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Btws, friendly reminder: Magfest crew is doing Jamspace out at PAX East again with a bunch of videogame music acts coming out too, stay tuned for those details. But yea, everyone come jam.
Reposting in correct thread If you're thinking about going to Boston for PAX East, know this: A good chunk of the Magfest crew will be representin', and in fact... We will be running JAMSPACE at PAX. That's right, we are doing a full on, legit Jamspace in our own room at the convention center. It's going to be awesome. I put a bunch of details up here: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=107382 -Dom
PAX and Magfest are apples and oranges, PAX is really an Expo - Done Right. I went to PAX West this last year and it was nothing short of a stunningly well run, awesome event. If you're thinking about going to Boston for PAX East, know this: A good chunk of the Magfest crew will be representin', and in fact... We will be running JAMSPACE at PAX. That's right, we are doing a full on, legit Jamspace in our own room at the convention center. It's going to be awesome. I put a bunch of details up here: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=107382 -Dom
Global-Trance - Public Address 007 (DJ Sets Available)
binary1230 replied to Global-Trance's topic in General Discussion
Real quick: I was on this email thread, and to cut down on confusion / mis-communication / drama, it's worth noting that no acts have been confirmed for Magfest9 yet and won't be for a long while. Unless an act has received an email from me directly about playing Magfest, then it hasn't been confirmed. I'm always open for suggestions / feedback - dom at magfest dot org - but official communicaton about confirming music acts at Magfest comes from me via email, so there is no confusion about it. -
I hope you suckas are ready, cause I have lined up: TWELVE VIDEOGAME MUSIC BANDS (3 nights of concerts) SWEET DANCE PARTY THING w/ 4-5 DJs (now in main concert hall) CHIPTUNES CONCERT w/4-5artists (now in main concert hall) MORE CAPS THAN EVER BEFORE And Jamspace is returning to pure, unscheduled jamming the entire time. You don't even KNOW. How can you?!? How?? Oh man, it's gonna be so good. -Dom
FYI, I'm personally organizing the videogame music concerts (think like 'magfest presents bands XYZ at GameX') and we have some ridiculous game music bands lined up and ready to go. It's going to be awesome. We'll be announcing who they are (besides The One-ups) pretty soon.
Magfest crew of 10 departing from NickTheNewbie's house with tons of equipment. GO!
Oh.My.God. 12 minute long FF6 opera + 3 singers + choir may have been the highlight of my entire life. Holy crap. The new arrangement was SO GOOD. There's an earlier arrangement that's a little slower paced, and I thought the one last night was a world improvement. Plus combined with the hall's incredible acoustics, it was literally a euphoric experience to hear that song. I still can't get over it. The crowd went absolutely berserk after that song, what an unbelievable performance. Awesome hanging out with all you guys, cya at VGL in 2 weeks in DC and Pittsburgh. PEACE -Dom
Yo guys: Me (Dom) and a bunch of the Magfest crew (5-8 people) are getting a Magfest and OCR table for the lobby of the VGL shows that are happening on July 10th, 11th, and 12th. We're planning on hitting up all 3, including the 11th and 12th shows in Pittsburgh. We'll be staying at a hotel in Pittsburgh on Sat 11th (e.g. we need to have a PARTY) If you guys going to be there on the 11th and/or 12th, we should definitely all get together and hang out before/after the show, plus pimp ocr and magfest at the booth. I should (venue permitting) have the keyboard(s) again in the lobby for some jamming and whatever. (think mini-jamspace) It's gonna be AWESOME and definitely try to make it if anyone's on the fence. I may also have some random backstage passes to swap around for us. -Dom
Dom here, FYI lots of random Magfest crew going. We have a table for both OCR and Magfest, and check THIS OUT, on an email to the main BSO list they pimped both of us out: http://baltimorebarcams.com/magfest/mag8/promo/distant worlds/distantworlds.htm Due to having an Otakon planning meeting all day before I can't make any meetups beforehand (this is my OCR+Baltimore curse) but after possibly? I'll just figure it out there. Also reminder about two other big things coming up: We're hitting up 3 videogames live shows in DC then 2 days in Pittsburgh (July 10,11,12), THEN we're running Jamspace at Otakon again, plus having 4 bands out there play - This Place is Haunted, Armadillo Tank, Rare Candy, and Random (Megaran9 guy). So much crap so little time. Anyway, see you guys there. -Dom
KROZE BAN! VIDEO AWESOME! Is that me? Am I in it? wtf. Magfest army for the win. Join today.
YOU. GUYS. ARE. ALL. AWESOME. Holy shit magfest was unbelievable this year. I want to hang out with you all again. You guys better come to Otakon's Jamspace and rock out too. FYI got a few things: Wiki page with a list of all the coverage that I know of so far (but not vids or pics yet) http://baltimorebarcams.com/dom/index.php?title=Magfest7Coverage New magfest staff blog: http://community.livejournal.com/magfest_staff/ Btw, check out the blog post for what I have in mind for next year's MASSIVE chiptunes rave in the main concert hall. CHECK IT. I want to do it hardcore and awesome, and I'm going to need a lot of help. Magfest 8 is going to be the year. We all have some big, big plans. PEACE -Dom Magfest Music Coordinator
We don't have the 100% final equipment list, we did have lots of people volunteering gear so far, but I don't have a master list. I can tell you that this year the PA and such will be quite pimped out and we should have at least the same backline stuff as last year (though perhaps different models). Everything so far should be at least as good as last year, if not better. -Dom
I would not hesistate for a second to jeopardize thousands of people for the sake of our rock concert. Don't worry.
Things this year: - 24/7 jamspace - composers playing stuff - Thursday night concerts, in addition to Friday and Saturday - Late night chiptunes concert - Wed new year's eve party and concert in Jamspace (go to this. seriously. go to this). You could say that I'll be there this year.
The Yamaha Mo8 keyboard is mine, and will definitely be back. I CAN'T WAIT TO JAM OUT AGAIN. Jamspace is hosting like 5 main things this year: 0) SUPERSECRET New Year's Eve Party 1) Chiptunes concert (Late thursday night) 2) Open Mic concert (probably Saturday morning) - sign up ahead of time if you want to play 3) Industry concert - any of the composers attending that would like to play, can 4) Open jam when nothing else is going on (which is 90% of the time) The open mic concert is basically the same thing as open jam, except it has a specific date and time attached to it. The main idea is that if a random band or 7 comes to Magfest and wants to play, they can give an exact time to people as to when they'll be playing. Chiptunes is chiptunes. Virt and Spamtron will hopefully be rocking it out again. Industry concert is for videogame composers. So far, at least Richard Jacques - Sonic R soundtrack/ Mass Effect/ others - will be playing. I'm hoping to rope more people in. SUPERSECRET New Year's Eve Party is a bunch of sets that will take place on Dec 31, 2008 from e.g. 8pm until way into the morning. We have the Fatman and his band Captains of the Chess Team playing. Also, other bands and people might play. This is going to be a real treat so get out early and help us in our guerilla attempts to extend Magfest into a 5 day event. (This party is going to be AWESOME, trust me.) -Dom
OCR @ Otakon 2008 (Baltimore, MD) - Thanks for coming!
binary1230 replied to atmuh's topic in Announcements
Ah I think I should have been more clear. The room isn't hosting any kind of event. e.g. The idea behind this room is basically to throw down a bunch of keyboards, guitars, drums, bass, and other stuff on a stage and see what happens. People will sign up for ~10 minute time slots to perform. That room will be open from like 8am to 7pm each day. So, the type of music that gets played is totally up to whoever is playing it. The room is not actually hosting any events, it's just 24/7 music jam. Myself, I personally play very liberal covers of vgmusic or medleys or whatever I feel like mixing it with (e.g. Halo Theme into Secret Of Mana into MM3 into Take 5 into Rick Roll). Other people like to play exact versions of game music, other people will kick on a drum machine and looper and make crazy on the fly mixes. So bottom line is: The room is basically whatever you want to make it into. We're just providing the space and the instruments. If someone wants to bring some crazy synth stuff and do live remixes that sound awesome, it's totally doable. I'll be bringing my humble Yamaha MO8 for just that purpose. Just to give you an idea of like 'live remix' this was Schnabubula doing some crazy +impromptu stuff live last time: (this one is called Terra's Got Her Groove Back)-Dom -
OCR @ Otakon 2008 (Baltimore, MD) - Thanks for coming!
binary1230 replied to atmuh's topic in Announcements
GREETINGS, Dom here. Some of you may remember Jamspace from this year's Magfest 6 and how epic it was. If you're going to be in Baltimore for Otakon (gigantic anime convention, Aug 8-10 2008 ) , I wanted to let everyone here know that WE'RE DOING IT AGAIN: http://board.otakon.com/index.php?showtopic=15149 The room there isn't called Jamspace there, it's called Club Otaku (there is a band named Jam Project that we wanted to avoid confusion with) Escariot and I are personally overseeing this one again, so it should be awesome. Speaking of which... does anybody know if/when the OCR panel is at Otakon? -Dom -
PLAY! concert in Baltimore, MD on July 18
binary1230 replied to Moguta's topic in General Discussion
I (Dom) will definitely be there, I already have my tickets and no excuse not to attend something this cool in my hometown. I'll keep an eye out for the gaggle of people wearing OCR shirts. -Dom -
MEETUP: Baltimore May '08 - pics page 19
binary1230 replied to DrumUltimA's topic in General Discussion
Ah man looks like fun times, wish I could have been there. Also: You guys need to make sure you are at Otakon this year, because I am almost 100% confirmed that I am running a room there which may be like another room I was running that you may have seen if you were at Magfest this year... Bug Escariot for the details if you feel so compelled. I'll spam it once it's official, but suffice to say, this room will be BAD ASS, especially if you happen to like listening to or playing live videogame music : ) -Dom -
MEETUP: Baltimore May '08 - pics page 19
binary1230 replied to DrumUltimA's topic in General Discussion
Yo guys, I said I was definitely in, but something crazy happened and now I'm playing a gig with my new videogame cover band Rare Candy that day: http://myspace.com/rarecandy/ So I don't know how much if at all I can make the meetup. SUCKS, I was looking forward to it. Alternatively, if any of you guys are interested in coming out to check us out that day... this gig is close (~20ish minutes drive) to downtown. May, 3 2008 at Collector’s Corner (Free Comic Book Day) 8108A Harford Rd., Baltimore, Maryland 21234 Cost : FREE An epic battle with the Mandroids, Davey G & The Keyboard, Pablonius Bill, and Person Parcel! Come get your free picture books ya damn kids! This is a map from the monument to that place, it's a little bit but not much of a hike. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=10401469280991005259,39.290679,-76.612388%3B4733186764458250118,39.302920,-76.544220%3B2515332454773697933,39.348040,-76.565050&saddr=39.290679,+-76.612388&daddr=39.319691,-76.59256+to:Harford+Rd%2FMD-147+%4039.348040,+-76.565050+to:8108A+Harford+Rd.,+Baltimore,+Maryland+21234&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=12&via=1,2&sll=39.34067,-76.568184&sspn=0.142054,0.273972&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=12 I believe it's around 1PM, I think we're waiting on final times from those guys, the myspace'll get updated when we know. So yea if you guys wanted to catch a little live videogame music during the day, just swing on by. If not, I'll catch up with you guys maybe later on in the day (I'll ping Escariot about it), or at worst next meetup. PEACE -Dom -
MEETUP: Baltimore May '08 - pics page 19
binary1230 replied to DrumUltimA's topic in General Discussion
Yo guys, this is Dom, I met a few of you here and there, especially at Magfest and/or Otakon last year (I was the guy who organized jamspace over there this year) Escariot threatened me with death if I didn't throw my hat in here (or at least with a guilt-trip for being too lazy to drive 15 mins south from my place to downtown Baltimore), so if it's cool, I'd like to tag along. I'm pretty certain May 3rd works well for me. -Dom http://baltimorebarcams.com/vgmusic/ -
JAMSpace at MAGFest 6 (Organizational Thread)
binary1230 replied to Escariot's topic in General Discussion
Yea something happened with the lights in the main concert, I'm still trying to track that down. But next year.... Lights at the main concert are going to be very fun, I can personally assure you. Also some recordings of jamspace: http://baltimorebarcams.com/magfest/recordings/ -
Yo guys. Uber-special thanks to everyone here for all the musical hookups over at jamspace, it wouldn't have been the same without you. We'll definitely be doing it again next year, and definitely even more badass, if you can believe that. Also special thanks to Escariot for putting out fires during the concerts and other times when I needed to count on someone who knew what the hell they were doing, also to Sam for the fastest keyboard playing I've ever seen, and to everyone else for jamming out. Also Elaine your violin playing is so bad-ass, I wanted to jam to some more Chrono Trigger + Cross with you, but usually just ended up knocking over mic stands and such while setting stuff up for other people. And thanks to the other 5 or 6 people I should be thanking but whose names were already triaged by my crappy short term memory. You guys rocked. Hopefully we won't have to schedule the open mic concerts so close to the OCR panel either. IN CONCLUSION COME BACK NEXT YEAR, FOR GREAT JUSTICE. -Dom
JAMSpace at MAGFest 6 (Organizational Thread)
binary1230 replied to Escariot's topic in General Discussion
Huh nice. I hadn't checked this thread in ages and it was bumped yesterday, perfect timing. Quick reminder: website with most current equipment list: http://baltimorebarcams.com/magfest/ Also updates on the concerts (anyone can play at them): jamspace vgmusic concert is on Sat from 3-5PM, chiptunes concert is Fri from 1-2PM. Would love to hear you guys there, just come find me if you want to play at either one. Electric drumkit is a definite, in addition acoustic drums are a 50% ish chance if the people who say they might bring them do so. In addition, I'll be bringing down my stage light gear - 12 par 38 cans and associated DMX gear. I just want to post this more explicitly because there was confusion before: Any equipment you bring must be signed in at the door with your badge # and ID. You can take it out anytime you like, you'll just need to sign it out with your bade # and ID again. If you want to leave equipment there, myself, Drew, others, and some security will be keeping a hawkeye on everything in the room, but we/magfest can't be responsible for your stuff when you're not there. If in doubt, just keep an eye on your stuff, or only lend it to those you trust. 1.5 weeks YEA. Magfest is going to rule. Also, I vote negatory on any of the aforementioned hot whistle action.