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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. I'm sort'a posting this to get a clear idea of it myself, so pardon any repeats from previous posts. The options for how time travel works are: a) Every time travel creates a new timeline with a new future (so every time Link travels back in time, he'd have to redo all relevant future stuff again... and again). This creates n timelines: two of which are the adult and child timelines, and the rest being timelines where Ganon was left to rule and no Link to defeat him. There's two timelines, one in which Link travels forth and back in and eventually defeats Ganon in, and one created when Zelda sends him back with the Ocarina. This is the traditional two-way split timeline. c) The future was undone by the Ocarina, basically "it never happened". Dunno if I like split timeline idea, but this doesn't seem right, either. As explained in A above. There's no reason there'd be a single "Link fails" timeline, there'd be a lot of "Link disappeared" timelines tho. Both the official ALttP and the WW timelines seem to stem from timelines in which Link didn't defeat Ganon. - btw, Skyward Sword could split the timeline in two if not three or n, depending on how the timelines and the Gate of Time work (different means of time travel than the Master Sword and the Ocarina). They've left themselves quite a lot of openings for future games.
  2. Anyone else need their name fixed, or missing a track or an apostrophe? <-hint
  3. There we go. For convenience, can there be a zip with everything? edit: Winter's Grasp. ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''
  4. Air and hiss are pretty high, yeah, but noise tends to consist of a wide range of frequencies. Try Audacity's noise removal tool, not sure what exactly it does but like I said, it works well on spoken word. You select a part with just the noise and it analyses it and removes those levels of those frequencies (I guess) from the overall audio. Try it. Audacity is free.
  5. Cool. A couple of tiny little nitpicks, tho... Rozovian with a capital R plz. My second track plz.
  6. My votes. Why do I wait until Saturday to vote? call the fire department nice sounds but raw sound, hard transitions. when the moon cries somewhere between poetry recital and metal-y singing, also long and slow. not my thing. at least it's not voice clips. nice sounds. which one do i shoot?! compression bothers me. some generic sounds. scratching and glitches, cool. nice take on gemini, too. float i was going for shortest name of the round, u fiend. nice and mellow track. slow and drawn out gets boring after a while. nice sounds, esp. at the end, really like that lead thing. wily's ruin more vocals. messy, a little exaggerated, but good attitude. skull shield way too hard transitions. good energy. could have had a bigger ending. vocal clip. a swarm of voxels really cool sound. getting a tmnt vibe. halite three-way collab practice, just in case. terrible intro. annoying ride, and the rest is even worse. whoever made this something something. black alleycat i like this intro. nice groove. i like this track. gets a bit old tho, could have changed some more in chords or something. totally tubular fortress more 80s. i like the sync/pwm synth. megaman awesome hopeful much? cool drums, occasional empty parts, clashing writing. if it doesn't get better before half the track is over... it doesn't. check that your writing doesn't clash... and if it still sounds weird, check that your instruments aren't tuned differently (easy to check on synths, just check the oscillator pitches). tuner plugins are useful for this stuff (I use those for making sure my noise/filter/resonance patches are tuned right, as those don't use oscillator pitch).
  7. Yep, reference points. 0dB is as loud as it gets digitally, before the digital limit kicks in. It's like trying to draw outside the paper -so 0dB is when it touches the edges, positive is when it's outside (which will not sound good in the final file), negative is how far from the edges it is. This is only a problem with the final output and with effects that can't handle the overflow, and turning the volume down before those effects/the output solves the problem. It's what limiters are for. In other words, they don't have a lot to do with one another. dBSPL is how loud something is in the real world (sound pressure level), dBFS is loud loud it is to the computer (full scale) - how loud the data is and how much more room there is to make it louder before it clips.
  8. No, not in post production - in the main production. I think post-production would be after the mixdown. (nitpicking) What a noise gate does is to let you set a minimum level of the track - when it's just noise, the track is silent. When there's something else, you hear everything. You could get away with just automating track volume level, tho you'd probably have to fiddle with the timing a bit. If it's just a single guitar part, you'd only need to fix the beginning and end, tho if you have a lot of pauses in it, you'd do better with a noise gate. Theres also tools to remove noise, and Audacity has one that works surprisingly well (at least on noise vs. spoken word). Removing the amp hiss might make your guitar recording sound weird, but it's worth trying.
  9. It's a popular series, and that should only be a good thing for a project. Your post could be more clear: Have you written lyrics for these tracks and are looking to work with remixers to turn them into a remix album? Do you have any samples of your work anywhere, whether in audio or text? Have you made music before? Seems like a fun idea, but anyone looking to work with you on this would need more information. btw, avoid posting the same thing in different places.
  10. Enough of this Elastic Streep stuff. You guys can't read.
  11. Explaining all this gets tl;dr-y, so here's the short version without the reasoning behind any of these: Move Projects to the R&C. Move old, locked project threads to Album C/R. Rename ^ Official Projects. Create a new subforum for Diverse Projects. Let ppl run their unapproved/non-ocr projects there. Add "almost always looking for more ppl" to their subforum descriptions. Keep recruitment for off-site projects in R&C, also collabs and stuff. (edit: removed the forum rules suggestion... we have a "guidelines" sticky, which I just noticed Darke did. Could be written more clearly - shorter or with a summary of the guidelines. but it's there. makes me happier.)
  12. 3:30 on my second track for this. How can I work so fast on these and still take years on um, certain other tracks? Music is weird.
  13. ZealPath: Just link to the album site then. We'll have more than plenty of new, spectacular art for that. Remixers, I'm planning a hard deadline on the last day of February (29th iirc, I'll check later). A day when big promises are void, long-time claims are lost, and almost finished tracks are opened. I call it an "angry" deadline. it basically turns the project into a free-for-all regarding tracks that have been started before the new year. So finish your tracks. Cuz I want to finish the project. On a less threatening note, Meteo got me the updated consent list, so now I have a greater variety of tracks to choose from for the previews... which I know I've been promising for quite a while now. I have the art selected, just gotta pick the tracks I wanna show. One remixer has requested he not be part of any preview, anyone else have a problem being included? Also, if you haven't gotten any email from us, we probably don't have your email address and can't send you the preview. We kind'a need your email anyway. If we don't have it, email us, or PM us your email, or something. (internal preview first, public teaser trailer next... official trailer later) Wav, consent, bio, track notes, email. <-We want all of these from you. Anybody need any help or anything? Guitar, violin, drums, vocals, feedback, threats...?
  14. Mine is pretty much done. Let's see if I can finish another in time.
  15. Voted. I should listen and vote earlier, tho it is a nice break from listening to my own track. My thoughts as I listened... Northern Lights Nice synth stuff, drums have a bit of a retro quality to them. Not sure the jazzier stuff really fits, there's some weird harmonies and the transition into and out of those sections get equally weird. Half way through, and there's still weird harmonies from time to time. I like the padtastic sound, but the newby grasp on harmony doesn't quite sell. Dare to change the key of the source if you need to. Licence to Chill Sounds cinematic. I miss the robot master source, never got to do much with it in the GRMRB. Some abrupt transitions. I like the spy film vibe this track has. Groove, Swing, March Starts groovy. Gets glitchier and weird before going chippy. The disparity between sounds bothers me. The chip section could have been left out for a more cohesive sound throughout. Seems like it gets pressed too loud towards the end, drums pushing the compression and adding some ducking to an already shrill lead... Mostly good tho. Eye of the Storm I like the name. Lead being way back in the sound gets a little distracting. Enter some clashing. Going for a weird harmony of changing key with every third chord is fine, clashing is not. Good production, not as good writing. No Time for Doctors Rushed, rush-y track. Terrible, terrible stuff. Sounds like the remixer just threw some source bits in the DAW, added some bass and drums, spent like a couple of hours on it. While having a fever. Which isn't far from the truth. Villainous Revelry That bass. I like. Nice sound design, aside from the flat snare. Could have more going for it in terms of dynamics. Idunno, it's probably the most cohesive track so far, and the least clashy... but it's boring. The groove and sound keeps it from being bad, but it just doesn't... do anything. Red Chamomile Cool strings ducked behind the drums. This has the dynamics the previous track should have had. The middle ground behind piano and rawk doesn't feel right, those are its weak sections. The acoustic guitar and whistle-y synth breaks are cool. twenty-six alpha What is this? Gets into a pretty chill groove once the instrumentation starts piling up, but the first twenty seconds or something are just... bizarre. Points for having the coolest, weirdest sound design. It doesn't feel like random things thrown together, despite that it sounds like that. Really cool sound design. Standing On Top I like the vocals processing and the background beeps and pads. The rest not as much, and the tempo make me feel stressed. I'm weird like that. Half way through, some cool synth stuff. Then I'm reminded I wanted this source. Grr. Air-Cossacks! Snare is detracting. Nice, proper tempo. Sounds really thin after the previous track. Lead is a bit shrill. lol, the melody work in the second half of the track. twenty-six alpha gets first place. Then I have to decide between the 5 tracks that I placed in the middle of my rankings... edity: no point in making a new post just to say ours is now subbed.
  16. Not having used it I'm just guessing based on the routing stuff in Reaktor, but... Can't you route the entire midi into multiple detonates and get different tracks out of each of them?
  17. Heart of the Cave, not without an edit for length and cohesiveness. The arrangement is a meandering mess, tho it could probably be shortened to something more directed and cohesive enough for ocr. If I have time.
  18. Back to suggesting, then. I was trying to be informative, not dismissive. You've been around for longer than I have but I don't know how active you've been. Seen you around, but I dunno how much you're in on how the remixing/subbing side of things work. I also misunderstood, you were talking about the remix of the week idea, not mixposts. Seems I've yet to recover fully. Anyway, more suggestions: How about artist spotlights? With there being a little more than 700 remixers (iirc, database not being much help with everyone labeled "artist"), that'd two years with daily artist spotlights. Russian Roulette with artists would be better as that'd be random and the turnover would be way faster. Include the remixer's most recent mixpost's youtube vid, a list of a few other tracks by the remixer, and some comment by someone on something of his/hers/theirs. Sure, we'd need artist reviews, but someone was doing that a while back anyway, and making it a community thing to review artists for this project would make it more involving anyway, and encourage ppl to listen and perhaps review the tracks as well. And that's just in it's production phase. It'd also remove bias towards those that have a gazillion remixes on the site, unless the artists were weighted in the roulette... which I suggest they not be. Themed double mixposts? People familiar with game X might wanna hear something from the same composer. Or the same game series. Or whatever other connections we can come up with. djp mentioned doing a related mixes kind of thing, this would be one way of doing that. Consider this experiment: two are posted, one is tweeted, one is youtube-bulletined, we see what yields more downloads, if ppl don't go for both of them. Do this a few times to eliminate top-of-the-list, genre and artist biases, see how the numbers add up. For science!
  19. You're putting a lot of words into my mouth. I do not appreciate it. OCR has 79 non-album, non-conditional, judge-evaluated mixes in the tbp list (which doesn't include direct post tracks). There's a few large albums approaching completion and release. A lot of tracks will be posted. The past two album floods were 4 and 6 mixes respectively, the two before being 4 and 5 tracks (one track dated the day after the main mixflood). There's been 4 albums released in the past three months, if we don't count the Concrete Man thing. In addition to those, there's been mixposts from Lucid Dreaming and Harmony of a Hunter. Albums are becoming more and more common. This means individual mixposts will be marginalized, among both unaffiliated tracks and album tracks. This thread is about coming up with ideas to promote the tracks that are not getting a pre-release trailer, a release-date torrent, a press release to relevant websites, and a mass-email to all ocr forum members. So far, what useful points the two of you have contributed with could be summed up in a single sentence: that individual album tracks don't get a lot of reviews or attention either. That's a valid point. ninja'd by l99 and Ash QFE btw, Ash, djp is the one posting. His site, his prerogative. Staff contributing to his writeups could probably speed things along (in addition to judge votes and remixer's comments to quote), but I don't think the solution is to delegate the posting. It's been brought up before, and I don't foresee it changing, tho I could be wrong. As with most things ocr, it's djp's choice anyhow.
  20. No he's not, and no I'm not (read the entire thread instead of jumping on the last page - it's not even a long thread). The convenience of downloading an entire album by torrent far outweighs individual mix pimpage via teh twitterz. Downloading and listening to individual mixes is an inconvenient process, tracks are released irregularly and with little notice that doesn't get buried in floods of other posts (this is coming from someone who doesn't even follow that many ppl or have that many friends). While you're both right in that album tracks can get overlooked because they've already been a part of an album, that problem is worse for tracks not part of albums but of the same games. How many thought Brandon's and Wildfire's track was just another from the Zelda album? At first glance, I sure did. A day later, it's pushed back by another album mixflood. We're not gonna un out of albums any time soon. This isn't a valid concern? You don't like my suggestions? You don't have to. COME UP WITH SOMETHING YOURSELF, THEN.
  21. You're totally contributing to the thread and the discussion, Mokram.
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