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Everything posted by Tables

  1. This was extremely nifty, I love and appreciate anything made or inspired by Pendulum. You really got that style down, and your additions were very appropriate and made perfect sense. Definitely into the iPod this goes, for sure.
  2. Defend? What a silly notion. Unless I'm someone who has to set up their moves like Dedede or whatnot, I'm always on the attack, for better or worse. In other news no one cares about: I'm losing my R.O.B skills, but I'm getting pretty awesome with G&W. Dedede, I'm not too bad with, but I have to adjust. Almost any other character I'm at least decent with, which is great. And Olimar, oh boy. He isn't my best, or even my favorite character. But still, if it makes sense despite that, he's probably the most fun character in the game. On a final note, I love to go on "With Anyone", play a match, then pick the character that gets 4th place. Then, I beat everyone with that character, and after a few rounds of doing this at least one person leaves. Oh joy.
  3. Not to mention that annoying bit of lag with her grab... what is up with that, that makes me sad.
  4. Seriously? Sorry Edited for the no spoils.
  5. Oh hey guys, dunno if this was already posted but what is this? http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/8805/mkwiiflacontm9.jpg Hey Captain Falcon what are you doing all the way over here.
  6. Donkey Kong 64 please. edit: Aw, Rare's got it? Lame. Then Earthbound, yes oh yes.
  7. I think Simon Belmont or another Nintendo-y Castlevania character (Soma? Julius? Hell, Trevor?) would be really awesome. Probably no Alucard cause of his fame coming from the PS1, but hey if they could do Snake they can do anything. Sakurai is always making games and he doesn't afraid of anything
  8. No one cares, but I've come to realize that I'm losing my edge with ROB, but I'm gaining it with Mr. Golden Watch. That little guy and his turtle are a beast, and they're winning me a lot more matches. Plus his fishbowl is great for Boss Mode. I'm glad the quirky little guy got improved so much, it was just too hard for me to use him well in Melee. Because I suck
  9. I'm certainly not going to blame my horrible tourny losses to it, but during "Against Friends" matches, my left shoulder button (aka air dodge/sheild) was really unresponsive, compared to offline and even "Against Everyone". Weird, since there wasn't even any other lag during those matches
  10. Neat! Happy date of birth to you, good sir.
  11. From what I understand, its supposed to be a psychological thing; the sound of cows makes one think of the country, get them relaxed, and then the Metal Gear STRIKES. I don't quite get it myself, since you still see a bigass robot, but thats what I remeber being told by some magazine.
  12. A good Lucas is really annoying online... damn that upsmash move.
  13. I love the nonstop, wild and crazy vibe this whole piece had. I agree, the ending was a bit abrupt, especially for a arrangement like this that just doesn't want to end. Pretty damn fine, though, damn fine. Into the iPod this goes.
  14. Eh, I prefer not being told that my moves are cheap. Plus, we don't need another Diskun. *shudder*
  15. I have to fight Atma first? Gah fuck, it had to be someone huh. Good thing its double elimination, at least.
  16. http://metroidmetal.com/ http://metroidmetal.com/songs.html I really hope that most of you OCR folk know about Metroid Metal. A search didn't reveal any previous MM threads so hopefully this isn't redundant. Either way, I think that the musical/video game based community here would appreciate this. Metroid Metal is, in my opinion, possibly the best collection of Metroid songs remixed as heavy metal covers. Stemage, the mastermind of this whole thing, has spanned a good portion of the series. He did nearly all of the Metroid Tracks, as well as some of the 'hits' from Metroid II, Super Metroid, and Metroid Prime. Well, just today, Stemage released his newest song: a combination of the Metroid Prime 3 Main and Bryyo themes! 7 minutes of some of the best Metroid fan-made music I've heard. In particular, the acoustic part really gets me. Share and enjoy, and use this thread for other MM discussion if you want.
  17. I vote for it being banned. The rest of your choices, I'm in agreement with as well.
  18. I love clearing out a room in Basic Brawl. So I decided to be Game and Watch, and I went through all the colors backwards (I started at black, then went to light blue, ect). Each time, except for the goldish G&W, I got 1st place. When I beat them all with red (completing the cycle), all three of the players just left. I'd be kinda annoyed myself if I was killed all the time by G&W, but hey. Oh and random thing I just have to say: I love to open doors in Subspace. Seriously, theres something just so satisfying about that *flick* and you go through the door, you know? Does anyone else love opening doors?
  19. Same, depends on what day / time you guys are deciding for the tournament to be... doesn't seem very clear.
  20. Oh hey, I'm obviously not exactly a OCR regular, but would I be allowed to sign up?
  21. I'll just pull up the old argument "you don't want to lose money/glory over a bomb-omb appearing in your face at a bad moment"
  22. And so, after about 20 CD factory stints, I have every CD. Oh how my K.K Slider trophy shines tonight.
  23. It's harder, I admit, and he takes a few matches/deaths to get used to, kinda like Dedede or Olimar (for me anyway). Its a completely different way of playing. Also, I found a guide, got 100% on Subspace, and didn't get shit. Not even a "Congratsulations" pop-up. I hate Subspace so much now.
  24. What I love about this game is that every character is usable. I'm maining R.O.B, but I actually like and can use to some degree of proficiency all the other characters, even Yoshi. Oh, except for Donkey Kong. I'll always hate you the most <3
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