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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Sweet. So, how do I join? Do I just post my wii and smash codes, or what?
  2. I'd like to join, but I know I'm not good enough yet. I'll train with my friends then I might join.
  3. So, that hand in the pic isn't master hand, it's actually Isaac's move? Golden sun was a good game...
  4. Lol, those pics are great! Keep 'em coming! Cool to see that Isaac is an assist trophy. What does he do? Also, how do you bring pics onto the computer? I'm guessing: Save them on the SD, bring to computer?
  5. I'm interested...What classics are those?
  6. Wow; for PKMN trainer, it sound like they did this: "Go, (Insert name here)!" "Good job, (Insert name here)!" "(Insert name here), return!" Lol. Although, he does sound like Ash.
  7. The link is fixed; it should work now.
  8. Yeah, that's right. Nesquik, the video game on floppy. It exists. Anyway, here's the song: http://host-a.net/Overflow/Chocolate%20Milk.mp3 bad news, however: I already submitted it over a week ago, before I knew this forum existed. Are you allowed to resubmit songs if they're rejected? P.S. The sound is low because of garageband. This is as loud as I can make it without it becoming fuzzy.
  9. I have a mac, and am only able to do any music writing in garageband. Obviously, the better work on the site here is NOT done in Garageband. Actually, I don't think anything here is. Anyways, I have been playing around a lot with the instruments that are supplied, and I have a small budget so buying soundpacks would be challenging. But to the point, what is a better music making program I can get cheap? Like, i saw the guide for a $0 budget, but they all seem to be just programs limited to a few sounds or styles. (I haven't checked, mind you)
  10. If I make it any louder the quality just drops. I don't know how to get around this. As far as synth quality goes, is that just because I'm using garageband, or is there actually improvements I could make? I don't want it to be repetitive or lead to nowhere, but that seems to happen in most my songs. But, is the song like, in tune with itself? like, there aren't any parts that contradict, are there? I don't know what to do to help it. Any advice?
  11. This is to be my second remix. http://host-a.net/Overflow/Mr.%20Cephalopod.mp3 What do you guys think? It's quiet because if I have it too loud in garageband and then export it, it becomes all fuzzy. I make it quiet then increase its volume in itunes. Here's the original: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/Octopus.mid Also, is the max file size for a remix 6mb? if so then I need to lower it. It's at 6.4 right now. So yeah; any advice? EDIT: fixed link
  12. I noticed in the attached videos (under 'menu') there s an IGN profile of mario. Is there more? If there's one of G&W, could someone post it please?
  13. All death metal cracks me up, lol. A lot of my friends don't believe that Christian Death metal exists; I know for a fact that it does, though!
  14. So I walked down to EBGames the other day, and I saw posters for a SSBB tournament they're having in april; the winner goes to Nintendo world in New York. I want to enter! whee! ahem. Anyways, since you guys HAVE been in tournaments before, anything I should watch out for or train for? P.S. I don't actually expect to win, but I don't want to lose my first match either, lol.
  15. Same here, except probably 1/3 - 1/2 is OCR. It's true, though. Lyricless music is perfect for any kind of creative activity, especially reading, writing and art.
  16. Can G&W catch a final smash in his bucket? Imagine catching 3 samus final smashes...!
  17. Speaking of which, when does the game come out?
  18. Except to play with someone hopefully smarter than a computer. Ah, well, Nintendo will probably never get online right. Can't you make custom taunts for friends, though? my Nintendo power said you could.
  19. Rats. I guess I'll just have to buy a notebook and keep track myself then. lol. The weird thing about the small 'memory' of the wii is that aside from virtual console games, I don't really use it anyways. Mind you, there ISN'T any other way to use it, but even if there was, like movies or music or some such, I probably wouldn't. Sure, I'd put some on just because I can, but I'd really rather put everything on my 500GB external hard drive where I can put it to use. i don't understand what's with all the magic/novelty of saving music on a game console.
  20. What??? 1. I can believe that. Nintendo is really paranoid about communication, but they still allow text between friends, right? 2. The Wii does have a hard drive! How else could you download virtual console games? 3. I certainly hope this is not the case. They put global rankings in mario strikers, right? why not the same for brawl??? 4. There could be some connectivity. Throw a couple bombs in, or something.
  21. So, in SSB64, wasn't Link decided as the best character? Strongest, and best range? I'm guessing in melee it was either falco or marth, because of their speed, strength and range. How about for brawl? in the videos, it looks like Link has been beefed up A LOT. which character would you brawl owners say is best? Also, comment on the 64 and melee characters; I'd like to hear other opinions. But...Let's try and keep it opinions, not a flame war, lol.
  22. You could probably even play a round devoted just to the minigames, not fighting. That could be fun.
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