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Posts posted by Tables

  1. This one might be more of a guilty pleasure. After the awesome bell intro (I have a bell fetish), it begins that little bassloop thing (which reminds me of the first level of Batman for the NES somehow) which never goes away. Ever. The drumwork also remains pretty repetitive, but still that's all expected for a trancey dancey track like this.

    What's great about this is the simple catchiness of the original melody, applied excellently in the mix. When you go all blip boopity at 2:11, that's a great moment as well. Also cool is the atmosphere you can hear leaking in with the faux-strings and weird glitch noises and such. Anyway, this remix makes me happy. My first true favorite, chronologically.

  2. Obviously the sonar is great, but the rest of the instrumentation feels a bit dry. Still some cool keyboards going on (although they seem a bit frantic sometimes for the mood I think you're going for), and the drums are interesting throughout. Feels like you could squeeze another minute or two out of it, but perhaps the same could be said of all songs of this genre with no real melody. Overall, I dig it. Another decent early mix.

  3. Maybe it's just Christmas because it was posted a few days before Christmas? That's the only thing I can think of. If anything the synths remind me of space. Jesus in space?

    Not so impressed with this one, like people have said it's kind of empty, and the drum samples are noticeably cheap tshh tshh. It gets a little bit better when it picks up around 1:07, but then it keeps riding on that note and refuses to change too much. Not terrible though, quite listenable. 7/10

  4. Immediately catchy, kind of simple but not to the point of ridiculousness that is reached by some of the other early ReMixes *cough*. A little repetitive, but not too much so. The flute was kind of obnoxious but it fit the ninja theme, and doesn't overstay its welcome too long. Neither does the song, for that matter, ending right before it gets old. A perfectly average remix, surprisingly good for the first ever entry for OCR, and the beginning of something wonderful.

  5. I'm pretty satisfied with this remix, but one thing that sticks out and bugs me, when you do the main part of the Kokiri Forest theme, it's like you're trying to fit too many notes at once for the tempo and pace you're going for (0:57ish for example).

    Other then that, I really like how you meshed all the themes together, and I definitely get that 'Bollywood' feel you say you're going for. The transition into the Lost Woods theme was especially cool. Can't help you with mixing stuff though, I'm clueless :v:

  6. I wasn't so sure about these episodes. Maybe it's the nostalgia working my brain, but it's just feeling different. Like the jokes are just more... obvious? I mean the actual twists in the plot are just as twisty, but the humor just doesn't seem to fit. And all the characters feel goofier than normal, but I could be imagining that.

    Also, seriously, I get that they're on the comedy Central Channel and they can be racier or whatever, but how much stupid cartoon fan service do you really need.

    Don't get me wrong though, despite all that bitching I still appreciate that they're making new episodes of one of my favorite shows, and I can't wait for the episodes coming up

  7. Wow, this is the most pointless but awesome thing I've seen all week. This guy probably worked too hard on this.

    I never got past the first or second dungeon in Zelda 2 myself, never was a fan.

  8. There's another 120 green stars after you beat Bowser w/the first 120 stars mwahaha

    I have about 162 stars now, the green stars are actually pretty fun. There's no bullshit puzzles or nothing they're just hidden in weird places or you have to do impressive feats of near-suicidal acrobatics. 2-3 in each world. Good little time waster, still not as challenging as I hoped but some of them actually make you think 'how on earth do I get that one' so that's good. I wonder what the reward at the end of it all is.

  9. Holy crap I'm breezing through this game, got it yesterday for my birthday and now I have 84 stars and I'm not even done with World 5.

    Hopefully those Green Stars or whatever are as hard as the internet says they are, I haven't had any real trouble with any star yet, and that's just disappointing. There's been times I've died 10 or 20 times for a star, yes (rolling star ball level), but it's still relatively simple.

    I'm kind of glad I'm not yelling at the game as much as I did in the first game (fuck those manta ray races), but I kind of wish there was more of the frantic type of things like some of the purple coin comets in the first one... oh I guess I'll never be satisfied.

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