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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Hi, I thought I would finally submit this. Remixer Name : AfriqueDeluxe Name of Game : Sonic The Hedgehog Name of individual song arranged : Green Hill Zone Thanks! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=36 - "Green Hill Zone" This is the instrumental of an awesome mashup AfriqueDeluxe did with Fergie's "Glamorous" (which can be found here). This track adds a few nice parts to the source and the sound quality is much better, but to me it still sounds too much like the original and clearly like a backing track rather than a standalone song. There's too much repetition and not much in the forefront. Nonetheless, I think it's quite pleasant to listen to and the mashup is a thing of beauty. I'd like to see more from you. NO
  2. Contact Information o Your ReMixer name: Pancra85 Your real name: Tarcisio León Drusin * Your website: NONE * Your userid: 29197 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Tetris! * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Tetris Theme I always wanted to do a metal remix of the song, and finally here it is, this was recorded using Cakewalk Sonar with my electric guitar (a Yamaha) Hope you like it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't know the source, you're off the panel The big issue here was the recording/mixing. Instruments sound pretty muted and a little couched back, bass frequencies sounded overloaded. This needs EQ love and maybe better recording. There's also a weird pause in the B-section each time that sounds sloppy. Otherwise, the arrangement seemed pretty well thought-out if short. Gotta work on those production skills, Tarcisio. NO (resubmit)
  3. DJ Name: parlando22 Real Name: Luke Konigsmark UID: 24277 Given Tittle: Smooth Ice Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Song: Ice Cap Zone Made with FL Studio 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - IceCap Zone 1 You don't say. (Sorry, cheap shot there, but I'm an FL user too - I'm allowed to make fun of my own kind.) A nicer way to put that is that the song is too repetitive in its usage of patterns. Actually, you've got a pretty nice sounding base (especially that sax, sounds very nice), you just need to alter your patterns more and have more variety in what you're doing. It's not enough to just have 10 nice sounding patterns that you bring in and out. Try swapping the drums for something using the ride cymbal. Try messing with the bass or piano a little sometime. Try adding a solo on one of the background instruments. There's a lot you could do with this, so do some of that! NO (resubmit)
  4. csnake37 No website I prefer not to participate in the forum at this time Submission Information Ecco: The Tides of Time Two Tides A dark mix of the track so don't expect anything dancey. I had fun with the whole process so i hope you enjoy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The beginning started off well with some pretty piano laid over top a cool-sounding version of the Ecco track, which is why I paneled this. Soon into it, it got conservative and the energy stayed at the same quiet level. That section needs some distinguishing from the original and needs to be more full than the intro. Following that was some copy/paste of the intro. Not a lot more to say. I like the opening but the rest needs to get to that point, and I don't mean by just copy/paste. NO (resubmit)
  5. "Count the Hours" Name of game(s) arranged FreeSpace 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeSpace_2) Comments: Inspired by the Sins of a Solar Empire remix, I decided to get back to this wip which had been sitting somewhere in my wip folder for quite a while. Like Beyond Velocity, this was a try at using synths only, and as it turned out only one sampled instrument (a sampled synth) was used. Dunno what my initial idea was, but I ended up with a kind'a calm remix with synth mallets, synth pads, and synth percussion. And before anyone asks, yep, my fake shaker is in there too. Would have been great if it had gone big and epic and aggressive and stuff, but that just wasn't where it wanted to go. btw, FreeSpace 2 is awesome. I've finished the game several times, both on my old laptop and on my new 24'' iMac with shiny new updated graphics. I warmly recommend it. -rozo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounded liberal - someone want to do the dirty work?
  6. Reixer Name : Bak.R Name of the game : Sonic and Knukles Name of the song arranged : Lava Reef This is a calm version of lava reef, a few of african inspiration and sweet. But modern too, with guitard and string. I was inspired by, the calm songs, the nature and savane. ^^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - "Lava Reef Zone (Act 1)" Starts off promisingly, but there were a couple things that held this back. The synth that enters at 0:25 broke the gentle mood for me, it has kind of a comical, old-school sound. I also thought the soundscape could have been more filled out and the volume increased. 1:50 was an excellent moment where everything came together and I think that's the level of filled out you want to shoot for in more places. Drums also sounded sort of disconnected, might want to play with reverb and volume on those. I'd love to hear another version of this if you're willing to go back to the drawing board, Bak. NO (resubmit)
  7. Hiya! My name's Will Dayble, I'm in charge of the art direction and music for the production of a computer game called 'Tyrannosaurus Rocks'. I've been playing around with remixes of some of my favorite old games, in practice for the production of the real music for the game. I had a lot of fun with this one. Mp3 is here: Remix is by Bankai: http://www.bankai.fm Great site by the way, surprised I didn't find it earlier. - W. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arrangement sounded pretty cool from what I could make of it, but this is pushed so loud, the quality really suffers. This must be fixed to be less distorted - on my Winamp visual EQ, the bars are nearly solidly at the top. Otherwise, this seemed like a pretty cool mix that builds itself off the bassline of the original. NO (resubmit)
  8. Contact Information: Remixer Name: Divine Wrath Real Name: Joey Ransier Website: http://www.myspace.com/derwachturm I.D: 26445 Submission Information: Game: Final Fantasy 9 I actually don't even play Final Fantasy, I just think the soundtrack to the games are way awesome... But, I came across this song looking for source material on VGmusic.com. I thought the melodies in the song were awesome, and it would make an awesome power metal type of mix. Rather than ending up as power metal it has elements of prog, thrash, and power metal. I could say that my own style came through in this mix. I even had an opprotunity to throw some four voice leading in. Mainly, my goal here was to convey a different feel, while maintaining and even increasing the energy of the original song. The song transitions very well throughout the different parts, especially through the original solo part I put in. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF9_psf.rar - 106 "Feel My Blade" Short but sweet. This played with the structure of the source, adding flair and technique to the melodies and offering a juicy original section with a solo. Production could have been brighter, but I don't feel like that stops this from being a pass. Love to see more from you, Joey! YES Edit (10/6): Relistened based on the NO votes. The snare is definitely the weakest part, I skimmed over that when I first listened. But it doesn't hurt this mix much IMO, and I think the mixing is good enough. I will admit I'm having a hard time thinking of a rock arrangement we passed with production on this level, but I still feel like this is fine. Maybe djp's words about lowering the bar a little have affected me, and I really dig the arrangement. I think this is a borderline YES case, if anything.
  9. Remixer Name: Plazmataz Real Name: Clark Powell Game: Star Fox Song: Corneria Comments: I've worked on this song on and off for at least a year and a half. It's been a tremendous learning experience, and the end result holds lots of sentimental value for me. Whether or not it holds any normal value for anyone is yet to be decided. So, instead of droning on about all the problems the song has and all the things I wish I could do with it, I finally said, "What the hell," and submitted it. The song a soft, slow one. Maybe even boring. But what I've essentially done is take the main themes from the Corneria track, slowed them down to a steady pulse rather than the clip the fly by at in the original, and stirred in as much harmony as I could possibly squeeze into it. With any luck, I've struck a good balance and ended up with something of value out of this long-term experiment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf - "Corneria" (sf-09.spc) I either love the name or hate the name, I can't decide which. This was one of the most interesting takes I've heard on this song, pretty much the opposite of what I would expect. Very reminiscent of Radiowar's "Lanterns", which was a similar style. For the most part I love the elegiac atmosphere you have created, but I have a couple bones to pick. One, the synth that enter at 0:53 really doesn't fit. It's too unprocessed and precise, it sticks out, especially when soloed a little while later. I would have loved for that to get replaced with a more organic instrument, something suiting the song better. You could also afford to change up that riff a little. Two, the low strings that handle the main melody could afford to be more prominent since they are the only other tie to the source. Otherwise, this leans on being too liberal. I'd love to see another version of this, Clark, with some rewriting. This is a very promising arrangement. NO (resubmit)
  10. FILE INFO Name: So It Begins (Aftershock Demo) Genre: Industrial / Metal CONTACT INFO ReMixer name: Lashmush real name: Rasmus Sorber website: http://lashmush.newgrounds.com userid: 27698 SUBMISSION INFO Name of game(s) arranged: Quake 1 Name of individual song(s) arranged: Quake Theme Additional game information: Composed by Trent Reznor. Windows-based. Pioneered 3D FPS gaming. Comments: I've played Quake 1 for a long time and I thoroughly enjoyed the soundtrack when playing the single-player campaign. So I started a project to remake all the tracks (currently accepting submissions) and this is the demo for the project in hopes of attracting some artists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounds good, but hews too close to the original for us to accept. I also think the last four minutes of the Reznor song is pretty much unarrangeable as far as OCR is concerned; it's one chord plus sound effects. YMMV on that, so I'm throwing it to the panel. NO
  11. Timotayo Robben Munoz #24264 game-Cave Story tracks- "Balcony" & "Gestation" composer- Daisuke Amaya *- Hello everyone. I hope it is at least listenable. I think "Balcony" is my favorite track from Cave Story. It comes near the end, when you reach the top of the floating island. I remember when I first played the game, and I reached that area, this melody played. I was sure that I had just began my adventure and that I was to explore the entire surface of the island. But it was the final area. Either way, the music was captivating. I think it stood in complete contrast with the first area of the game, where the track "gestation" played. Both were quiet but "gestation" was for the world below the island; moody, atmospheric. "Balcony" was was hypnotic and relaxing. I wanted to capture that sort of repetitiveness and otherworldy-ness. So I tried to remain faithful but then slowly add small variations in the beat and stuff. Also, this song makes me think of rain. I like rain. But only light rain. Not bad rain. Bad rain is unpleasant. Light rain is nice. So I added the sound of hard rain and wind in the beginning because it would be windy on the balcony. At the end I wanted to bring in the melody of gestation, because...i like it? I'm not sure if the sound is too soft or not. I didn't want anything to jump out or overpower or anything like that so everything is pretty even. Um, I think that's it. -Timotayo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I didn't hear Gestation in this at all, even knowing it was used towards the end, but Balcony was used heavily, the bassline present nearly the entire time. I liked the atmosphere but it seemed complacent and too slow to build, even though there was evolving throughout. Some of the chiptunish elements also conflict towards the end, and in general, the mix was low-heavy. The thing is all of these "issues" were likely intentional on your part; it fits the mood of a gloomy rainy day. I feel like even if it may be successful in what you were trying to accomplish, Robben, and might work as background music, it doesn't work as an OC ReMix. Others may disagree and I'd like to hear what they have to say. NO
  12. contact info remixer: LITHE real name: Greg Rosolowski user id: 25772 submission info game: Sonic & Knuckles song: Sky Sanctuary zone name of remix: Sanctuary of Rock comments... Nothing gives me more nostalgia than the original Sonic tunes. Memories of spending hours after school, making a blue hedgehog run though a roller coaster track. I have been working on this remix off and on for about two years. I started off with updating the original midi file with a free guitar soundfont and some synths and samples that came with FL Studio. The more software and equipment I got, and the more I learned about composing music, the better the remix got. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - "Sky Sanctuary" This was actually a pretty cool arrangement at times, and I liked the modifications taken here. The chorus was a little weird sounding because of the placement of the crashes and the alteration of the piano riff, but the rest was good. The biggest problem is the mixing is very rough, too rough for us to accept, IMO. There's too much battling for space. Overall, the playing/sequencing could also have been tighter. If those things were fixed, this would be pretty solid and might be a pass. NO (resubmit)
  13. Sure, I can do that and drop you off, I'm pretty close by to Dulles. We can coordinate it as we get closer to MAG.
  14. I was a YES on this last time, this is just an improvement. YES
  15. ReMixer name: DJ Velly Real name: Josh McLean Email address: seciden@gmail.com Website: http://www.thesixtyone.com/djvelly/ User ID: 27583 Name of game arranged: Mega Man ZX Name of song arranged: Black Burn - Area O ------------------------------------------------------------------- There were some twists with the melodies from the original, and the production was solid, but there was copy/paste happening, as is often the case with this style. The instruments were pretty generic as well, which didn't help. In general, though the song was not bad, it felt lacking in creativity to me. I feel like it's tough to articulate my thoughts on exactly what could be changed, and I'm not even sure others agree with me, so let's throw it to the panel. Regardless of the outcome, I'd love to hear something more from you because there's a lot of good things about this track. NO (resubmit)
  16. Link to remix; Remix Title raMble and Mess ---------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION ReMixer name Justin Tense Email address y_3_j@hotmail.com jtense@tpg.com.au Userid 29021 ---------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION INFORMATION Name of game(s) arranged Marble Madness (NES) Name of individual song(s) arranged Practice Level (Level 1) Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. Original Composers: Brad Fuller, Dave Wise, Hal Canon System: NES Publisher: Rare Link to Original Chiptune: http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14286 I grew up with the NES and the music of it’s gaming era as well as that of it’s big brother the SNES helped shaped my mindset into loving electronic music as much as I do today. I wanted to remix a track that was originally produced by the one man that has influenced me the most in my electronic music productions, David Wise. I wanted to stay faithful to the original production as its simplistic yet hypnotic tune will be forever remembered as one of the tracks to the soundtrack of my youth. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This reminded me of %20-%20Track%201%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3Cbr%20/%3E%0AI%20took%20a%20very%20similar%20approach%20to%20my own Marble Madness mix, stretching out a short source tune to several minutes by way of subtle layers of new melody, dynamic changes, and synth automations. On my first listen to this I thought it was awesome and almost thought about DPing, but I listened to it again and the repetition of the 16th notes really started to wear on me. They are present nearly the entire song and I think it would have been wise to drop them out sometime or do something different with them. Production was great, this was a head-bopping, hypnotic track. I may change my mind on this, but I'm going with borderline YES. Apart from the overuse of the 16th notes, I really liked the approach here and I think it's one of those songs that wears out its welcome quickly, but is welcome initially. YES (borderline)
  17. Contact Information Your ReMixer name - AMT Your real name - Austin Thresher Your website - None Your userid - 9241 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged - Megaman Zero 2 Name of individual song(s) arranged - Intro Stage, Neo Arcadia Song Title - Moving Forward This is a remix of the opening stage of Megaman Zero 2. Not much to say, I worked on this for a while and I'm pretty happy with how it came out, so I figured I'd submit it. Guitars / bass are real, I had fun recording them. Thanks for taking the time to listen!
  18. Contact Information Haohmaru Milton ID 29064 Submission Information Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Marble Zone, Icecap Zone I've been lurking on OCRemix for a while (years), too shy to really participate. Submitting a song is worse than asking a girl out! So even though I've been mixing for a while, this is my first crack at the OC. Yeah, yeah, I chose the two most popular Sonic songs, but hey, they're popular for a reason... (dead horses make the glue that binds us all!!) Hopefully you'll find my melding of the two themes to be original, and my mixing style unique. I come from an Alabama Southern, Prairie Home Companion, dirty classic rock, minimalist hip hop, chunky groove beat kind of background -- so I like my mixes to-the-point, in-your-face, gooey, and thick. Deuces! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=36 - Marble Zone http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - IceCap Zone 1 I liked what was going on here, but it felt uncohesive. The Marble Zone melody stacks on the Ice Cap melody pretty well, but there's vast chunks of this song like the intro and outro that don't really fit or flow. I guess also when the song is only 2:15, it hurts to have such big parts that aren't VGM-based. Also, what is happening at 1:12? Can't say I liked that. Otherwise, I think the approach is kinda cool. You used the lesser-used parts of the Marble Zone and Ice Cap melodies, which was interesting. This may need some rework to meet OCR criteria for passing. NO (resubmit)
  19. Remixer name - OA game: Donkey Kong Country 2 remix name: Party's Over Here song: Cranky's Conga (and a little bit of cranky's cabin) original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slcFSr4eMSo Comments: The last track available on the DKC2 project, it's really cheerful and peppy, so it was time to do a party song. Acoustic and electric guitars, lot of synths and keyboards, and some layered percussion. In addition to DKC2, it uses the melody from cranky's theme from DKC as well. I wanted it to sound like a pop song you'd hear on the radio, so it has a fadeout guitar solo, and is 3 minutes long. Disa did the intro vocals because she heard me trying to record monkey noises, and thought it sounded terrible. I threatened to leave them in unless she did a cutesy vocal intro, and she caved! VICTORY! Lyrics: Hey! It's the party song! Party's over here! Come on! <3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Would have liked to make this my first DP candidate, but this skirts the line unless you count the chords. I caught direct melody use at 0:02-0:06, 0:18-0:50, 1:53-2:14, and 2:24-2:56 out of 174 seconds of non-silence. This puts you at a safe 50.6% in my book, though I guess sticklers (read: Larry) may not give you the gaps in your melody, putting you below the line. Fun song. I listened to the intro several times in a row to see if it matched the source melody and that vocal started to sound hyp-mo-tizing. YES
  20. Contact Information Name: Keneticshark Real name: Masaya UserID: 29063 Submission Information Name of game: Kirby Superstar (SNES) Name of original song: Milkyway Wishes Composer: Jun Ishikawa My submission, "Wish Upon A Star" , under 6 mbs and at 128 kbps : Thanks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was definitely pleasant-sounding and I liked the changes to the source parts in the second half, but this had a few things holding it back for me. Some of the sections are held too long without change. 1:41 is too long for that intro, when so little is going on and almost all of it is pulled from the source, to boot. Some of the patterns used in the second half also wear out their welcome, though with the addition and subtraction of instruments, it's not as bad. The other issue I had is that the drums are limp and hold to the same level of playing throughout. There's a general MIDI quality to them, though the fills you add help. I think this would take some rework to get passed, but it's certainly doable. I liked this as a start. NO (resubmit)
  21. He's not still a douche? Classic meme, I agree, good signal-to-noise ratio. But at the rate I've seen it, it'll probably get played out this week.
  22. ReMixer name: Aeternity User ID: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=29058 Game arranged: Final Fantasy Tactics Individual song arranged: Hero's Theme (by Hitoshi Sakimoto) Decided to do a trancecore-esque take on a simply awesome, but emotional song, illustrating the journey and struggles of our main "hero," Ramza Beoulve. ----------------------------------------------------------------- A good production, and there was clear effort involved in changing up the sections. Even though the source melody is used over and over, it's used in a few different ways, sometimes leaving out notes, sometimes adding notes, sometimes doubled. There's good variety and transitions. It's not all sunshine and rainbows though. The lead figure that gets introduced at 2:07 gets used a few too many times in a row, 1:40 of the song in total. That's a LOT. I think stretching this song out to 6:30 is a little long, and that's a good place to start cutting. Also, the resonant instrument that starts at 0:43 is just a little too... resonant. I had to turn down my volume to listen to that part, it's too piercing. At a lower volume with some EQing, I think it could work. Definitely not bad for a first sub of this. Though other judges may not like the straightforward arrangement approach, I thought this was just a few edits away from a pass. Please send us another version! NO (resubmit)
  23. Yeah, sorry. I did have a couple measures, but it needs more time to develop in my head AND I don't really have the free time to make it atm anyway. Maybe someday you'll see our collab.
  24. Just bumping this to note that I have started handling inbox stuff. Might be a little slow-going at first, but now Larry is not the only bottleneck. Well, you know what I mean.
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