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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Contact Information * Dj farel * Maksim Ezavskih * http://www.last.fm/music/dj+farel * 28573 Submission Information * darkwing duck - city center. * flaps in the night. * this one was developed by Capcom for the NES in june 1992. * hello from Russia!!! -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13587 - "Track 6" Hello from the US! Great beat, but there was a huge disparity between the synths and the beat. The attention to detail on the synths was a lot worse than the beat, and it even swung while the beat didn't. Very jarring. The sections that use source also don't really involve any changes, while everything else is new. It would be stronger to have those intersect somewhere. This would take an overhaul to pass, but it's not impossible. Keep at it. NO
  2. More than two months on panel with only my vote. Get on this one, people. It's not an impossible song to vote on.
  3. Remixer Name - Gario Real Name - Greg Nourse Website - None existent (need to fix that problem, someday ) Forum ID - 22898 Game Arranged - Jurassic Park (SNES) Song Arranged - Mountain Music Composer - Jonathan Dunn System - SNES Remix - Hot Steppin' Dinosaurs Comments - Hey, OCR J's! A few months after my last submission I present a sort of 'Trance/Techno' track for you all - to be honest I don't listen to enough electronic music to know my genres well enough (someone suggested just naming it 'Garionica' - maybe that's a new genre? lol). Anyhow, I sat down a few weeks ago and told myself "Screw this, I need to get off my ass and just write some music,", as I was in a bit of a slump. I searched through my library of games and found Jurassic Park. Remembering that it had some great music, I turned it on and found the mountain music and instantly knew it needed an electronic remix of some sort. This is the result of a few weeks of hard work - and it's surely payed off. Enjoy! Oh, and I personally feel people don't use vocal clips nearly enough in the music on this site, so I've included a few that should get people in the mood for Jurassic Park. If you've ever played the game that first sound clip should be ingrained into your brain - and set the mood for the rest of the music. Not everyone likes soundbites, but I love them - since this is my remix, I include them for everyone's listening pleasure . -------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=jp - "Triceratops Trot" Cool source, Greg. I didn't hear a single bit of it in your arrangement. Not even a little bit. I fully admit I may be missing something, maybe some chords, but this just sounded entirely original apart from the vocal clips. I thought the arrangement was cool otherwise, a little thin production-wise. Where's my source? NO
  4. Stargazer Tom Witherspoon http://soundcloud.com/stargazer 29699 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Chemical Plant Zone I adore the original score for this level, Ive been into production for about a year now and I couldnt resist remixing this. I hope you like it. Cheers SG --------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=37 - "05 - Chemical Plant Zone" Tough decision. I thought the arrangement was catchy, and even if it used almost all parts from the source, it rearranges them in a way that is just different enough from the original. Good automation on the leads to keep it interesting. On the down side. The arrangement is repetitive, and those drums certainly could have been changed up sometime. I wished there had been some original section or soloing to balance out the constant source usage. The sustained bass was loud and the backing writing was sometimes difficult to hear. Unfortunately, I'm leaning NO, mostly for the arrangement issues. After the first half of this, I felt like I wasn't hearing anything new. Seems like a good resubmit candidate, or maybe other judges feel better about this one than I do. Good luck! NO (resubmit)
  5. Josh agrees about fixing up the vocal recording and bringing down the conflicting instruments, but let's not wait for him because he doesn't know how soon he could get a new version to us.
  6. Rozo told me he has a version of this that references the original source more clearly. Assuming it has significant changes from this version, I'll try to get it up here as soon as I can. EDIT (11/18 ): My bad, he had a version that solos the source usage. It doesn't change the fact that the link to the source is not clear enough, so I'm closing this.
  7. Remixer Name: Willrock Remix Name: Cold Metal Games Arranged: Megaman 2 Songs Arranged: Metal Man Comments: I recently purchased a Reason 4 upgrade, and was messing around in the Thor synthesizer when I got inspiration to remix the metal man music from the megaman series, in which there seems to be a law that to be half decent remixer, you must have remixed at least one track from the series (a law shared with final fantasy and chrono trigger. And Zelda) Anyway, I describe this as a techno remix with wacky synth solos. Just like everything else i've done. On a side note, I would like to thank the guys down at the wip forum for helping me out with this mix as they don't get nearly as much credit for being awesome as they deserve. Hope you guys enjoy it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14303 - "Metal Man" Not much of a stretch for Will, but an enjoyable take on Metal Man, with the cool soloing we expect from him. I still wish your drums sounded less distant, but I can live with it as a stylized choice. You will have to live with the fact that I've never remixed anything from Mega Man, Chrono Trigger, or Zelda, so there! I'm running out of things to say about your style! You gotta do something out of left-field next time, like an oboe/Clavinet duet or something. Though by the time you read this, you'll have sent us 12 more songs. YES
  8. Names: AttolloDeus, Scynne Real Names: Steve (AttolloDeus), Dave (Scynne) User ID: 29690 (AttolloDeus), 29454 (Scynne) Game name: Chrono Trigger (SNES) Song name: "Time Circuits" (AKA" Corridor of Time") Comments: We made this song as a break into the OCRemix community. It is our first collab as musicians, as well as our first attempt at a video game remix. Yeah... ~AttolloDeus / Steve~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Corridors of Time" (ct-304.spc)
  9. ReMixer Name: Jopin Real Name: Joe Dininni Game Arranged: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Songs Arranged: Lost Paintings, Master Librarian Composer: Michiru Yamane Comments: A fairly epic project I worked on for quite a while (about a month), because due to the given situation, I could only work on it on my lunch breaks..... no, really! Anyway, the name comes from Metallica S&M, because as you might expect, it's (predominately) a symphony/rock remix. I took a whole lot of liberties with the source material, changing, improvising, re-orchestrating, and mixing it up to my hearts content (and adding a few original transitionary parts, as well), but although some of the original parts are fairly lengthy, I don't think I massacred it beyond recognition, especially for someone who has already enjoyed the awesome game this music is from. Oh, and one thing... it was made in Garage Band (using sampled instruments of course), and Garage Band's samples aren't perfect, so I couldn't get it to rival the professional sound of a lot of the other excellent ReMixes on this site... but, oh well, enough complaining, I'll let the music speak for itself. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Painting, what a gorgeous source that is. I played this game a long time ago and had completely forgotten about this awesome track. I really liked the arrangement, you used the sources in a lot of cool ways, and overall, I think the writing matched your ambition. However, the production is just killing this. You've got some places where it's working ok (the intro was alright), but the unusually hard panning, the sometimes rigid sequencing, a few weak samples, and some strange mixing levels often take the listener out of the great arrangement. Couple times it clips or distorts, and at times, it was lacking in bass content too. I really hope you take another look at this, possibly even enlisting some live players. It's a bang-up arrangement in need of a production tuning. NO (resubmit)
  10. Gents, So, meeting up with djp and Larry has reignited my desire to be a part of this site. So I'm going to put myself through the humiliation of the judges panel again, in hopes of some good feedback and maybe a NO RESUBMIT. I wrote this piece for a Bad Dudes album based on boss battles. I found it via aimlessly searching the vgmusic.com page. The melody worked really nicely for me .. it was something that wasn't just shredder type boss music -- something I could enjoy humming. For the actual album, Mustin redid a lot of the samples as well as drums and some flute notes. Although I enjoyed what he did, I still like what I had originally a whole lot more. Now for the boring stuff: Remixer name: bladiator Real name: Karl Harmdierks email address: bladiator@juno.com UserID: 6648 (not impressive) Game arranged: Romancing SaGa 3 (Japan) Name of song: Boss (? That's all it says) System: SNES Song link: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/rsg3boss.mid My remix: http://bladiator.vgpiano.com/music/bladiator_romancing_the_bossa.mp3 Comments: I really like the energy I created with this one. I usually "like" my remixes, but this one just really gets me toe-tapping. Like many of my remixes, I start with a melancholy piano rendition of the theme and then lead into the rest, so I hope you're not tired of that stuff. Also, Golden Ivories of Gaia is actually over 8 meg so I'll have to come up with a different way of submitting it. ~Karl --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=rs3 - Battle 2 (rs3-116.spc) Toe-tapping, indeed. Sounded like a direct post up until other instruments were added in. A few of the lesser-used drum samples stuck out, sometimes the strings as well, but nothing major, IMO. The soundscape also could have been more filled out in the 1:19 section, but on the back of an excellent, fun arrangement and a great piano performance, sounded like a pass to me. Great seeing new stuff from Karl! YES
  11. I felt the music boxy part was close enough to the source, following that arpeggio pretty closely, but your timestamp is right. I don't think there's any other source in the first half. Also, I changed my vote, see above.
  12. Hah, I did not notice the remixer name, but I completely agree!
  13. Here's another one for you: Original: Remix: Personally, I'm a big fan of remixes that just take the vocals and make an entirely new song out of it (which is what most remixes of popular songs do).
  14. Yep, I'll ask him for one if it does. This won't work as a title, it's just temporary for now.
  15. Remixer name: illustrationism Real name: David Schooley Website: http://www.sakari-infinity.net User ID: 13253 Game: Mystic Quest: Final Fantasy Name of song: Beautiful Forest Game and OST: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Mystic_Quest ---- I was organizing my old SNES games earlier, and suddenly stopped when I came to Mystic Quest. I stared at it and pondered... I looked at the clock - surely I had time to play it for a few minutes. The organization could wait. "I must play this game", I thought to myself; and I did. The music from FF:MQ has always been particularly enjoyable to me, and music I considered quite good, despite the lack of Nobuo Uematsu at the musical helm. The Level Forest song started playing, and I found myself humming along. "Surely", I thought, "There must be some remixes from this game up on OC Remix". Alas, I found only 2 remixes. Thus, I started my own mix. Using Logic, I loaded up Kontakt and started out with some stringy strings. I couldn't help but whisper out some words to represent the hero's goals. I almost whispered "The tree is blocking the way", or "You found a withered branch", but decided it'd be a little too goofy. But then again, I am remixing a video game song... Heh. I found myself needing a good beat, so I put together some percussive bits; I also wanted something chilled, so I used an electric guitar to carry the melody, and some synths for harmony. About 1/2 through, I wanted to switch things up a little, so I managed some new percussion, switched the melody to a worldy-windy synth, added some dance moves, some crunchy electric guitar, some harmonious reverby synth keys, and some more whispered dubbing. I ended it with a likeness to the beginning - stringy strings and whisper dubbing. It seemed fitting enough. I couldn't have asked for that crunchy guitar to fade out any nicer. Well, that's the story, and I'm sticking to it. I thought that maybe I'd sit on this for a while and work on it later, but... I end up sitting on them forever; eternally unhappy with the songs imperfections. So here we are, 5 minutes and 9 seconds later, with a remix for OC. ---- Thanks, David ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ffmq - Beautiful Forest (ffmq-06.spc) Though it was not without its problems, I'm happy you submitted this because it had some cool ideas, and personally, I've found the best way to learn is to have other people tell you what could be improved. The arrangement here is pretty cool, but there were some weird bum notes, especially in the second half, and I'm not sure your new chords really fit. They did sound pretty though, and I liked the crunchy guitar buried in the mix in the second half. Very cool shoegazey effect. The first half sounded empty and a little underdeveloped. The lead could have used a thicker sound and more expression, since there wasn't that much going on. The drums weren't filling the back very well, and the loop you used in the second half was better for that purpose. One last thing but I found the oscillated panning of the strings in the intro to be distracting. Good ideas, but a fair deal that could be improved upon. I'd be interested to hear another version of this if you decide to do another. NO (resubmit)
  16. I agree with Anso, though I have to admit, I wouldn't object too strongly if this passed because I think it sounds awesome. But I would like to make sure people do hear dominant Gerudo in this. The original song is four chords (IIRC, I don't have my headphones atm). His progression alone is more than four, and he altered some chords. And I don't think the bass spells out that last chord very well, though the backing pad does. I'm cool with people going YES on this if they hear enough Gerudo. I didn't.
  17. My two cents: I actually didn't notice the clipping when I first heard this, so I guess that means I wasn't bothered by it. Let's keep this one open. Maybe enough judges will feel the same that also think the arrangement is liberal enough. Though if they really don't want to change it, I guess Jimmy has to decide whether that makes his vote a NO. I don't think it's sarcasm, I haven't known Simon to get sarcastic ever.
  18. That's Patrick Burns' "Jib Jig" mix and Ross Kmet's "Crocodile Isle" mix, respectively.
  19. PMed Brad to get a new name for the song. EDIT: He'd like it to be in all lowercase: as time goes on (you are love to me)
  20. Just noting that I agree with this. I definitely thought the reverb levels were intentional for a washed out sound.
  21. This is my preferred way of having the search work, if possible.
  22. Gotta love this arrangement, full of fun surprises. That vocal section was so jaunty! Really excellent work tackling my favorite song from the game (track 2). I've got two criticisms. The brass in the intro sounds totally unrealistic, which didn't get things off to a good start. The attacks are weak, and the legato sequencing just sounds weird, it sounds almost like strings. When the drums kick in, it gets a whole lot better. The second issue, a lesser concern, is that the background is empty some of the time. I think there should have been some tweaking to the reverb levels, or maybe the EQ of the bass and drums to fill that void, but I can't say it affected my appreciation of the song much. On the back of a strong arrangement, I guess I am willing to overlook the intro. Here's hoping Vurez does some cleanup in the final version, I would love to see the intro match the strength of the rest. YES
  23. Oh Sadeness drumloop, even Yuzo Koshiro is not immune to your charms! (There's even an OCReMix that uses that loop, to great effect.) The rhodes was a good choice to connect to the source, and I felt that connection even when the melody dropped out or got liberal. In all, I enjoyed the calm, reflective take on the source, and though I never heard the last version, I don't think the criticisms in our last vote really apply to this, so you probably fixed most of that up. You get a big ol' YES as well as a hope that you submit again!
  24. Similar to Rozo's Freespace sub, the source is used a little unorthodox-ically. The three-note Song of Storms melody is used a lot, but rarely following the full phrase of the original one-for-one. Sometimes it gets transposed or tweaked. However, unlike the Freespace arrangement, I thought this had a clearer connection to the sources, and his breakdown mostly agrees with mine, enough that I feel the source is dominant. The track sometimes has different bells fighting for attention, and it would have been stronger with instruments that didn't compete so much. But the soundscape is still well-rounded and pretty tight. I liked the mood of this and the storm effects, and overall, it was an enjoyable track. YES
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