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Everything posted by Velocifero

  1. So the date is now August 28? That's the same date as Comic Con Baltimore (28-29) Not that I care, I just wanted to mention that.
  2. Hence the different grades of meat I guess. It's one of those things I think were ignorance is bliss. I could look up what all the grades are and who uses what but I might ruin my favorite foods. I do love Taco Bell. Well to be fair too, the new black wii and accessories looks a lot like the Playstation color scheme.
  3. I'm a busy man, but thanks. Seemed Sony was just milking him for his recent ads. wtf bones? When I go to BK, I usually don't get those anyway.
  4. Link to said speech?
  5. Actually the McDouble ($.99) and Double Cheeseburger ($1.19) are two different items. The McDouble has one piece of cheese while the DC has two like normal. I know, it's lame.
  6. Oh snap, the Six Flags in Bowie, MD? Funny I just went there on July 4th with my military buddies. They have a water park there too.
  7. A simple "Repost." would have been plenty to say here instead.
  8. That doesn't make me feel as bad now. But of course when I move to Arlington, I already had plans for the 4th. I would totally go otherwise, since I'm so damn close. Dang it.
  9. The review on IMDB (5.1/10 btw) "I went to see the Midnight showing of The Last Airbender tonight. I am a huge fan of the series and had been awaiting this movie for months. I understood that this was to be a children's movie, but the series was for children as well and I loved that. What could go wrong? This movie was a cinematic abomination. The entire movie, which covers the first "Book" of the series is rushed together and jumps around in a totally nonsensical manner. There is absolutely NO time spent on characterization. None of the characters had any depth at all and may as well have been cardboard cutouts. Major plot points are summarized through narration or montage and the film would leave any person not familiar with the story absolutely dumbfounded. With all of my heart I discourage you from seeing this movie. Go see Karate Kid. Go see Killers. Go see (I cannot believe I am saying this) Eclipse. Just stay away from this movie"
  10. Yeah same, I check that every month.
  11. He has all of them archived then huh? I started downloading some of their better stuff in 2006 but wasn't able to finish for obvious reasons. I would love to finish what I started.
  12. Another great one by Kate. What a wonderful voice she has. She's cute too.
  13. Let's be honest though, it was a weird game. Eventually those enemies became classics too. But that was early in Mario's video game career. Donkey Kong is no spring chicken.
  14. No kremlings seems weird. It's like Mario with no goombas or troopas. Will probably be a good game regardless. And if the music is being done by the guy who composed the Primes, it'll no doubt be memorable.
  15. Looks interesting. I'll probably get it as I do every other Zelda game. Of course, I'll need a Wii. Maybe the new black one..
  16. Hey buddy, did you get my PM? You do remember from the philly meet right...the tree climber.
  17. Yeah same. This version is 5 seconds longer I noticed. chthonic, are there differences between the two tracks? I havent noticed any yet. Great great track, i love it with its retro sound bytes.
  18. Or lack thereof. If was truly a fan, he would have (or should have) give credit where it's due. Lame.
  19. If I'm free, I'll give it a shot. Depending on my schedule, I'd be down for going to your guys' place again.
  20. Hah I didn't want the song to end. I felt like the story (and catfight) was just getting started.
  21. Pitting us against each other...it's exactly what Remixanator wants...
  22. I love Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Thus, I love this remix. I'm going to put it in every playlist on my ipod.
  23. Not if you're morbidly obese lol
  24. This is the best thing since Real Doll. Bravo DJP for changing music forever. Bravo, sir.
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