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Posts posted by analoq

  1. My inclination is to run Linux, and then to either go with something like Muse or else Reason through WINE. In your opinion, will that work out well for me (especially using WINE), or am I setting myself up for a bunch of headaches?

    Why do you incline towards Linux? If you are attracted to a Unix environment then OSX is your best option as far as music is concerned. Using Windows software under Linux is indeed going to be a bunch of headaches.

    Other than that, it is the software that is probably most important. The platform is secondary. Apple makes very good products but if you want to use Reason and you already have a PC then just save yourself the trouble and stick with that.


  2. oops, for some reason I thought I'd be up in time to vote today. My apologies for not helping to discriminate the entries.

    Regardless, my sincerest appreciation to all of you who entered. As grand a theme it is, it is difficult to approach from a remixer's perspective; there's no melodic hook to latch onto. Nonetheless you guys managed to elicit some rearrangement potential, so good on ya mates.


  3. I've said unnecessarily harsh things on the panel before. And I've duly received PMs from indignant remixers.

    My response to them? I sincerely apologized and promised to be more mindful about it in the future. And I tried to keep those promises.

    Most judges are probably open to this sort of criticism so long as it's done privately. It's a bit harder to take threads like this seriously.

  4. One thing, tho:
    a) There are already good resources out there for beginners that you can give to people.

    B) No amount of visibility will help your FAQ cut down on noobish threads.

    a) ...that beginners can't find, so they ask a question in their noobish threads.

    B) see above. and below.


    That's not even a reponse. It doesn't appear that you've followed my points, much less refuted them. I'm not going to repeat myself, though. So I will merely wish you best of luck with your ambitions.


  5. If I were you guys I'd welcome more opinions, guides, FAQs, videos ETC.

    I, for one, am not discouraging it. I recommended Rozovian proceed with his FAQ project. I just want him/her to be realistic about its impact.

    The stuff already on here is good but nowhere near comprehensive enough to be definitive.

    It'd be great if we had a definitive resource but that's a pipe dream. There are other sites better suited to that sort of thing. OCR can't really compete in that space, but we can certainly inform people about these resources.

    OCR should promote the guides and tech support forums way more, that way we'd get better music more often.

    Now that's a joke. Guides can help people get started, learn tips and solve problems but better music only comes about from skill and experience. Most all of the good remixers were good musicians on their own before they ever heard of OCR. Suggesting anything more than a cursory relationship between the guides and the quality of the music on the site is pure head-in-the-clouds fantasy.

  6. Facetiousness aside, it goes both ways. If someone's trying but still needs help, let's help them. If someone's obviously not trying and just waiting to be spoon-fed they should be ridiculed and berated like they would be in real life.

    We don't need moderation. We need irate people like Snappleman.

    We don't need stickies. We need people with good advice like BGC.

    We don't need guides. We need knowledgeable people like Yoozer.

    The community is the best thing we have to offer here. Everything else is redundant.


  7. The real problem the OP wants to get rid of is threads asking vague, general questions

    And I already addressed this.

    The "How do I remix?" threads are here to stay. People thought the stickies would make them go away, so we got stickies. The threads persisted. People thought the Guides would make them go away, so we got the Guides subforum. The threads persisted.

    All the stickies, guides, FAQs in the world will not make a difference. This is a forum. People come here to ask for help because they:

    a) Can't help themselves. So we give them the answer.


    Don't know how to help themselves. So we direct them to resources.

    And yes, option #b is a fine solution. So Rozovian, if you'd like to maintain a FAQ and link people to it when appropriate then by all means go for it. Just understand that:

    a) There are already good resources out there for beginners that you can give to people.


    No amount of visibility will help your FAQ cut down on noobish threads.


  8. There are good resources already out there that anyone willing may exploit. For example, if someone asks "How do I synth?" I'll link them to the related Sound On Sound articles.

    Here's what I had to say in a recent thread of similar ambition:

    ... We have plenty of guides and stickies to help beginners but we still get threads that equate to "how do I remix?" The guides, stickies, wikis etc.. aren't as useful as you'd think:

    People come to a forum for a 2 way channel of communication. Help that is suited to the individual.

    And that's the best thing we can offer.

  9. Midi is a little faster than USB simply because of how many paths there are. USB has 4 connectors, only two used for data (one up, one down), where Midi has 5 and only goes one way.

    You do realize only 2 of those 5 connectors are used for MIDI, right?

    Finally, USB will always be slower than Firewire which will always be slower than PCI cards.

    And control voltage / gate signals will always be faster than MIDI. But does it matter?

    USB works just fine for MIDI. If the you're experiencing noticeable lag then you have driver problems, latency problems with your audio device, or too many USB devices on a single bus, or some kind of compatibility issue with your DAW.. etc.


  10. It's been brought up before. There are sites better suited to that sort of thing.

    Also, you're probably wrong about it helping cut down on beginner threads. We have plenty of guides and stickies to help beginners but we still get threads that equate to "how do I remix?" The guides, stickies, wikis etc.. aren't as useful as you'd think:

    People come to a forum for a 2 way channel of communication. Help that is suited to the individual.

    And that's the best thing we can offer.

  11. It's not like such a tool would be useful for years to come. This is a little stint at my college, and as I'm a senior it's likely I won't get a similar opportunity for a long while.

    And that's a perfectly fine reason. Compare and contrast that with "I only want to use my computer because I'm like.. a scientest!!" and see that is a stupid reason well deserving of my belittlement.

    Regardless, if it's just a stint are you even wiling to invest the hundreds of dollars into Live or other software solution?

  12. You're not a Computer Scientist, you're an Obstinate Adolescent.

    A more productive philosophy is to use the right tool for the job. The aforementioned loop stations work very well for live performance.

    I've tried to do loop recording in Ableton; it's possible, but I found the solutions cumbersome. There are threads dedicated to this subject on Ableton's forums, check them to get an idea of workflow possibilities.

    I have seen a program specifically for this purpose but it was windows only.

  13. If anything, based on the sole fact that he could use the savings to buy other gear to go with the PC, I find your argument doesn't hold any water.

    That's a fine point to make, but you're making a logical misstep in thinking it is a refutation of my argument. In fact your fallacy is so common there's a name for it.

    The OP only asked about computers, so I only made claims about that. Buying a cheap PC to have money in the short-term for other equipment is a defensible argument, but it does not address my claims regarding what sorts of computers maintain their value and such -- which I why I felt no need to respond the first time you brought it up. (Yes, I do actually read your posts before responding to them, so please stop repeating yourself...)


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