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Posts posted by Tables

  1. Just including that little Konami jingle made me nearly cry from nostalgia, hearing that every time my stepdad started up the game when I was a young'un... oh my goodness the memories.

    The rest sounds equally solid (hah!), as the work in progress goes. Once you get those original vocals and incorporate more themes it'll truly shine, but still this is shaping up quite nicely. Can't wait for more updates!

  2. The song you posted OP pretty much sold the game for me, from 'maybe' to 'must-have'. And I was so happy to see how it was used. EXCELLENT game all around, unfortunately I played it all day for two days straight and beat it, but it was definitely one of the most memorable games of the year and I want to marry the narrator (Logan Cunningham) okay bye

  3. Daaaawwwww... I saw Tower of Heaven and immediately I thought of
    . *Sigh*

    Make that three people :(

    This one is still really tight though, the drums have been mentioned but really everything else is great. Not too liberal or too conservative, you mess with the source and added to it just the right amount, in all the right ways, while still being recognizable, which is something that seems to be a big challenge for Remixers so pro job bro! The ethereal sounds and the chiptune, well that's definitely an odd mix but it actually works well, so no complaints there either! I can't wait for the drums to be tweaked and for this to end up on the main page (I have high hopes :D)

  4. * I am actually really avoiding news on this game, I want to avoid being hyped up due to the fact that I can't see how any sequel can be better or as good as the Original.

    And really, the co-op does seem a bit... hrm. I don't know many people on my friends list or in real life I would want to play this with for fear of stranglings that would take place during gameplay.

    Granted, I have been surprised by a sequel being better than an unstoppable original in the past. Toy Story 2, anyone?

    *Stole the words right out of my mouth.

    Although having new Portal Adventures sounds pretty cool. I hope the whole co-op thing doesn't mean the single player game is super short again and it relies on co-op to extend the length (and price) of the game....

    Then again, it's kind of bizarre to imagine a Portal game longer than two hours. Eh who knows. Knowing my wallet and doubts I'll probably pick this up months later when it's cheaper and not hate it.

  5. Almost never. When the end credits roll, 95% of the time I'm done.

    Usually what happens is: End credits -> IMMEDIATELY Continue/New Game+ for 10-20 minutes -> Get Bored -> Promise to come back later -> Never do

    I regret nothing. I'd rather experience all the games that I can experience than stay in the same one just to get all the missile expansions or get the Evil ending. By the way, games with 'multiple endings' have no draw on me (unless it's like a Castlevania 'Bad/Good/Best' thing) because, even if some choices end up slightly different, it's usually the same damn gameplay and experiences for most of the time, and that doesn't fit in with my M.O or whatever.

  6. Dude, I think I have this from the aborted Animal Crossing Remix album as 'Mr. Soc'... was that intentional? Probably not, huh? Whoops.

    Regardless, I loved that song then and still enjoy it now. Generally, anything with a lot of focus on piano is highly regarded by me, and this was done quite nicely.

    Also: I didn't know the source was so wacky until I checked it now o_o

  7. So... what exactly? Are you blaming me for doing exactly what you guys are doing (save maybe a few people)?

    Well dude if I were you I'd at least want to look like I'm the better person. It's really not going to make you look better if you don't go 'a step beyond', especially since you're the minority in this argument.

    Also Jack you're really starting to lose it here. That potato example? I know someone else called you out on it but seriously, how can you compare that to video game prices? THAT'S the apples v. oranges. At least you're doing better at not sounding too 'incendiary', people need to lay off you for that.

    Also, I do see the logic in your 'for the consumers good' general idea, not entirely sure why everyone here is totally with the companies either. 'Why they shouldn't want lower prices', yeah go for it. I dont think WoW should be $3 a month, of course Blizzard needs excess profit for everything else it does, but even decreasing it to $9.99 a month would be more fair and wouldn't hurt the company that much. I think you might even get more profit with more people willing to subscribe (who knows, not gonna lie I have less of an idea of how the economy works then most of you here so feel free to disregard). You make some pretty good points from time to time, I think. You're just not doing the most terrific job at staying on topic, using sensible examples, not using those silly fallacies.... It's really hard to stay on your side man.

    I don't even know where I'm going with this, I'm kind of in the middle for this whole debate. Ramble ramble. But again this is one of the most entertaining (and for me, educational) threads here so keep going. popcorn65.gif

  8. First of all this is one of the most entertaining threads here, please don't stop it.

    At this point, even though I don't entirely agree with Jack, at this point he's being a lot more reasonable then The Damned is. Jack still addresses every point of just about everyones posts, no matter how skeptical they are of him. The Damned... I think it's time to stop being so hung up about the insult thing. Sure okay it was a blunder on Jack's part, but he apologized for it and I don't see how it makes his recent points any less valid. If anything, go after his 'faulty logic', don't go after the fact he called you an idiot over 10 pages ago.

    edit: Oh come on man

  9. But dude. The flying purple koalas with ties (that threw bombs and that made amazing noises when they died). Don't tell me that wasn't worth it.

    Also, this game was really fun, but I beat it in about three days. (I played it a lot) (well, beat all the the levels on normal mode and got all the KONG letters, fuck the puzzle pieces fuck mirror mode and fuck the hell out of time trial). I actually liked the rocket barrel levels a lot... plus one of the most hilarious things in the game (besides the spoiled thing above) was watching a gorilla on a rocket crash into a random rock and explode and die. At least I thought. I'm weird.

  10. I feel like I post this type of comment into everything lately but regardless:

    Great to see this out of the WIP stage! Although I do miss that (admittedly silly) ending of dying and trying again... but I suppose that for the sake of the seriousness of the mix it had to go.

    I must admit don't download many full-on orchestral remixes from this site, but I have to say this is incredibly awesome and so worth it. Loved this theme, and this interpretation suits it very well. It barely even feels like its six minutes, in the best way possible. Good work guy!

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