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Posts posted by q-pa

  1. I remember hearing about this back when Hype Williams (he of the eye-popping hip-hop music videos) was going to direct.

    Now that would have been cool. :|

    I don't know, I second Dopple Boppler and am happy that they're not doing it "serious." It looks "Tron"-like actually.

  2. What do you mean by "first original music number?" If we're talking original in-game music, popularized by Super Mario Bros., it would date back to the early 80s if not before that.

    If we're talking original music with vocals, then it was already said that that would be Psycho Soldier.

    Wow, all of a sudden I feel like somebody who works at the Grammys...:?

  3. I know that I, Robot was the first game to use polygons.

    --back in 1983, a full 10 years before my first exposure to them in StarFox!

    And as far as 4th-wall breaking, Adventure had--so I've heard--the first hidden "easter egg:" a hidden room with the developers' names. Does that count?

  4. OK, pixie and I will actually not be coming this time around... sorry guys! Scheduling just isn't working out for us this year, w/ a couple things already planned with our respective afamilies. However, we can still do the overnight thing in Pleasantville, if anyone needs a place to stay or wants to chill. The caveat is we had a few too many people last time and the rest of my family was not so happy about that, so just contact me via PM/AIM/IRC if you're interested. First come first serve.

    Aw, sorry to hear that

    Cool Chick -1 :sad:

    --And oh yeah, Cool Guy -1. Whatev. ;-)

  5. Reason 4.0 and a Mac Powerbook or G4/5 would be nice (Windows is just not made for music creation.) Studio monitors and some live recording equipment would be nice too.
    Are you sure you want the old G4/5 platform? You do know that Apple has moved to Intel processors now--and they're better for it; the world didn't end. :razz:

    I'm actually looking to sell my 3.5-year-old G4 and am getting a new MacBook Pro (the renamed PowerBook) for Christmas. But it's not really a present as my parents say I have to pay them back eventually. :?

  6. Haha, upon first reading the title I thought you were talking about the 7 years between the end of Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations and the start of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (the next chapter in the "Phoenix Wright" series) :lol:

    I really need to catch up on my Zelda...

    And yeah, the Forest Temple was by far my least favorite in OoT.


    Ninja Gaiden has to be one of the best hack n' slashers ever. Mixing that kind of gameplay with Zelda would be intense. I'd shell out good money for something like that.
    You mean the old NES one or the new next-gen one?
  7. here's some from my collection


    Yeah, that's the exact one I was mentioning earlier.

    :nicework: for having the famous Pac-Man Fever! I know a place where you can get the MP3s if anyone's interested in hearing it.

    zyko: I haven't used all the bundles, so I don't know which is best. Hmm...

  8. pixie doesn't count, if we made a move on her zircon would immediately flow into some pimp battle music and beat the shit out of everyone in the room.


    --Oh yeah, we forgot Shael's girlfriend. Who also doesn't technically count. ;-)

  9. I got in my own DJ collection the Ambassador of Funk's 12" "Super Mario Land" single (as heard on the Super Mario Compact Disco CD) and also a record of videogame breaks that including songs and sounds from Sonic 1, Castlevania 3, Donkey Kong, Joust, NBA Jam, even GTA.

    Technically, not videogame soundtracks, but cool nonetheless.

    i've thought extensively about the potential of grabbing one of those turntable units that play a blank vinyl that plays mp3s of your choice (not little dj console type things but an actual turntable with, i believe, a clear record).

    i can't remember the model and i don't even remember the product all that clearly (my memory has a few... erm... pot holes...) but the upside of being able to scratch mp3s of your choice without having to resort to one of those fake little pad turntable mixers is fascinating!

    ah yes!

    Yeah, I hope to get me a set of those too--whenever I get some fundage...

    There are several software/hardware bundles that let you do that: Native Instruments: Traktor Scratch and M-Audio's Torq in addition to Serato.

  10. My local used-media store was selling Contra Force for $50

    Rare, yes, but shitty.

    I recently bought Tecmo Bowl (with manual) and Tecmo Super Bowl for $9 and $7 respectively at the same store. I think I'll be springing $5 for Gradius next.

    Either that or Castlevania III, but $15 is a bit much for that IMO.

    That's only in the states :( In Sweden we have no yardsales!

    I'm trying to find old classmates with no clue, but it's hard

    I hope you guys actually have grass yards up there!:-P

    Damn smart people!

  11. For those that don't know, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_Adventures

    It was $5 and I couldn't resist this "classic" game...

    First impressions: the mechanics really remind me of SMB2 US and it's cheaply designed, but not as bad as I though it'd be with all the negative hype and all. It's playable; I'll probably break this out in the MAGFest video game room if I go.

    It's clearly an unlicensed game. Sometimes it freezes and takes awhile to load... It came in a black (instead of blue) Wisdom Tree cartridge and according to the title screen, it's version 1.4. All the ROM sites I went to have either version 1.2 or 1.3.


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