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Posts posted by Tables

  1. I like elevator music =(

    Also, this is the classic case of 'this isn't a remix, it's a cover with no originality and lower quality than the original track'.

    I'm no Mixer but anyone can tell you that you just need more. Experiment! Add a funky intro, a chill break in the middle, one extra note somewhere. Right now it's nothing, certainly not 'mostly done' (also it's only 45 seconds). Try listening to one of the Pokemon Remixes on here if that gives you a better idea of what kinds of experimentation people go with as an example.

    sorry if I sound too harsh, I just want to get you on track for an excellent remix

  2. hurley fucking owns this show

    you can't pull 10 pokemon!

    Also: I liked the Richard episode more than most of this season's episodes, but at the same time I feel like it didn't really go anywhere.

    Was that episode written/directed by a different person than usual? Besides the obvious, it felt a lot different, different styles of camera work and narration and pacing that I felt like I really noticed.

  3. I wouldn't get your hopes up from Curly Story, from what I see and hear it's

    Finally, there is a mode that allows you to play through the main story as Curly Brace, which would be super cool if they had made the dialogue slightly more interesting. Curly is not a silent protagonist, and will say things like "I sure did!" when Balrog asks you if you knew Misery kidnapped the wrong mimiga. Other characters will also refer to you as "young lady". When you get to the Sand Zone, the protagonist will take Curly's place in the story and challenge you to a battle, though he will remain silent, and Curly will do all the talking. This makes the following conversation extremely awkward, and when Curly asks the protagonist if he's on the side of the mimigas, you are given a Yes/No prompt, which makes no sense whatsoever. Most importantly, yes, you can still find Curly's underwear, which is referred to as "your panties".


  4. Already got to Sacred Grounds before calling it a night.

    Okay, who else besides me hates nearly all the new music? Should have gotten OCR to do it :v

    Also, 'Huzzah' into 'Oh yeeaaaah'? Who thought of that one?

    Other then that I can't complain, the new graphics are nice and smooth (even if they don't seem too radically different except for things like Balrogs... nose thing and the entirety of Quote), and most importantly it's still fun! This is my fourth time playing it, and I don't regret dropping 1200 points on it.

    p.s I've never ever beaten Ballos so that is my goal for tomorrow

  5. My stepdad had gotten all the way to the last set of levels in Crash Bandicoot 2. For some reason, with my file where I'm only to the second or third set, I save over his save

    He was pissed.

    Also, playing the Final Fantasy IV remake for the DS (the first version of the game I've ever played) I've had SO many 'Oh shit' moments where there's a boss right after a boss. Ughh

  6. "Got my fairy in a jar, keepin' death afar" is not good.

    Are you kidding that was one of the best lines. IMO. :tomatoface:

    I loved the cheesy lyrics, and like said before 'Zelda' has a great voice. But I feel like Link's lines weren't delivered the best that they could be. And maybe it's my crappy headphones, but some of the instrumental parts of the song just seemed very... empty? Maybe that's normal in da big ol rapp scene, but it didn't float my boat.

    Oh and like the above poster said, 'props' for not swearing or going 'yo yo ughhhhhhh dawg yeah'

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