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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Nah, they can use email, can't they? They can read news sites. can't they? It's not that they can't, it's that they don't live there. I'd say it's more a case of it being a mere communication and information tool for the older generation. Not in the sense that they use it more than we do for those purposes. It's just that to them, it's a telegraph and a library rolled into one, and nothing more. To us, it's a free theatre, and we can be both on stage and in the audience. To us, it's a town square, with market booths for everyone with something to sell. To us, it's watching tv and playing outdoors at the same time. To us, it's a club where you can meet strangers and a community where you meet friends. To us, it's a new frontier to explore, right in our own back yard. To us, it's a world. To them, it's a means they could do without.
  2. If you're looking for magic, you'll probably be disappointed. If you're looking for a specific tool, you'll have a lot more success finding it. Logic's aforementioned built-in tools lets you adjust both pitch and formant in real-time (with some slight latency). If that doesn't do what you want, I have no idea what you're looking for. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, _you_ don't have any idea what you're looking for. Search KVRAudio for a formant shifter. See what you find.
  3. The source is unmistakeable at 2:38 and on, and the bells are source, at least playing part of the source melody. After a single listen (and having way too much music to have really listened to BadAss despite being on it myself), I've got 100 seconds of source I'm fine with, without even considering the rest of the track. The bells are indeed source, and the melody. The pingy synth is referencing the lead. Yeah, I'm not looking at your breakdown. But the intro-break part buys you another 120 seconds of source references if not overt usage. The pingy synth in the break is source. In other words, I hear it fine. Without even looking at the breakdown. I'd say certain mods and judges aren't listening. I hear it. After two listens to the source, and two listens to the remix, I hear it fine. Feel free to ignore the naysayers, the source is there. Which brings us to: Anyway, I'm a little concerned about the bass level, it seems like it's just really loud in the... idunno, in the range of an early harmonic, it's like a howl rather than a boom. If that makes any sense. Besides that, I think it could benefit from having the pingy melody synth brought out a little, which should help make the melody a little more obvious, too. I think I'd be fine with this, tho, any nitpicks would be personal preference and/or guesses. As for getting posted, I'd say it'd pass, possibly with some source-deaf complaints.
  4. Welcome new folks. If you want something to do while waiting to set up a new music machine, come to the remix board, listen and comment on stuff. Learning to listen is one of the most important skills you can have, and a board full of unfinished music by not-yet-professionals is a great place to learn to listen for flaws to avoid in your own music. Besides, it's a great place to make friends, and help those aspiring artists grow as artists.
  5. I'm gonna disagree with Will, not as a mod review, just as a remixer. And I'll be blunt: You are deaf to your own music. You need to learn to listen critically to your own tracks, or you will never get a track on ocr. I'm not saying this to discourage you, just to tell you how to improve.
  6. Suits me fine, I have two remixes about half done that'd fit the initiative, and a few more sketches. Gotta say tho, as great as Archangel's tracks are, we can't let him turn this into a Slovenian album. Don't let him take your tracks! Finish them before he mixes them too!
  7. Not the first time it's brought up. I've got some nitpicks, and the track is missing a component Archangel mentioned in the PM, so it's not finished just yet... But yeah, it's a spectacular track. Just wait until the project is done and everyone gets to hear this stuff.
  8. Not having real guitars is not an excuse for using terrible fake ones. There's techniques to make a fake guitar sound better, eg using amp sims and better samples, humanization, deliberately fake sound design, etc.. And stop posting your stuff in Community. It's one thing if you don't know where your mixes should go and missed the Rules for Posting Music in Community, it's another when you're spamming multiple boards with the same stuff just to get views.
  9. lol, nice example. There's quite a range between artificial-sounding perfection and sloppy takes. The parts I pointed out were a step too close to the latter to my ears. Your stuff does sound human, which is one of the things I like about it. It's just that you're bordering on sloppy sometimes, and when I notice it, it bothers me. But hey, good luck with this mix. I had never heard of this game, it seems hilarious. Nice work shining a light on underappreciated music, dude.
  10. Yay, Star Control love. Despite having played this, and despite the source link, I can't hear the source in the mix. I hear parts that I can guess are adapted from source... heavily, unrecognizably adapted. If it's supposed to be a remix, you may have to make the source more overt. I can imagine a few ways of adapting the source to 4/4 while keeping it easy to recognize, so I'm sure you can as well. It's got a cool atmosphere. If you can get it louder, it'll make a nice track.
  11. I like this. Source isn't a problem, seems like there's always something in there pointing to either source. Source-wise, I'd say this is fine. Seems to lose direction, not quite know where it's going at times. That could be a problem. The psychadelic sound and concept grants it some leeway, I'm just not sure it's enough. Then again, that's one of the problems some of my arrangements have had as well: not quite finding direction.
  12. Sweet, sweet track here. Seems to lose direction about half way through tho. This will be a cool addition to my playlists. When do you expect to get the live instruments version done?
  13. 0:06-0:23 is well written, I like the 1:39-end part as well, and there's some nice ideas elsewhere. Cool ideas behind the sound design... but it sounds terrible. The guitars are especially bad (fake guitars usually are). Keep making stuff, work on the sound. I have a feeling you'll do some impressive stuff once you get over the production hurdles.
  14. That's cuz you no can play teh ryhtmts. Seriously, most of it wasn't an issue, and artistic license may extend to the acoustic guitars' lack of sync. The rhythm guitar in the intro seems like it should be tighter, tho. I don't actually know what I'd say. Structurally, it's conservative. It's just a question of to what extent the judges feel the arrangement as a whole has been interpreted. I mean, consider a simpler source, like the Zelda overworld source, that there's a different rhythm underneath most of the time most certainly wouldn't be enough on its own. That you've got a vocal performance and a change in genre add interpretation to it. I don't know if I'd pass this. If I was a judge, I'd focus on other mixes and hope another judge would provide more insight into it... while spending a few weeks with the source in my playlists. Haven't seen you around. Hi. Everyone's got the right to question any and all criticism they get and ask for clarification. What Brandon's doing here isn't ignoring criticism. I do appreciate your level of respect for the mod review, but we're not gods. edit: ninja'd.
  15. Just making sure everyone knows: reworking old mixes on here is fine, as long as we have a good wav I don't care if it's from before I joined the project or five minutes before the big ultimate final deadline. Decision Bell is now open. Takers? Maybe I'll do it myself, it's a nice source. Anyone want it?
  16. mod rev: Starts off with some nice sounds. Long intro. I keep waiting for some source to come in. Eventually, a subdued take on the lead comes in, and leads into a more obvious use of it. A few iterations of this, and we're already in the outro. I'm surprised 3 minutes go by this fast, as barely anything happened in this mix. It's got some loud sounds coming in towards the end, watch the levels. Aside from that, you've got a cool sound and a nice groove here to build on. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION - Too liberal - may apply STRUCTURE - Too repetitive - Too short - it feels like it's only started when you begin the outro
  17. Still want a mod review? You're getting one. The whole track starts off with the rhythm guitars note quite lining up. The 3:50 acoustics kind'a feel the same. Timing isn't a problem throughout, but those two parts stand out to me. The arrangement seems more like a cover than an arrangement. It's a long track to analyze, and by your plan you'd have subbed this almost a month ago, so I won't spend much time on figuring out the differences. The source is repetitive, it goes forth and back between its parts, and while the backing changes somewhat, a lot stays the same through the repetitions. As a conservative take on it, you do the same, and that makes it feel like it's looping somewhere. The sound of the organ at 2:20-2:40 bothers me. Something about it doesn't sit right. Nice voice work, the transitioning from between two different voices works well. Everything else is on par imo. Cool track, and a hilarious source. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION - Too conservative PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) - Timing not tight enough STRUCTURE - Too repetitive
  18. You can always grab it when you're done with the other tracks, if no-one else has by then. I should check with the judges about the DP-able sd3 tracks, I now know of two.
  19. Using original audio has been done, to different extents. it may be discouraged, but not disqualifying. If you're using it for a sound design reason, I don't see why it'd be a problem (every track here is a derivative work anyway). If you're using it as a crutch to make the remix work, it probably won't do. Until we hear it we really can't say, tho. I suggest you show it to a judge, hear what they say.
  20. I tried, but there was no link. protip: include link. edit: nevermind. that's what I get for being this quick to get moar musics.
  21. This seems like a request rather than recruitment. You might find anime remix to be more in line with your interests, they seem to do all kinds of cartoon tracks there.
  22. I played with a few for iOS. They were terribly slow. For something faster, see what free tools there are that turn your mouse or keyboard into a midi controller. Won't be as cool as controlling something remotely and from phone, but it'll be faster. You can probably use a bluetooth keyboard for this too, which gives you some remote control capabilities.
  23. I personally don't like the Miroslav piano, it's too long and indistinct, even with reverb off and release set to minimum. The main problem with the piano in the intro isn't reverb tho. It's how bright and artificial it ends up sounding. It sounds like you boosted stuff from 2kHz by 10dB or more, which makes it sound fake-y bright. I did some playing around with it, and found a more piano-like tone: - wide 4dB boost around 3kHz - -6dB low shelf from around 250Hz - the EQ curve should end up as something like this: _____--"""--- Can't promise it'll sit right in your mix, but it should be an improvement. The ideal could be somewhere in between your settings and mine (mine are just for the solo piano, not for a mix). If you still feel you need more menace in the piano, I would suggest layering something with it. Taiko, explosions, idunno. Just don't overdo it. Compression can also give some more impact to it, and if you compress both sounds together they'll kind'a blend together a little more. Something like 100ms attack and release, 2:1 or 3:1 ratio, and threshold set so it doesn't push the entire sound sound, just the beginning... is what I'd use. There's other stuff in the intro worth working on, like how the piano notes end, and how separate each sound seems. Reverb, EQ and compression can help with that.
  24. Interest has been expressed for Frenzy and Black Soup, still waiting on wips before we put any names to them tho. Conversely, Meridian Child is now open. Any takers?
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