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Everything posted by Velocifero

  1. Can't complain here. Probably going snowboarding tomorrow. Only 2nd time this year unfortunately. How's things in Beth World?

  2. Man I loved this game. Music was good too.
  3. LOL @ 1:40 that was my Fester's Quest he snatched! Which was later signed by the AVGN.
  4. One of my new biggest fears now is that something will come up and I can't get off for next year. I'm going to build up more leave so I can stay for the entire thing. For real. I was really down this morning at work for some reason. Felt better halfway through the day but man, must be remnants of the 'fest. Yea he mentioned he and Mustin were toying with the idea. I was very flattered he shared those thoughts with us. He's got a lot of respect for OCR I can tell.
  5. Blasphemy. The entire show rocked and how lucky was it that my first live performance was a totally new, unheard album. Truly a treat. Always loved you guys, rock on..err funk on?
  6. Ugh, and I won't soon forget how disgusting those pickles smelled.
  7. It hit me after I dropped Ababoss off at the airport. I saw these two sisters (or friends) hugging goodbye. It make me think of how far apart most of are and how rare it is for us to get together. The forum and facebook help but it's not the same of course.
  8. Sounds like it coulda been a lot worse...But even still it's fucked up. But with more and more people going each year, bad shit is bound to only increase. Let's hope this or something worse doesn't happen again. That's why I need to buy more OCR stuff to wear so people who might not recognize you but recognize the shirt. If I see the logo, I'll just walk up to someone and ask if they're on the forum or a remixer etc.
  9. You're kidding... I was surprised how bummed out I was at the end. I knew met most of you guys at least once or twice before, but many of you were met for the first time.I think it was because everyone was so nice and that I'm sharing a part of my life I haven't shared with other friends. You guys are awesome.
  10. Everything was off the chain and I loved every minute of it!! Lots of favorite moments, Secret of Mana composer Hiroki Kikuta's panel comes to mind as one of them. And it was really cool meeting even more of the folks here. I'm gonna do everything I can do this next year and onward.
  11. dafux? I need a badge to go to this thing?
  12. I actually liked the first TMNT back in the day. I dont have those others but I do have a couple copies of some Simpsons games.
  13. Awesome. Gotta find a shitty game for him to sign...
  14. Sorry if this was already asked, but is the AVGN gonna be there?
  15. lol thanks. Looks like I might be acting Wheelman for a few of yas.
  16. Hah, google says it's 7 minutes from my place, so maybe 15 with traffic. Awesommmme. I've got a futon if anyone needs a place to crash
  17. I don't have that much leave saved up so I was thinking of just showing up those days after work at 3:30 since I work/live so close.
  18. True, now THAT is a badass name. Yours is too though chthonic, I mean Benjamin Briggs. Consider mine changed.
  19. Very nice and upbeat. The good first impression that lasted until the very end. I hope these guys make more stuff. A definite add to my ipod.
  20. I think if they do that, they'll be ruining it themselves as no one will want to ask permission to say that.
  21. How can I not go since I'm so close? But I'm not sure which days I can get off. Bahamut, we gotta hook up bud. Is the angry video game nerd going to be there?
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