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Everything posted by Klowd1661

  1. Well if you would like to submit the file or step anything else and submit that, talk to myself or Kinslayer.
  2. Spread this around to any stepper friends you may know, everyone. Not only does it give them a project to step, but it can introduce them to this site's mixes (if they haven't been already).
  3. I can actually bring this up on many SM forums I'm a part of. As well, with FFR coming back soon, I can see what I can do for there. I'm already stepping a few things here and there, but if there's any other steppers who'd be willing to step a few ReMixes, then I'll gladly head an OC ReMix pack. And if this does happen, I'll be sure to step a few more of them.
  4. I got nothing from anyone on my Skype so...
  5. I could... or I could just do this: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DN1EPGC2
  6. Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I19KMhTwqIU Yeah I stepped this song. Might recognize it from Project Chaos, or even on the site (http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01528/). Anyways, yeah. Crappy run, and if anyone has SM and wants this, PM please.
  7. Haha, I actually did post a request for this song, among others, a few months ago. And yes this is a bump, BUT THIS SONG NEEDS TO BE MIXED!
  8. Indeed it is. I think that one is my favorite out of the ones I posted.
  9. Lol, yeah. I've beaten it a few times, but still. Hard as heck, but more games need a difficulty curve like that. And it is a shame that not enough people have heard it, but I've provided a few links... hopefully someone can find something mixable and turn it into something even more amazing.
  10. Name: Yggdra Union System: GBA or PSP I'm not preferential to any track, but this game MUST be ReMixed! Almost every song was excellent, and would sound good mixed. I would like: Onward... Milanor, Durant, Nietzsche, Rosary, Cruz, Dragon Generals (<--- Definitely D. Generals), Elena, or Gulcasa; and I like the Union Formation tune, but as I said, any tune would sound good remixed. I'll post a vid or something showing off a battle or two with some of the themes. EDIT: Here it is. Featuring: Map theme (I don't remember the specific title); Union Formation; Onward, Rosary; Onward, Nietzsche; Onward, Milanor; and Onward, Gordon. This one has: Onward, Gulcasa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTINHMBq0To And finally this one (while being a Fire Emblem video) has the PSP versions of Onward, Commanders; and Onward, Dragon Generals. PS. The speed-up is because you can waste the cards power to power yourself up. The music will also slow if you charge it allowing you to use the card's ability.
  11. I'd love to see a ReMix of the stage 1 theme as well. Ahh, good memories of this game ^^
  12. Glad to see someone else, besides me, appreciated this soundtrack.
  13. Game: Snowboard Kids (duh) System: N64 Style for music: Trance, Upbeat techno, or rock/metal if that can somehow be done, please. Specific songs: Rookie Mt. - Big Snowman - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE9mV2Rkq9M Night Highway - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbkoNaOvWp8 Green Valley - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0HsmzJGSEE Thanks for reading and hopefully OCR can get some good Snowboard Kids ReMixes up.
  14. Oh my... UBER BUMP. About 6 months worth XD. Hopefully some other ReMixers see this.
  15. Thanks. And I might use a shorter version. Like get a friend to cut part of it using a program. I'd use the whole thing, but it might be too long. But rest assured I'll link you to it when I'm done.

  16. Oh yeah, what's the BPM for Purity? I'm thinking of stepping that for the game.

  17. Woohoo. Finally a reason to bump. Got a new update. Hopefully we can get a few more on board.
  18. There are so many good songs to mix. The Venus Lighthouse, the battle theme during Colosso, any of the lighthouses (except Mercury. What a fail). Seriously, the list could go on forever.
  19. Wow... the list is growing bigger, and more big(ger) named artists are on board. This is awesome! I'm tempted to start stepping stuff now.
  20. Lol, yup. It's going strong. Almost 1000 songs in-game or related. And you live around 4 hours away from me XD. I live in Abby. Nice place but boring beyond belief.

  21. You're from BC? Whereabouts? And thanks for giving permission to FFR. I quite like your song "Prelude" and I might step it.

  22. Hahaha, thanks for that bump in the FFR thread.

  23. Anyone else willing? And thanks for the bit of a bump Professor Raine. Lot more available. Thanks all!
  24. Hahaha. Yes to the air-guitar bit, and yes to the fanfare for a ringtone. But all in all a spectacularily put together mix and driving so many different theme together within 6:45. Excellent stuff.
  25. Hi, just wondering if FFR has blanket permssion to use your ReMixes in game?



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