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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Remixer Name: Synthetic Motion Real Name: Andrew Garraway www.myspace.com/syntheticmotion (electronic) www.myspace.com/andrewfilmscore(orchestral) Mega Man 2 Opening Cinematic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14303 - Tracks 1, 2 Pretty much a well put-together orchestral cover. Most of the source parts are used here with minimal new writing for transitions and chords. Even if other judges think the new writing makes it not a cover, I'd say it's underdeveloped as an arrangement because of how closely it sticks to the original structure. 2:20 is just enough time for one full run-through. Production was pretty good, the low brass could sound better. When the MM2 title theme comes in, it also sounds like it might be clipping? You've definitely the chops to make a good sounding song, Andrew. I'd like to see you get more creative with what you do to the song. NO
  2. Contact Information Your ReMixer name: IANLY Your real name: Jason Barrios (I do not have a forum account on OCRemix) Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Silent Hill 2 Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Promise [Reprise]" Where do I begin...well basically I loved the Silent hill series and the music behind it as I'm sure most gamers do. This song was always my personal favorite song out of all the sound tracks so I figured I'd remix it. I guess this version sounds some what 'seductive' in nature, yet still keeps an eerie tone about it...I honestly don't know what to say about it other than it's a very different spin from the original piece. If it is a good spin or bad spin well...that's for you guys to decide. I actually had no plans to submit this here but a friend convinced me I should at least try...so...enjoy.. (hopefully) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I waffled whether to put this on the panel or form letter it, but I think the mood and the general approach is pretty good, and the remix shows some... promise. The issues are that the usage of the riff from Promise gets really overused by the end of this, and there's a lot of copy and paste going on with some of your patterns. It wears by the end. The mixing is also off, the soundscape never feels filled out. Even songs that are ambient should be more rounded. Some of the instruments are up close, others are distant (and the distant drums were a peculiar choice). These are sizable issues that would need addressing in a future version of this. NO (resubmit)
  3. Might see Devo, as they are coming around town in November but the tix are expensive. Also They Might Be Giants is starting to become a tradition for me.
  4. My remixer name is OctoEntandreThis is an arrangment of the main theme from future tactics: the uprising origonally composed by tim follin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would have DPed this except that I've never heard of OctoEntandre before, so I figured I'd throw one to the panel. He's got some good stuff on newgrounds though. This must have been one of the last soundtracks Tim Follin made before retiring - fantastic source. I checked out some of the rest of the soundtrack too and I love the style of it. (Maybe I'll have something to give Larry for Dirge for the Follin.) This remix definitely does justice to the source, adapting it for orchestra, with some unexpected rock elements thrown in, but sticking to the catchy motifs of the original. Production is very good for a remix that tries to encompass so much. Maybe a few things where I would have mixed instruments differently, but just minor things, it's very solidly above the bar. This is awesome, and I hope you send us more stuff, Octo! YES
  5. Your ReMixer name - Haohmaru Your real name- Milton Your website- none yet Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile- 29064 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged - Sonic the Hedgehog Name of individual song(s) arranged - Scrap Brain Zone Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. Have you ever wondered what would have happened to Sonic had he not embraced his destiny? What if Sonic the Rebel, instead of careening through Scrap Brain Zone trying to destroy Robotnik, had instead been Sonic the Employee just trying to support Amy and procure health benefits, in that VERY SAME Zone? Oh God. There's a Butterfly in the Machine, and Sonic's getting blamed for it. Sonic the Wage Slave is thinking of a way out, but he can't think...he's hearing everything from the foreman's whistle to the 10 Minute Break Blues (watch that B section!!)...and he's about to go CRAAAAAZYYYYY! MUCH more nuanced and technical than my Marble Zone remix. I was waaaaaaaaaay too happy when I submitted that. Now I just don't give a fuck about any of you, and it shows!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=36 - "Scrap Brain Zone" Maybe I'm missing something here, but I heard about 20 total seconds of Scrap Brain Zone in this. That five note melody gets used a few times and that's all I heard. Track was cool-sounding, interesting textures. I'm failing to see how this is a Sonic remix though. NO
  6. My Remixer Name - SynthetiK My Real Name - Steve Kellett Name Of Game Arranged - Donkey Kong Country Name Of Song Arranged - Cave Dweller Concert Comments: The title of my remix is "Dwelling In The Cavern Of Harmony" This is the first time I have ever remixed a song, but for the past few years i have been using Reason to recreate the Donkey Kong songs the way they sound in the original SPC's. But when i came across this site a few months ago, i decided to use my skills in reason to make a remix. I chose Cave Dweller Concert, as there is a lot to work with and a lot to expand on. And I have always loved the Donkey Kong games and the Super Nintendo since I was a kid, so I just wanted to show my appreciation for it. When I made this piece, I wanted the listener to feel like they're actually walking from the jungle into the depths of the cave, just like Donkey Kong. As you walk further in, the music builds, setting the feel of what's to come and making you feel like you're really there. I also tried to recreate the same 'dripping' sound as was used in the original to give it the familiarity and that authentic cave sound. My main objective was to bring out the beautiful melodies that often go unnoticed when listening to the original and accentuate them, while making the song more flowing and ambient. I hope you enjoy listening. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkc - "Cave Dweller Concert" (dkc-06.spc) Harmony told me he wants you out of his cavern. Very nice for a first submission. The arrangement adds to the original melodies by way of new background parts, new chords, sound upgrades. It starts off a little simple but gets more interesting as it progresses. I wasn't a fan of the 3:34-5:11 section though. It broke the flow with all the pauses, and didn't sound as full as the main section. I'm sure you wanted to capture that part of the source, but I didn't think its placement here improved this song. With better transitions and mixing, this section would work. Production is good for the most part with a couple weak spots. The drums seemed distant and disconnected, I think because of the EQ and reverb settings you used. There's also times the soundscape sounds thin, perhaps a maximizer would help? One other suggestion: I never thought the dripping in the source tune sounded very cave-like, but the sound options for SNES were limited. Would you consider using more realistic waterdrop samples and processing? I didn't mind you trying to recreate the original sounds, but I think more realistic sounds and effects would only benefit this. A solid track with some very fixable issues, which is better than most first-time submitters offer. Let's see another version of this! NO (resubmit)
  7. CONTACT INFORMATION: ------------------------ Bobox Bojan Kabaj couldn't locate my userid number SUBMISSION INFORMATION: --------------------------- Metroid Cosmic Ambiance (Metroid title theme) ABOUT THE COMPOSITION: -------------------------- Metroid games are full of beautiful and mesmerizing melodies, but the one that really stood out for me was the main theme that plays at the title screen of the first game. I am not that good at recreating melodies, but I think I did a good job at enhancing this one. I chose to stick with the first few seconds of the tune, since it is my favorite part. Anyway, this is the best I could do at the time since I personally don't own a studio to work in and my hard drive "died" before I could do more tweaks on this remix. Even though I'm personally pleased with it, I find that I could have improved much more upon it. Some of you may notice that I've used the SNES thunder sound instead of a real one, which I find more fitting. The beat is a bit on the basic side and is also my main weakness. I hope to improve on some segments of music making in the future. This submission got good reviews on some forums and some of the people motivated me to try submitting here on O.C.R. I hope you like it for what it is, cheers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14324 - Track 1 Compared to the original, this is maximalist, but I shouldn't harp at your title. Initially, I was a little leery of the approach of using just the opening six notes, but there was a fair amount of material added. I'd argue that sometimes you get too far away from the melody though; with so much else going on, the piano takes a background role a lot of the time, and even the chords are new. To be honest, I'm not sure whether that is a dealbreaker in and of itself, but the arrangement got repetitive with so many patterns holding for so long, and together that's enough that I want to pass on it. The production sounded pretty good, parts clicking together. Something to wet up the bass would have been nice, but this makes fine background music. With more detail, more variety, and especially if you could include more source, this would be a winner. NO (resubmit)
  8. Nutritious Justin Medford NutritiousMultimedia@gmail.com http://NutritiousMultimedia.googlepages.com 16520 Donkey Kong Country 2 School House Harmony This is a project song. I'm not sure how to classify this one. It was an experiment to try and make a sort of down-tempo electronic sound from one of the two remaining unclaimed tracks on the project. I'm still not convinced it's that great, but Bahamut told me to sub it . -Justin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkq - "School House Harmony" (dkq-35.spc) Not what I would expect from the source or from Nutritious. This is a slightly hard electronic take on the song with some of the orchestral elements that Justin tends to favor. There was one big issue with it: the snare! It's too loud, sounds low-quality, tone really sticks out. I imagine if I have a problem with it, Larry will really have a problem with it, but we'll see. The mixing also sounded low-focused and a little crowded, and I'm not sure whether together this is a big enough deal for me to ask you to resub. I'll sleep on it.
  9. Remixer: ziwtra Game: Final Fantasy 8 Song: breezy It's been a while (2+ years?) since my last submission. I'm still remixing and there will definitely be some older mixes for people to hear once the Xenogears remix project is released. This is the first mix I've done since putting my head down on the Xenogears OST. yh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF8_minipsf.rar - 114 "Breezy" I don't know if this was one of the older mixes you mentioned, Young, but I thought the production was not as strong as your most recent mixes on the site. When the guitar and piano stand out, they definitely lack realism, and I'd say the guitar has the same rigidity and tone of the source. The coda is especially damning. I guess one could argue that as a fake guitar it doesn't need to sound realistic, but the comparability to the source hurts this IMO. I also think the mixing could be tweaked to get things in better balance. Otherwise, it's a great arrangement with the same lush detail and mood we're used to hearing from you. I'd love you to fix this up for us. NO (resubmit)
  10. Well that was quick. Matt sent a new version with a fadeout, I've replaced the old one.
  11. OA radical dreamers snakebone manor original verdict: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9918 One of several tracks from my early days at OCR, this was an arrangement I really liked, but I didn't have the production skills to pull off. It turned out ok enough for the RD project, but I had sortof forgotten about it until The_Mighty_KELP left me a message asking if i'd spruce this up. I had a little bit of time, and thought maybe by now I could do it justice. Hopefully it's the case. It's sortof a super spy themed version of the track, and there's a lot of texture goin on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=rd - "Snakebone Mansion" ( rd-06.spc) The last decision didn't make much mention of the arrangement, but it sounded pretty liberal to me apart from the "choruses". I'd love for OA or someone else to break this down for me, I'm probably missing something obvious. As for the production, the staccato strings at 0:10 stood out as sounding unrealistic and loud, but the rest sounded great. So this is a YES as long as the arrangement checks out. Might want to chop off some silence at the end tho.
  12. Great sound here, atmospheric yet powerful. Cinematic, let's say. This clearly plays homage to the original because of the source melodies being present most of the time, but the underlying chords and new background parts give it a completely different character. I second that the brass attacks are a weak spot, but there's so much goodness to make up for it. I will ask him if we get the ending to fadeout at least. YES
  13. Remixer Name: Nubioso Real Name: Josh Millen E-Mail: nubioso@gmail.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/bubblefacebastardband User ID: 22981 Games Remixed: Legend of Zelda - Majoras Mask Songs Remixed: Oath to order, Stone Tower System: N64 Source: Oath to Order - http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/Oath_To_Order.mid Stone Tower - http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/Stone_Tower_Temple_v3.mid Additional Comments: I've already said it to quite a few people at OCremix since joining here, but it was Zircons "Monstrous Turtles" remix that had really inspired me to do something of my own. I really liked his style in that song and wanted to incorporate a little bit of that in my own. I also noticed that there was only one Majoras mask remix and personally I really liked the game so that was just another pushing factor in me wanting to do this game in particular. Somewhere throughout this project I thought it might be fun to make it as though you're playing the game through song. You get the interaction of the characters, a story behind it, and a song to keep it interesting....a musical meant for radio I suppose =P It was a very fun project to take on and I'm very appreciative of all the people who helped me to get it where it is by their critiques and wonderful comments. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12211 - 245 "Calling the Four Giants", 243 "Stone Tower Temple (Reality)" Love the way this arrangement is set up like a rock opera or musical. Very creative multi-part song that flows reasonably well, good use of in-game sounds. I hear the "Monstrous Turtles" influence in the first half, and I think the first half really outshines the second. When the second half kicks in at 2:29, it was sort of a letdown and I don't think the synth handling the Stone Temple melody was doing the song favors. It was dry and unprocessed, and the section sounded lackluster. The bass in that section was sort of cheap-sounding too, but it gets covered pretty quickly. The vocals at 1:03 and 2:04 also sound like a not-that-great recording, especially compared to the other vocal parts, and they could have been mixed in better. I guess when all of these problems happen in one section (2:29), it shows the most. I dunno, I guess I could be nitpicking, so we'll see how this goes. I really like the arrangement and I think more rock opera-type stuff would be great for OCR. I don't feel like I could articulate my issues with the production that well, but maybe someone else can give you more advice. NO (resubmit) EDIT (11/6): Weird, I relistened to this based on the YES votes and didn't have a problem with the synth. It sticks out, but it didn't bother me this time through. The vocal recording quality also didn't sound as bad as I remembered. I think I was nitpicking this, and I'm changing my vote. I'll also add that arrangement-wise, this timestamps at around 55% for me (0:55-1:28, 2:12-3:16, 3:28-4:22). Could have used more source, but I'm ok with this level. YES
  14. Remixer Name: Ross Kmet Email: rosskmet@gmail.com Game Remixed: Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) Song Remixed: Welcome to Crocodile Isle Composer: Dave Wise "How KRool Went Insane" I jumped onto the DKC2 project kinda late, and this was the last sorta-good source tune left to remix. When I started working on it, I tried making it sound sort-of like a film score, but decided that it's Donkey Kong, and not a film score, so I just deviated into a childishly evil sort of tune. I honestly really don't know what to classify this as, or really what I was thinking when I made it, but I think it turned out pretty awesome. Regards, Ross Kmet Oh, and This is for the Donkey Kong Country 2 project. If this is accepted, it would be really cool of you not to put it on the front page until that comes out. Thanx. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkq - "Welcome to Crocodile Isle" (dkq-04.spc) I wasn't crazy about the modifications to the main melody - they felt a little contrived - but I was totally behind the instrumentation and the way the rest of the piece was adapted. It's a fun production, lots of details to sink your uh ears into. Something sounded off about the fullness at times, hard to put my finger on. Someone else might be able to describe this better, but I think this is reasonably over the bar on both ends anyway. YES
  15. Been waaay too long since I submitted something. remixer name: jmr real name: Jeffrey Roberts email: jeffreymr (at) gmail (dot) com forum userid: 733 remix title: Meteorites and Rabbits game: Super Mario Galaxy song: Stardust Road (track 10 on the game OST) source link (youtube): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBZNLSaD0D0 Didn't plan on submitting this one, but after re-listening to and tweaking the PRC version, I felt it was strong enough piece for me to at least attempt submitting it. I wouldn't be surprised if the arrangement is a sticking point. I'll admit it's fairly conservative at times, but the majority of the backing parts (especially in the latter half) are original. Either way, I hope you all enjoy it. -Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not an easy call on the arrangement or production side, IMO. It's similar in mood to the original and the main melody gets used over and over, but there are some cool background parts that add a lot. Sometimes the leads sound unrealistic, but most of the time, it clicks. I'd like some more opinions from you, gentle judges, before making a call. EDIT (10/30): After reading the votes below and relistening, I think I feel confident in a YES vote. The strings are the weak factor here, but they only bothered me when they weren't backed up by the other instruments, which was only a couple short sections. Some care has been put into their articulation, but vibrato would have really sold it. More differences from the original would have made this an easier call, but this was a really nice piece to listen to and I think it's a pass! YES
  16. Hi Judges, PrototypeRaptor here with something a bit different from my previous submissions. I've been big into film music ever since I was a kid, especially the epic sounds created by John Williams, Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, etc, etc So, when I first heard the final battle music from Super Mario 64 I knew it had the potential to be a scene straight out of a movie. The harpsichord, the totally evil melody - it was absolutely perfect for a summer blockbuster. Even the one liners were great - so long, gay bowser! (or something like that) And who can forget that upwards moving, creepy guy bowser laugh? Well, several years later and after many months of fighting with software, here is the action cue for that battle scene. Mario and Bowser face off for the final time over that pit of lava - and there can only be one. link to remix: source: Thanks for listening, hope you enjoy! -Jonathan Paulsen (PrototypeRaptor)
  17. Remixer Name: Sivvus Real Name: Vivien Leanne Saunders Email: sivvus_leanne@hotmail.co.uk UserID: 23473 Game Arranged: Final Fantasy VII Song Arranged: "Anxious Heart" ------------------------------------------------------------------ http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 104 "Anxious Heart" For starters, definitely too soft. After I cranked up my speakers, I found myself enjoying the mood of the arrangement and the set of instruments. The writing is a little directionless with some off-notes at times, but parts of it work. Two big problems with the production: the sequencing on the instruments is rigid, the strings especially; a few of the instruments are too dry and don't sound integrated into the soundscape. This would take some major rework in order to pass, but it would make you a better remixer just to try, so why not? NO
  18. Yeah I'll go ahead and call this a NO too, since Benjamin only pointed out what I had already heard. I did like the sound of it as well. NO
  19. SONG: ShoRyuKen (soLid Xciter Remix) Attached is a a remix using Ryu and Ken's theme songs. Remixer Name: soLid Xciter Your real name: Kenneth Baylon Your email address: solid_xciter@yahoo.com Your website: http://www.myspace.com/solidxciter Your userid (number, not name) = xciter (http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=29238) Name of game(s) arranged : Street Fighter Name of individual song(s) arranged: Ryu and Ken theme songs ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf2 - "Ryu Stage", "Ken Stage" Assuming this is SF2 because Ryu is obviously in there, but I didn't hear any Ken... maybe there was something more subtle like a background part used. It sounded liberal but if I'm missing the Ken, that's a different story. In any case, I liked how Ryu was arranged here with the backup strings, and the set of instruments was nice overall. Some of the detour parts went on long, but otherwise, good writing. The real killer is how unrealistic the instruments sound. There are whole sections that just sound flat because of the rigid sequencing. Pretty much, that's the sticking point here along with a possibly liberal arrangement. NO (resubmit)
  20. Remixer names: GSlicer and The Scarborough Joker (collab) Remix Title: Water Warped GSlicer Forum User ID: 6482 Name of the Game: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! Song Remixed: Water World ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkdt - "Water World" Pretty tricky with the processing on this one, and it makes for an awesome sound suited for arranging the source, but where was the source? I heard it at 1:09-1:29 and 2:28-3:07. I may have missed something so I'd like someone to take another listen, but it sounded way too liberal. NO
  21. So writes Will: So we'll go ahead and judge this as is. While electro nowadays does tend to get mastered loud and pushed hard, this is too much IMO. It seriously detracts from the quality of the track. My vote stays as a NO.
  22. Wow, this is excellent. I know djp had wanted to do something like this when we were finished tagging; maybe this is something we can integrate into the site eventually. This helps me in just figuring out which mixes are untagged! Speaking of which, I should get back to tagging...
  23. Contact Information - ReMixer Name: penguindf12 - Real Name: Dexter Ford - E-mail address: penguindf12@hotmail.com - Website: www.myspace.com/mostevercompany - Userid: 28893 Submission Information - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - The Song of Storms - System: N64; Composer: Koji Kondo - I have no link to the original soundtrack - This track was made possible with the amazing lyrical skills of my roommate and co-bandmate (he prefers not to be listed as an OCR user) Jonathan. He wrote the rap, I set the text to beats. It just so happened that "Song of Storms" fit best, and there ya go. The vocals and production are all mine. (A side note: this is one of the flagship songs of our recent hip-hop collaboration, known as "Joe Sixpack & The Americans," thus the "presents" bit. My stage name is DJ RJ The Rappin' Raptor; his is Mixmaster X. We are Bad Motherflippers.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12209 - 57 "Windmill Hut" Had to panel this one just because of the audacity of these guys, but it seems like a clear case (IMO) where the chord progression is too basic to really call this a remix of Song of Storms. It could be a remix of lots of songs. Only the chorus which uses the melody really reminds me of the source. The production also wasn't utilizing much high-frequency content which made it sound like a low bitrate MP3. I did like what was going on here, just needs more of a connection to a song! NO
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