'd say it passes. Some things you could have fixed up on the production side, but nothing derailing this. Nice work, Khalifa, hope to hear more. YES
  6. Not crazy about the intro, but once the guitar kicks in, this gets going. There's still something about the combination of synths and guitar never sits right the whole song. The synths are detached from the live instrumentation, and they sound low-quality compared to the rock. But otherwise, great guitar performances and I like the drumming too. Sonically, this was pretty tight, if a little bass-y. Unfortunately, I think it's leaning too conservative. I caught a solo section (amazing stuff there btw), but otherwise, everything but the drums pulls from the original. Throw us some harmonies, some new synth or guitar lines, or a new section. This needs to position itself apart from the original more to meet OCR standards. NO (resubmit)
  7. I feel like this song holds back in some way. The ideas you've got going on are rich, but the execution isn't all it could be. I know what Vig's talking about when he says the dynamic is pretty constant. Amidst some sizable changes you've got going on - no one element stays the same throughout - the song feels like it's stuck in the same gear. Jump to any point in the song, and texturally it feels about the same. I will say that you make the most of it, incorporating some varied leads and a fun stop-start section towards the middle, but even that could have been more pronounced, and could have used some drastically different elements. Surprisingly, I didn't mind the ending. I'm torn on whether this is a pass or not, so I'll give it some thought before making a final decision.
  8. Tough call. A lot of things here are really tight, including the awesome chops, the drum programming, the soloing, the energy. Pretty much what I didn't like was that the first half was pretty conservative, instruments could have been brighter, and the drums also sounded a little dry and far forward. I'll go YES though. Thought you had enough changes with the rhythm guitars and drum programming, and some cool riffing on the source melodies near the end. I would have liked to see that kind of thing all the way through, but this still seems like a pass. YES
  9. No offense to anyone who voted/votes yes on this, but I thought this was unpolished. There's nothing in particular that stands out, but a bunch of little things sink this for me. The intro runs a little too long without really building, it's roughly the same thing twice with more percussion added the second time. The lead that comes in later overpowers the backing instruments, yet still leaves a gap in the mids. I think there should have been some rebalancing there. Not to mention, the lead could be softened a little and given some expression, though that was a lesser concern. The piano stiffness was already mentioned, I think it only really got to me in the fast runs, which were fun but too silly. There was also a part at 1:42 where it sounded like the pad didn't match the melody, that gets repeated. In the next part where the rest of the instrumentation comes in, the piano starts to get lost as a lead. That becomes an issue at the end too, where the piano and lead play simultaneously. I don't want to give the impression that there's a lot of work here. It's the polish. A lot of these are easy-to-medium fixes that'll really improve the overall quality of the track, which is already pretty solid as an arrangement. NO (resubmit)
  10. Though I wasn't feeling the intro that much, I really liked the soundscape once the pads entered. From there, the strings and piano really made this took off. The take on the source is pretty orthodox trance/dance arrangement, but the execution is well-done, and there are a few inspired detours. Here's the negatives. The level of repetition wears by the end - the intro and outro are especially numbing. They could be shorter, or in lieu of that, I'd like more detail there, filtering, something. The piano lead is very even, which happens in this type of electronic arrangement, but some rhythm and volume changes would add some dynamics. Lastly, I would tone down the synth playing offbeats. In my book, this is very close to a pass. With some strategic changes, nothing too drastic, this would get my YES. NO (resubmit)
  11. My fellow judges have laid out the issues with this pretty well. Arrangement: cool, production: problematic. I thought transition and structure-wise this was fine, the drops in energy didn't bother me. The main problem is there's too much competition for what gets heard, and you need to clean up the low-end especially. The drums or guitar (or both) is taking up way too much space - compare the 2:46 section with the 2:56 section. It sounds so smooth and clear in the former, so hard to hear in the latter. Remove the compression, figure out what's causing the problem, then gently re-apply compression. I also think the articulations in the orchestral elements could be less blocky. The intro was a weak spot in that regard, very unrealistic envelopes. Please stick with this one, Michael, I think you have a winner if you can make the production happen. NO (resubmit)
  12. Pretty interesting arrangement concept which is why I paneled this, but a lot of problems production-side. Yeah, no crispness at all like OA said, very indistinct. The sequencing is chunky and lacks realism. Pretty much I can copy his vote, this needs work to sell the ideas within. NO
  13. We've talked about tags several times in this forum, and we hope to make it better in the future. Right now, the first 1000 mixes or so are not tagged save for a few, and complex searching is impossible. I know djp's plan is to eventually make the tags a bigger part of the site, and at least make searching by tag more prominent and more complex. I'd love for a remix to show you similar remixes. If you check out codebeard's site, he's already set up something similar to that using the tags we've applied.
  14. I have way more nostalgia (and games) for the NES and SNES, but the PS2 was an extremely well-designed console, and it was the first one that made me jump ship from Nintendo. It had a lot of features like the DVD player and backwards compatibility with PS1 that made me think, "huh, why weren't consoles always doing this?" The library is huge and awesome, a sign that it was probably easy to develop on, and I've had only minor loading issues with mine, even though I got it in 2001. It was also the first DVD player I owned, and as a nice coincidence, the first movie I watched on it was...
  15. Contact Information: ReMixer name: kage49 Real name: Khalifa Almarri email addres: kage49@gmail.com Website: www.soundcloud.com/kage49 Userid: 30302 Submission Information: Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Trigger Name of individual song(s) arranged: Magus Confronted, Manoria Cathedral Comments about the mix: A little over a year ago I decided I would try out orchestration, inspired by some great albums like Yoko Shimomura's Drammatica and the 2008 Gyakuten Saiban (Phoenix Write) Orchestra. I knew nothing about music; I had to learn about music theory, orchestration, sequencing, mixing, and virtual instruments. I decided I would choose Magus Confronted because I love it and I knew I'd stick with it until it's done. I used this arrangement as a learning project, and now, 1 year and more than 10 versions later, I guess it finally is. --------------------------------------------------------------- Magus Confronted, Manoria Cathedral
  16. Sorry, Rozovian told me yesterday he'd like to give us a new version and I told him we'd hold on this. My bad, but let's wait for the new version and vote again. EDIT 3/8: Oh look here it is. Honestly, this sounds pretty similar to the last version, and I think the production problems are still there. It's bassy, there could have been some clean-up. It's a little brighter, which I guess is nice, though at times the leads get loud. I will go contrary to the other guys and say I liked the arrangement. It felt it had good direction, building up from subtle pads, adding guitar and heavier drums as it went. I liked the hazy, spacy atmosphere, feels like one of those songs that ends an album. You'd have to get pretty lucky for this to pass at this point, considering this sounds almost exactly like the last version and I don't think it'll change any votes, but good luck to ya. YES
  17. Now you're just taunting me. :P

  18. C'mon, zircon, throw some love to Harmony while you're at it. Happy birthday to two fine individuals!
  19. Hi, its zoola. This is "Roller Disco", a remix of the classic "Disco Train" song in DKC2. * Your ReMixer name: Zoola (John Torkington) * Your real name: John Torkington * Your email address: johntorkington@gmail.com * Your website: www.jrutopianstudios.com * Your userid 12568 * Name of game(s) arranged Donkey Kong Country 2 * Name of individual song(s) arranged Disco Train * Your own comments about the mix: It's on the DKC2 project. Bahamut told me to submit it to OCR officially, so here I am. --------------------------------------------------------------- Disco Train!!!!!
  20. ReMixer Name: Fallen Seraph Real Name: Wina A. Kamlongera Email address: fallen_seraphx@yahoo.co.uk Userid: 21396 Name of game ReMixed: Dark Cloud - Dark Chronicle (Dark CLoud 2) Name of individual song ReMixed: Battle for the Future Comments: Hm, not too sure what to write about in here. Okay, got it! The original track has been haunting me for a very very long time; and I have tried numerous times to wield this beast into a form that could flirt with my style without serious repercussions. Hopefully it worked out. Can't remember when I completed the track but it's been sitting on my laptop for a few months now. Um...guess nothing more to say than hoping you enjoy the track! - Fallen (Wina A. Kamlongera) ---------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Your ReMixer name: iR2-X Your real name: Kevin Shih Your website: 3r2.deviantart.com Your userID: 30907 Name of game(s) arranged: Kirby's Adventure Name of individual song(s) arranged: Yogurt Yard Song Title: Yogurt Love Your own comments about the mix: Well , it's my first time submitting my remix to this website. Alot of people told me to submit some remixes to OCRemix before .Well , here it is : A happy hardcore remix of Yogurt Yard. Song URL: --------------------------------------------------------------- Cute song, very energetic and fun take on a great source. Maybe in the early days, I could see something like this passing, and honestly it would be fun to see a song like this make it now and then, but I didn't feel like this mix did much. There's some original bookends, and the melody is played almost straight with the 'ardcore doing the same thing each time, along with some random sounds to break it up. It's a pretty short mix, there's a lot more you could do with it. I also thought it was overcompressed and too loud, though that starts to get into personal taste - the elements were clear. With some more sections that play off the original, maybe a break that handles the bass and gives the lead a rest, this could pass. NO (resubmit)
  22. Welcome! Yeah this is the right place to post. Your gdoc links and your website (which I think links to your gdoc links) aren't working for me. I don't know if you need to make them public enabled or what.
  23. "Blue Haze" Yes, like the album. Shutup. Willrock, prisoner #24181 Rozovian, prisoner #21613 #18 on the Pokémon BLUE! chiptune Will: "I didn’t think I’d ever end up doing a collab, but somewhere along the line, that idea went down the toilet So, the original idea behind this mix was to take a happy piece of music and turn it on its head, rip it apart and feast on its insides… It ended up sounding dark, trippy and ambient and I was talking to rozovian about it. He offered to take the midi and use his instrumentation, and knowing about omnisphere and how much it rocks, and Rozo’s good mixing skills, I would have been mad to pass up… So basically, I did the arrangement, gave a midi to rozo, and he ruined it. Ok, seriously, he added some truly awesome feedback stuff and clean or electric guitar samples depending on who you ask, and I recorded some guitar parts to add on. The end result sounds a lot like you might expect… rozo’s chill atmospheric sound mixed with my 80’s synth grooves, and in my opinion, the end result is better than the sum of its parts One of my fav mixes I’ve worked on thus far and I hope you all agree. Enjoy btw in truth, I actually did the whole thing. All rozo did was name it and send it and he wanted to called it pink blur originally" Rozovian: "Everything Will said is false. Seriously tho, Will had the idea of doing a Route 1 remix since there wasn't one on the project at the time. We were talking about it, and ended up doing a collab. It turned out to be a pretty effective way of remixing, he wrote the arrangement. We used mostly his drums, he recorded some guitar for it, and we used a synth lead of his also. The rest of the sounds are mine. I added some sampled guitar stuff in the background, and wrote a little intro and outro. This is my first ocr submission with omnisphere sounds. You bet I'll be doing more. I'm happy with it, it's one of those weird things that neither of us thinks sounds like our own. It doesn't have my typical big breakdown in the middle or lazily looped pads, nor Will's crazy synth solos or his cheapass sound. The biggest disagreement we had with this mix was the name. Not sure that's a good sign or a bad one. btw, I actually did everything, really. Will just helped me with the name, tho he wanted to call it Pink Blur originally." Oh, almost forgot the link: There. No posting this before the album is released. -------------------------------------------------------------- http://ocremix.org/chip/173 Track 18
  24. ReMixer Name: Guidorch Real Name: Guido Gallo Email Address: guidorch@live.com.ar Name of Game: Hang On - Arcade/Sega Saturn Name of Song: Hang On - Theme Song ------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. hi. I have made an Remix from an Atari 800 XL Game. JET SET WILLY - ROB HUBBARD It makes me happy,if you upload it to your site. Sorry for my bad english. Nice greets CZ-Tunes ---------------------------------------------------------------- I like the pleasant soundscape you've made here, but it's generic. The drums and backing synths are bland, though I liked the leads. The drums needed to change up more. I also think the arrangement could have done more to stand out, it was static. Those problems aside, I liked some of the rearrangement ideas (maybe introduce more in the first half), but there's too much that needs to be fixed on this. NO (resubmit)
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