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Posts posted by Tables

  1. as long as I can make my 'girl wearing only her underwear and a keaton mask' character they can do whatever they want with character creation

    also what would be hilarious is instead of ivy being an oversexified middle aged woman that looks just a little too old for this, they make her a decripid old lady who is still oversexified but has actual sagging tits and gray hair and is hunched over.

    i mean if you can blow up nightmares stomach you can do anything at this point

  2. Bump for justice and children!

    I think the strengths in this album so far are actually the tracks you least expect great listenability from. Pre-boss, Mini-boss, and especially Norfair Hot Lava Area have been greatly improved from the originals, and they're nothing short of incredible now. The Samus theme is great too, and of course Maridia just like I thought <3! I can't wait to download this haha

  3. Yes

    Oh my god

    Everyones favorite WIP, finally here... congrats! You really managed to take an awesome but admittedly overremixed theme and bring it to a new level of awesomeness and originality. And it's so dang professional and cheesy too, enough where I could see it on the radio and people would love it and buy your CD and be inspired to tell a man or woman that they love them.

  4. Majoras Mask:

    Alright the mere SOUND of the mask flying towards you on the opening menu made me shit myself as a little kid, I always mashed start to try to skip it.

    And then of course the first time I got a game over for time running out (I had no idea what I was doing, I swear I spent a whole ingame day looking for the Bomb Brats). Oh my god that ending. I remember being all wide-eyed, slowly getting up to turn the game off, and then I didn't touch it again for a week.

    On a lighter note, dazzling, the very first cutscene for Metroid Prime (which was also my first Metroid game, and now is one of my favorite games of all time). Somehow it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.

  5. Guys

    as someone who sucks at video games, who never got 100% items in any Metroid game without guides,

    How are you guys having so much trouble with these ones? The only one I was stuck on for a really long time was that one under the extendable bridge that breaks so you can learn the space jump, but I still didn't need a guide for that either. I'm sorry

  6. (+)

    1. The main melody is in key


    All you did was cover the Dire Dire Docks theme note by note with a single synth thing and add a few random and way-too-loud drumloops in the background. I'd take a better listen at the posted remixes on this site, to get a better idea of how different you can make your remix to make it interesting.

  7. tables just sorta sounds like tazers

    tazers is the name I use everywhere else on the internet

    I don't know why I didn't chose to use 'tazers' here

    I don't know why I chose 'tazers' anywhere

    p.s the first time I used it was before the 'don't taze me bro' thing so it wasn't even that.

    I think tables and tazers are casual enough that I could use them as serious pseudonyms if I really had to.

    As far as names go you could do so much worse than 'The Otaku'

  8. I love piano things!

    First of all the meshing of the Mario theme and the Dire Dire Docks theme in the beginning is incredibly clever and awesome. However, I do sort of think the transistion (or lack of thereof) into the section at 1:00 is just a little bit sudden. I think if you just extended the last note a little longer before you moved onto that section it might sound more natural. Other than that, I don't see a lot wrong with this besides, of course, the length. We want more and we want it now! Ha ha ha :x

    Oh and I'm no help when it comes to productiony things but it sounds alright to me if that matters. Oh and I'd totally advise you to add the dynamics stuff, you might as well go all the way with this!

  9. wow tables you didn't remember phantoon? he doesn't even look like a brain get out

    :banghead: Wow. I'm a dumbass. I DID play Super Metroid and I didn't remember him.

    But to be fair, he's 200 feet tall now and uses its tentacles and has magic hands and that red laser blackhole landmine thing, and doesn't teleport around.


  10. 100%'d it. I might try hard mode but it's probably gonna be too hard for me because I suck at video games. Basically from what I read its 99 health 10 missiles the whole way through. ffff. Disappointed that there's no reward for the 100% except a two second voice clip of Samus congratulating you at the end.

    (edit: oh wait there's no reward for completing the game on hard mode? screw that I'm outta here)

    Oh and the timing of the emergency thing going off near the very end has to be the most hilarious thing ever in a Metroid game.

  11. Maybe I didn't mind her monologues because, really, they're not that out of place for her. She's been doing this kind of rambling about life and Adam and stuff since Fusion, just without the voicework.

    Okay NOW I beat the game for real (why did they do this, credits->final boss/escape?) and I'm a bit more satisfied. The Giant Space Brain Thing From Nowhere was pretty random but he made an alright final boss. The new menu music is pretty. I only got 60% of the items so it's time to go get those suckers

  12. Just beat this. Didn't read the thread.

    Alright I liked the game, had fun throughout the majority of it, and didn't even mind Samus's cheesy monologues too much. The story was kinda neat, if somewhat silly, but the point being it kept me interested enough.


    1. The ending. I feel like it just kind of stopped, and the game play right before was... not very climatic. I was expecting so much more. Augh. I am so cheesed off right now. (edit: I just noticed theres more gameplaying to do isn't there? hurf durf)

    2. The music was massively disappointing. Ambiance and stuff is cool and all, but I expect Metroid games to have at least one or two tracks, even remixes, worth listening to. What the hell is Stemage gonna do for this game yo? ALSO: Total missed opportunity with the Nightmare battle... with no Nightmare music! FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU

  13. The game could be all about Samus having a slumber party and doing her nails and watching some bad movie on pay-per-view, and if it has Metroid in the title, guess what? IT WOULD STILL BE A METROID GAME.

    and i would probably still buy it

  14. Well I preordered the game already from Amazon so there's no turning back now.

    I was a little concerned when news of this game first came around, but only recently I started to have faith in it, what with actual advertising and finally watching a few gameplay videos. That one review was also worrying but reading the comments apparently the reviewer didn't know what he was talking about sometimes when it came to the gameplay. Still, it's too bad the story has to be the way it is (existent).

    I'm going to try to have faith though... it's Metroid, right?

    What can possibly


    okay but they learned from that, right?

    p.s Arek, did you meet Black Guy yet? And more importantly, do you remember him?

  15. oh god help me

    Gimme Shelter at 'normal' (1x) stretch but -188 pitch and -101 freq shift makes a weird industrial sounding version.

    I have to try this with more songs.

    Edit: Actually the industrialy effect works with just about any rock song go figure.

    Addicted - Devin Townsend is like going down a tunnel of sad mechanical lions who hate your guts. also c3po's ghost is chasing you

    tl;dr this program is amazing

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