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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. I was happily able to get mine registered and active within 5 minutes of placing my order. I bought it blind based off the recommendations here, and so far in playing it around with it for 15 minutes, it hasn't disappointed.
  2. I use Chrome too and after I cleared my cache those links leapt to the left side of the page above the logo and don't interfere with the vbulletin username.
  3. Now that my Chrome cache has finished clearing after eight minutes , I definitely like the changes. I have mentioned to djp before about how I thought the four different forms of navigation on the front page (sidebar, tabs, alpha, megadropdowns) were very confusing, and this is a huge simplification. I think now it will be easier to control the way the users navigate the site, and it probably means less work for djp. The one thing I think has been lost is the Submission Standards and Instructions page, which used to be one click near the top of the sidebar. I'd recommend adding that to the about dropdown or music dropdown, or both, or the quicklinks under the logo, because of how important that page is to the site. The color scheme is much higher contrast, which is great. It's been pointed out that the headphones sort of blend in, which should be fixed if possible, and I also notice the top half of "OverClocked ReMix" is not a link like the bottom half is (that's usually how I get to the front page.) I also think that vgbulletin thread titles should be on a different color background, maybe a light gray. That's all my comments so far, excellent work overall! Edit: Oh I forgot, but I also think moving the ads or recent remixes column to the left on the frontpage will look more balanced. And it might be cool to have the recent remixes column on every page of the site now that there is more room, I know you had thought about that before. Edit 2: One thing I totally forgot to mention is the load time. Definitely faster for me now, dunno if anyone else has experienced that.
  4. I would have been there last night, but they look so happy in that picture and three's a crowd. Congrats you two!
  5. Definitely not a bad idea and I've thought about it before. There's no time we'd all be able to make it, but maybe the US judges could. Also, I should mention Shariq is especially fast at voting. I seriously don't know how he does it sometimes.
  6. In the event this track passes the panel, please flag it as a Project track for the Unsung Heroes project Remixer name - OA game: Saga Frontier 2 composer: Masashi Hamauzu remix name: Shimmering song: rosenkranz Comments: I've always liked this source track, with it's super simple pastoral melody, and it's always evoked a sun and sky vibe to me, and I tried to expand on that, but make it a little bit more dancable. Some kind of subtle new experiments on this one for me, one being a more prominent acoustic guitar lead that trades off with the synth, and then an OA-only choir. I've head people say that a musician's output reflects their personality, and I think at least in this case, this song is a pretty good indicator of how I am feeling right now, mid-2009. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This gives me warm fuzzies. The source tune is very pleasant, and OA has given us an as-pleasant synth-pop tune, with some acoustic guitar that really makes this unique. I really enjoyed the arrangement, and I think it's good enough to pass. But I should mention there were some parts I thought could have been improved. The soundscape in the verses was a little empty - some sustained piano or guitar chords would have been great there. The snare rolls sounded limp, and I think a more precise timing of the hi-hat in the intro would have gotten it off to a stronger start. Piddly stuff for the most part, I was happy with this. YES
  7. *Sigh* What's with Ad and these subs of his that are hard to judge? - Palp "Eye of the Storm" Zelda: OoT Windmill Hut, Lost Woods It begins with weather sounds. How original. I have no recollection of my idea for it from when I started this, but I know that at some point I felt I was relying a bit too heavily on the filtered drumloops. Not sure what I did about it, but I like how it ended up sounding. I found myself thinking of the Lost Woods tune and thinking it sounds a bit like the Windmill tune, so I tacked it on at the end, added some more ending... Somewhere during development I added a Red Brinstar-like pattern in the background during some parts, and later a sustained lead/semi-lead just because all the sustain-less bell synths were getting annoying. I also did a few key changes just to vary the sound a little. I should have changed time sig as well... maybe next time. ...my usual fake shaker is there too, subtly crazy at 2:34 with a neat high-resonance-on-filter sound. I'm expecting it to turn into birdcussion one of these days. -rozo
  8. Hello, here's some info on the re-arrangement I've done. I call it "Firefall Swing", refering to the landscape in the game during which the original song plays. There already is a game site for this game on OCReMix: http://www.ocremix.org/game/crusader-of-centy-gen/ I look forward to reading your evaluations on the forum. Contact information: Your ReMixer name: Locutus Your real name: Christoph Boelitz Your userid (number, not name) on our forums: Locutus Submission information: Name of game(s) arranged: Crusader of Centy (Soleil) for Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) Name of individual song(s) arranged: Burn Daisy Link to the original soundtrack: http://www.project2612.org/details.php?id=16 Thanks and regards, C.Bölitz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What a chill arrangement. I really like the details you put into this, the different leads, the cowbell! I very much enjoyed listening to it. If this was the earlier days of the site, this would probably be a pass. Unfortunately, with the bar raised on production nowadays, I don't think the sax or muted trumpet leads really cut it. The other instruments could stand to be more realistic too, but those two are the must-fix ones IMO. If you want to really do this song a service, hit up some people on the forums for help recording live parts for those. Just go to our workshop (http://www.ocremix.org/workshop) and drill down to find people with the skills you need. With an arrangement this strong, you'd have a good chance of getting help. No matter which way you go about it, it'd be a shame not to send us another version of this. NO (resubmit)
  9. ReMixer: Peter Felix Armstrong Real Name: Peter Felix Armstrong Site: www.myspace.com/thefelixstudio UserID: 29467 Original Composer: Yoshihisa Kishimoto (?) This is the opening theme for Mission 4 for the NES version of Double Dragon. My title is "The Walls Attack". This is in ABA form. The piece opens with a nod to the NES' capabilities of 3 oscillators, 1 white noise, and a 1 bit sample. The main theme is stated in three sections. This is followed by an extended guitar solo that follows the musicality (A harmonic minor + A minor blues) of the main theme. The tone on the guitar solo was made possible by running a guitar through an Electro Harmonix POG and then into the Line 6 POD and then straight into the computer. No whammy pedal was used. Following the solo, the theme is restated with some slight changes in the instruments. The song ends with another nod to the NES sound. The original NES Double Dragon music was unique in many ways. On the turnaround in Mission 3 there is a wild LFO usage that I haven't heard on any other game. The inspiration for this piece was the music itself, part metal, part fugue. It is playful and yet menacing. I enjoyed the process thoroughly. I thank you for taking a look at my work and I hope you find it worthy of acceptance into the OC Remix Community. ~Peter Armstrong -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13629 - Track 7 The arrangement is fun, a sort of carnival rock thing. I would have liked for the new sections to integrate more of the source, and the source sections to integrate more of the new, but production is really what sinks this. It comes off sounded very general MIDI-like because of the rigidness and the fact that the parts sound too disparate, the drums sound like they're in a different room than everything else. There was also a real lack of mid-frequency content, you've got some backing guitars at 0:43 but they aren't loud enough and aren't there most of the time. Not a bad showing, but room to improve. NO (resubmit)
  10. Song Title: A Time Traveller's Goodbye Remixer name: MJR Real Name: Mitchell Regis Website: http://www.myspace.com/mitchregismusician UserID: 29455 Name of Game Arranged: Chrono Trigger Name of Songs Arranged: Epilogue - To My Dear Friends Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda System: Super Nintendo Comments: This is my first submission of hopefully many to OCRemix. I have been doing live covers of video game music for over a year with a friend and have arranged and remixed several pieces from Chrono Trigger, Cross, and a few other games like Super Mario, Zelda, and Final Fantasy VII. The Remix itself started as just guitar with delay, which on its own sounded extremely nice. It was recorded on my own mac using garageband but later was mastered on Protools at the studio I work at. Then I added a few final touches an voila! ------------------ - Mitchell Regis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Epilogue ~ To Good Friends" (ct-316.spc) Ack, that delay! This is a really nice sounding piece but that delay should not be so present. You really lose the sense of a lead and rhythm - it should be pushed back. I did hear some tweaks in the melody, but this seemed to follow the original quite closely. That's the big killer (though I'd probably want you to fix that delay as well), this needs more variance from the original, some additional liberties in the bass part or the melody. As is, it's a nice cover. NO
  11. I didn't realize you were leaving comments on the individual songs, Brian, so I got really confused where the reviews were. Now that I'm set straight, I wholeheartedly approve of this venture.
  12. Fishy's breakdown is awesome - you're the dudest dude on the panel. That said, I feel uncomfortable counting most of what you listed there and I don't think I'd count anything more than what I heard the first time, which is definitely a minority of the sub. A super-slowed down melody is something that is really hard to judge - do we give the remixer credit for 18 seconds of source? What if this is the only tie to the source? That's why a strict breakdown never makes sense, it's only a guideline. In this case, it's stretched past the point of recognizibility to me. It's funny that Larry was ok with the breakdown but thought the arrangement was too meandering. I really liked this whole thing and though it was simple, it sounded very detailed. I wouldn't change a thing about it from a song perspective! But it just doesn't meet the dominant source usage criteria for me. I'll leave this open for a week or so in case someone else wants to chime in or change their vote, but it sounds like we have enough separate issues with this to make it a NO go. Sorry, Marcellis. NO (resubmit)
  13. Yep, the bass was the big piece I was missing. Gets my stamp of approval. YES
  14. Contact Information cilrag James D Sheehan http://blaybiehika.blogspot.com/ 29438 Submission Information Streets Of Rage Go Straight I tryed and this place is luv. probly gonna piss off a judge and this'll probly get a slim chance of bein accepted. I'd like to change my title to streetcakes4lyfe.. the orignal title to the song and just adding 4lyfe is a lame title. no passion what so ever. and another thing Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. jeez well heres a lil more effort . luved this site back in highschool. well i recently had an urge to remake gostraight and for being this my first submission here, i just did whatever i could do to makit stay true and added a lil of my wee flavor in toit. and yeah i know the strings I added are cheap assssss hell. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/8458 - "Go Straight" Hard to make a call on this one. The source is pretty repetitive to begin with and I think that rubs off here, but there's a fair attention to detail in this. The production sounds a little empty but the instruments used sound good. I'm leaning NO but I could use help getting my own thoughts together. EDIT (10/30): Yeah, I think OA called this one pretty well. The repetitiveness of the source makes this sound a little repetitive, and IMO it would have been better to have more sections that get away from the main riff, and use the bass or backing synths instead. The mixing also sounds off to me, a little crowded in the lower ranges, some elements distant. Still hard for me to articulate the issues there, it might just be a bunch of small issues put together. I do like your attention to detail and the instruments you chose, and this is a good resub candidate. NO (resubmit)
  15. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19050 - 1st version http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=22641 - 2nd version BlackPanther Rashad Hill rashad_hill@yahoo.com Your website 17238 Goldeneye 64 Disused Military Depot N/A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vn8uPmyd0g Third time's a charm right? Nothin special really to say about the mix since all the inspiration got canned with the second sub. While I feel this is everyone elses song now, continuing to work on this has helped me grow a more as a musician, so I would like to thank the people in the forums for all the help as well as Brian, Greg, Andrew, Jack who gave me some pointers last but not least the jerks on the judges panel =P(lol j/k) particularly Vinnie who helped me outside of the panel and tolerated my nagging about what else should be done so thank you again guys for all the help I am deeply grateful for all of it =). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12212 - 113 "Depot" Hard for me to remain objective about this one having heard it so much, but it sounded like just a pass to me when Rashad last sent it to me and it still does. Some elements could be balanced better and it gets crowded when the cymbals are present, but the elements are still clear. And let's face it, the arrangement is pretty darn kickin'. Let's see how others feel. YES (borderline)
  16. You can't just jump in to making music like that, though once you know how your program of choice operates on a basic level (I'd recommend FL Studio for beginners), you will be able to. We have workshop forums here though they usually cover specific questions. I might check out some tutorials on youtube, there's a whole bunch and I'm sure a few of them cover the basics of FL. Good luck!
  17. pot_hocket (tekcoh_top) michael lee 15440 game: star ocean: the second story theme of rena hi all, it's been a while since I've made a remix that I was satisfied with enough to actually submit. there's not much new here in terms of style, but I'd say I've done a better job sticking to the original source material and post-editing it. It should also be louder in general, compared to my previous submissions. I hope you enjoy, and thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Source link This is one of those instances where a breakdown doesn't make sense to me, so I won't bother with one. Mike uses the chords nearly throughout, along with the melodies and rhythms every now and then. Because of that, it felt like one fully connected piece and I never lost the source except in a couple places where Mike added original sections. I won't fault anybody for going NO on this for being too liberal - it probably uses <50% source melody - but I think it's perfectly fine as an arrangement. I don't think this was your best performance or arrangement, Mike, but it was nice and produced well. I'm happy to say YES
  18. Contact Information Remixer Name: Jennerstein Real Name: Jared Ong Website: www.jongmusic.com Userid: 24986 Submission Inforrmation Name of Mp3 submission: Waterdrop Ending (Storybook Version) Name of Game Arranged: Bubble Bobble (NES Version) Name of Individual Song Arranged from Game: Happy Ending (Note. The song is not specifically named on the OC Remix Bubble Bobble page, but can be found in the chiptunes as track 11. http://www.ocremix.org/game/bubble-bobble-nes/chiptunes/ VGM Music identifies track 11 as "Happy Ending". More specifically, I'm arranging the music that plays over the credits. ) Comments: After what seemed like months of trying to beat Bubble Bobble with my siblings, we finally defeated the humongous boss and watched the credits roll. I remember hearing music play over the credit and thinking that the prettiness of the melody was masked by the limitations of the NES' sound capabilities. Many years later, that thought surfaced again and I decided to see if I couldn't come up with a remix to do the music justice. I truly believe that video games should have a good payoff with memorable end game music. The piece has ambient, new age, and dance influences. One of the major changes I've introduced is an extended "chorus section." The original piece of music had a chorus section that seemed to end a bit abruptly. To remedy that, I use a deceptive cadence (i.e. V -> VI) in order to extend the passage for a few more measures. I think this makes the melody flow better. I really enjoyed playing with different patches within Omnisphere (a soft synth) to try and recreate the essence of Bubble Bobble. I hope you enjoy. Thank you, Jared ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13475 - Track 31 I really like this arrangement idea, the gentle new age take on it. It's a little bit conservative with only some rhythm and emphasis changes until the deceptive cadence section you mentioned, but that little addition was cool. I'd say it's different enough from the original. The low and high frequencies of the track felt empty and overall the soundscape sounded a little quirky. I'd like the piano to sound more upfront, the kick to sound more pushed back, the shaker and hats less panned and more incorporated into the soundscape. Some use of airy pads to fill the high frequencies would have been nice, and bringing out more of the highs of the piano. Overall, I think this aspect of the track is dragging it down and needs to be fixed. The rest of it sounds great and I encourage you to send us another version. IMO this is not far from a pass. EDIT (10/13): Jared sent another version more recently that improves the production slightly. The balance is better and I wouldn't say it sounds empty in the highs or lows anymore. The other problems are still there and I noticed that the string articulations are unnatural sometimes, usually the attacks. That is something that should be fixed too. NO (resubmit)
  19. Oh man, Deborah Gibson! *wipes tear* If I had Netflix I would so be doing this.
  20. Remixer name: Tepid Real Name: Philip Schwan Email Address: phswan@gmail.com Website: www.myspace.com/bluesatellitemusic (electronic original music) www.myspace.com/allezband (college band's myspace) http://www.youtube.com/user/elijosvids (videos of my band, Allez!) User ID: 9600 Name of game arranged: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Name of individual song arranged: Gerudo Valley Comments: Well, it's been a while since I've submitting anything to this website, and frankly I feel bad about it. The past year or so I have been busy with college, and I was working on composing for my college band, and some original electronic stuff. In that period of time my style changed completely from balladic acoustic/organic stuff, to electronic. This remix is in the style of dirty electro, inspired by French, Norwegian and Japanese electro artists such as J.U.S.T.I.C.E, Royksopp and capsule. I felt the site would enjoy something in this style, as I have not many remixes in this style, and it is a popular emerging genre in electronic music (alongside new wave). I had fun experimenting with crunchy clap samples, sidechaining, MIDI gating, and spatializing with stereo plug ins. Also, I have continued to play guitar in college, and was happy to add a guitar solo to the mix. I'm a little more confident with my guitar playing and tone in general. Anyway, I hope you like the remix. The source is pretty clear, and it's nothing like I've ever done before for OCReMix. Thanks and enjoy, Phil --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12209 - 68 "Gerudo Valley" Great to see you sending us more stuff, Phil. Love the style and the title of this mix, and that sweet-ass guitar solo is the icing on the cake. The mix is a little rough, but it gets better as it goes along and sounds great in spite of the roughness (hell, Daft Punk did the same). I really enjoyed it. Now then. Something I did notice while listening is that it goes pretty far off the rails. I took the time to break down the parts where I heard source: 0:44-1:23 1:43-1:57 2:02-2:15 2:59-3:18 There are also some sections in there that modify the chords of the song slightly. Counting those sections puts this well over 50%, not counting them puts this close to 40%, which is too low for any mix IMO. I'm a little torn about whether to count them. It's a basic progression, certainly not the only song in the world that uses it, and Tepid has modified it some. I'm leaning NO because before the Gerudo melody came in, I don't think I would have been able to discern this as a Gerudo mix unless I was told. That's pretty much my litmus test for whether to count chords. What I'd love is for someone to swoop in and point out some obvious source I am missing. The one to do so would be my knight in shining armor. NO
  21. Your ReMixer name - Elektrowaz Your real name - Jonathan Lemethy Your website - http://www.myspace.com/elektrowaz Your userid - http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=25883 Name of game(s) arranged = Castlevania 2 Simons quest Name of individual song(s) arranged = Bloody Tears Your own comments about the mix = Well I made this becouse i was bored how few real techno/trance remixes it exists on this song Put alot of effort in this one to make it not only a remix but a catchy tune for other ears aswell:D I hope you enjoy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13508 - Track 2 ("Bloody Tears") Didn't Alucard come into the picture in Castlevania 3? Maybe his wrath is based on the fact that he wasn't in this game hehe. Production is decent here, but the arrangement wasn't very inspired IMO. I heard moments where you tried to change it up a tad, but nothing drastic. It felt basic in writing, and sounds and effects used. The key transitions were also a little awkward and the vocal samples were tacky and ill-fitting. The mixing could have been more balanced at times, those stacked leads can get loud! This would take some rethinking to be suitable for OCR, I'm afraid. NO
  22. Remixer Name: Sweendrix Real Name: John Sweeney Website: Youtube.com/sweendrix User ID: (could not find it?) Name of Game: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (Gerudo Valley) Name of Remix: Legend of Zelda Oracle of the Sun All Guitars, Bass, Rythmic Arrangement, Production, and Performance by Sweendrix (John Sweeney) This Remix is part two of a Legend of Zelda series that aspires to be epic in nature. Part 1 needs to be completely redone in order to get the guitar sounds that I am looking for and should be finished soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12209 - 68 "Gerudo Valley" I really liked the lead guitar tone and playing; calm, expressive. But I can't say I thought the arrangement was a big stretch. For the first two minutes, it sticks pretty closely to the original, except for the drums. Speaking of which, the drums get pretty repetitive over the course of the song. The solo section was very nice though. Production is problematic. The song never feels fully filled out, and it's worst in the opening and solo sections. There are huge gaps in the soundscape. The drums are distant and could have been brought up in volume. The electric guitar coming in later sounds very muddy and adds a lot of noise underneath. I think you need to take a closer look at the shapes of your instruments and rejigger the EQ, adjust volume levels, reduce the noise on your recordings. There are a lot of things you can do to improve how this sounds. I have a feeling you have it in you to put together a great arrangement, John, but you'll need to work on your skills before you get there. NO
  23. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18725 ReMixer name: Fallen Seraph Real name: Wina A. Kamlongera Userid: 21396 Name of game ReMixed: Streets of Rage Name of individual song ReMixed: The Streets of Rage Comments: I believe the Streets of Rage intro has held itself in my mind since I first heard it. If anybody mentions SoR to me, that's the track my mind immediately brings up. Therefore, I wanted the first mix I submitted to OCR to have a special significance to me...and I think this does beat having another 'Sonic the Hedgehog'/'Final Fantasy'/'Chrono Trigger' first-timer track submitted. As I started the mix, I knew I wanted to do something a little 'gentle' and almost reminiscent in feel. So as the track fleshed itself out, the whole idea of getting an overview of the city four years after the first game came about (hence, 'Four Years Since...'). I started by expanding the two chords from the source into eight and ran with it from there. I really don't believe I have done much different to it than add a little more meat to the source material - the original track always felt it would be an actual RnB sort of track if mega drive music had that fancy glossy finish that games nowadays enjoy (some may disagree with me there...but I guess that's why we enjoy the benefit of hearing so many varied remixes). The police sirens at the beginning are of course meant to represent the coprruption of the city, the trio (though they were ex-cops...hm...) or even cops patrolling the city if you like; and the waves at the end represent the final scene of the good ending, which I believe involves a shot of the beach, if memory serves. The helicopter effect was added for multiple reasons but mainly to add to the sense of the track being an overview/scan of the city...or now I think about it, it was to create the feeling of a helicopter flying overhead as the listener/player walked through the city after so long...cliché, I know. Anyway, enough ranting, I hope y'all enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=53 - "The Street of Rage"
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