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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Are they actually remakes, or just ports? I was under the impression that Nintendo was just going to re-release a line of "ultimate player's choice games" that aren't changed at all, except for some new box art or something. While I would love wii controls for prime 1 and 2, remember: This is Nintendo. They're probably going to take the easy road, which IMO is fine by me. If I want to play the original pikmin, I want to play it the way it was meant to be played, no extras or added controls. If I wanted the extra wii stuff I should get the wii version, is all I'm saying. Plus...Is it just me, or does the DSi have better graphics??? It DEFINITELY has a higher resolustion, and the graphics look upped.
  2. Exactly. The game doesn't seem to have any life in it. Maybe that will change when I can see my mutant miis in the audience, but...
  3. What I think is funny is the issue of realism in games. If a game is supposed to look realistic, then there should be advertisements. But it wouldn't make sense to see a mars bar billboard in gears of war, even though that game is trying to be realistic. It's hard to explain, but it's like people want games to be realistic and non realistic at the same time. People don't consider mario games to be realistic, but they do conisder games about fighting evil aliens on giant rings in space that can blow up planets and mind controlling bugs realistic as long as everything looks properly proportioned. As far as advertisements, it does bug me to see the ads for sony lining the rink in NHL games.
  4. I know what you are all thinking. And, after watching some of the instrument demonstrations from Gametrailers, I feel much the same way.(Although, the sheer amount of instruments is impressive(over 60).) However, I watched some gameplay footage on iTunes and I have to say, it does look like fun to jam along to a jazz version of 'twinkle twinkle little star' however you like. Also, the game is presented so that every performance looks like a music video, which I think is a nice touch; they even have a picture of your album cover with your Mii and the other band players on it at the start of each song. From this, I would assume that the game features a single player, guitar hero like experience, where you gain popularity by playing at progressively larger gigs with your party of miis until you hit the big time. This genuinely would be fun IMO, but the probable lack of any kind of scoring system detracts from it. If there is no way to play 'badly', then there is no real reason to try to play well. I understand the appeal of just playing with friends as silly as you like, but in the single player mode there has to be some standard you must meet to pass songs, otherwise there is no incentive to play. Wikipedia does say, however, that the orchestral conductor mode does have a ranking system. Hopefully this carries into the campaign mode as well. Another interesting thing is the track list. There are, undoubtedly, going to be a lot of Nintendo songs. themes like mario and zelda are obviously going to be included, but maybe we'll even see some songs from lesser known games. Maybe even some songs from third party games (I would love to play the Metal Gear Solid theme all orchestral!). There will probably also be a large selection of well known songs, such as lullabies and classical pieces. Knowing Nintendo and from what I've seen so far there won't be any real mainstream music, as there is no (confirmed) microphone or wiispeak capabilities, although should these be included it would be pretty sweet, and then mainstream songs would become much more likely. Hopefully the game will include online play (As hinted by the box art), rankings and maybe even the ability to upload your performances to Nintendo WFC for others to see (Of course, if this were to be the case, bye-bye singing!). Being able to upload your work to a computer and maybe even convert it to MP3 would be neat as well. To wrap this up, I'd say the game has potential. Simply playing a tuneless song on a trumpet by yourself looks boring, but multiplayer, the single player campaign and the conductor modes do look like fun. What are your thoughts (Although I have a good idea what they will be, lol)?
  5. An older game by Epic Megagames...Makers of Jazz Jackrabbit and I believe the Unreal games. It was a point-and-click game about a boy's dreams called Dare to Dream. The game starts out with the standard lullaby theme, then shows the title: That monster face scared me when I was about 7 or 8. Anyways, the game takes place inside the dreams of this messed up kid, and there's two things in particular that freaked me out: Near the end of the first episode there is a panoramic view of hundreds of impaled people on large stakes in a blue field. The stakes and people are silhouetted, but there are bright red stains at the base of each. The other is that throughout the game, everyone is telling you to wake up quickly or else "the monster will get you." Mind you I played this during the time that I still had nightmares about monsters under the bed. When you finally wake up from the dream, you see the kid sit up in bed and a pair of red eyes under the bed. WHat made it worse though is that that night, my little sister made a pair of cut out, glow in the dark eyes and put them under my bed, then jokingly told me to check before I went to sleep. I flipped. Big time. More info on the game: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dare_to_Dream
  6. I've got two NES's, SNES's and N64's, and a gamecube. I've got the old Game boy, the pocket, color, advance, SP, micro, and DS lite. My sister has the old DS, so I'm trying to buy it off her. We've also got a working Coleco vision with donkey kong! w00t
  7. Hotel Dusk, room 215 is pretty good. And now it's only 20 bucks at futureshop, worth the buy if you're into mystery stories and point and click adventures.
  8. Is there someplace here where we could set up Metroid Prime Hunters matches?
  9. So. Megaman 9, or 2? or is there another one I should hold out for?
  10. Once you reformat, it will go back to it's factory settings, meaning it won't even recognize any of it's old data. You should try deleting the mega mans, then redownload them and try again. (Redownloads are free) I don't think that free space should be an issue, though, because I've only got 9 free blocks left but all my VC and wii stuff work fine.
  11. Holy cow. This game looks great. I'm surprised there isn't already a thread about it. It's supposed to come out this month in Japan, but no word on whether or not it's coming here. Graphically, it doesn't look too bad, could be better, of course, but the game seems to be presented very cinematically, with interactive cutscenes. Also, according the wikipedia, the game's getting an M rating. A game published by Nintendo that's rated M? what's the world coming to. I sure hope it makes it overseas. This game, along with Moon for the DS and The Conduit are at the top of my 'wish list'. Any thoughts on the game?
  12. Dude, that is so awesome. Is there any way I could get an MP3 of that?
  13. I am seriously getting fed up with having no idea what that means or what it's from. Someone, EXPLAIN IT!!! GRAH!
  14. I actually heard that they're going to include extra missions or something in the Wii version. I remember someone specifically stating that the Wii version will not be a "me too" port.
  15. I think when people think "Hardcore", they think of a story, a 10 hour + single player game, a desire to sit down and play for extended periods of time and voice acting (I don't know why there's so much emphasis on it.) When they think "Casual", they probably think party, puzzle or games with little or no story to them that you'd play in smaller sessions, focusing mainly on fun rather than engaging the player. But what do I know. I think that games should be fun, and anything else is bonus (Of course there are standards for everything, I don't want to play a fun game on anything that looks like a nes game, unless it's intentionally that way, i.e. megaman 9), but immersing the player into a game world should be key, especially in "hardcore" games but even in "causal" games, to an extent.
  16. I heard about some Christian group who're trying to get a petition going to ban spore or something.\. Personally, I think this is pretty petty. It's just a game after all.
  17. The computer games Cluefinders, grades 3 through 6 are actually quite good for this, while difficult. However, they aren't "fun" so much as an obstacle to overcome so you can find out what happens next.
  18. These are great...You're really quite good, and I'm glad you're getting some attention. Another example of a way your idea could be exploited is in Metroid Prime. The story is only told through the scanning of things and reading up on them, and like you said, sneaking in references to actual events or objects in this fashion could really get some people thinking.
  19. I'm seriously considering picking up this game for my intel mac (Intel core 2 duo; that'll work, right?) But I'm a little confused. FIrst, does the full game come with the $10 creature creator you could buy separately, and second, is it worth the $50? What I mean is, how long does the game last for the money?
  20. So what, is this a way for up and coming artists to show of some of their work as well?
  21. Whenever I play Excite Truck, I always listen to Five Iron Frenzy. Now, their music and the game have become synonymous to me. You should check out their work, it really does fit the game's style.
  22. Interesting...Big Bang didn't do much to my party; I guess that's cause everyone was level 80 P.S. Faith?
  23. Okay, what the heck does 'Faith' do???
  24. Is it just me, or does Edge have an awful defence? Honestly, attacks like Icestorm from the blue dragons would give about 500-800 damage to everyone, except edge: He'd take anywhere from 1300+, and that's with the best armor for him that money could buy, or I could find. He wasn't that wimpy in the original.
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