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  • Real Name
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  • Occupation
    Sandwich Hero

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

Xero's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Congratulations!
  2. What an epic prize! Sign me up!
  3. Seconded. It's such a beautiful and mellow song.
  4. I would like to congratulate everyone who participated in this project on doing an outstanding job and to tell bLiNd to keep getting better!
  5. Wow, 80th huh? It'll be hard to find a cake large enough for that many candles.
  6. Not trying to be pushy about getting the album out, I am quite willing to wait as long as it takes, but is there a tentative release date in mind?
  7. I think you're right about the first being better than the second. In the second version, I found the hi-hat to be a little overpowering. It definitely made the melody much harder to hear. Overall though, I found this remix to be a fairly excellent blend of the themes with enough variation on the originals to keep it interesting. Keep up the great work!
  8. A very nice trance mix. I thought that piano solos and trance go together, and this one reinforces that feeling. (A good, heavy bass-line is never a bad idea either ) Overall a great piece.
  9. Although I found the casting to be a little odd (age-wise) the rendition of enemies was pretty cool. It would definitely be an interesting movie to watch, however. Sadly though, this trailer only appeared on April Fools day, which leads me to believe that it is a fake. ;D
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