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Posts posted by analoq

  1. Adolescents believe they're entitled to have everything they want for free. Most of them grow out of it, some of them don't. I've seen no shortage of this kind of immaturity around here.

    At the same time I don't like being treated like a criminal, so I don't buy software that requires dongles or particularly invasive activation methods. I don't steal them in retribution, I boycott them.


  2. This could be a case of tl;dr but it seems to me there are already solutions to what you're trying to accomplish.

    In Ableton Live you can throw multiple instruments in an instrument rack and add the keyboard splits in any combination necessary along with your knobs. Switching between configurations would just be switching between tracks, which can be triggered however you'd want.

    You can get the same thing in Logic with its multi/mapped instruments and do MIDI transformations in any way imaginable.

    And if that's not enough there are probably more sophisticated ways of doing it in Reaktor or Max.

    MIDI transformation is the easiest VSTi programming you can possibly do, so don't let me try and stop you -- you could very well come up with a good solution for yourself. But for others I think there are better solutions.


  3. I hoped someone else might have assisted you before now, but oh well.

    yeah, if you only have 4-pin firewire then you'll need to plug in the included power adapter to run your audio interface. If you don't care then it's not an inconvenience for you.

    I've never heard of a firewire device 'frying' hardware, I'd be suspicious of such claims. For other claims of difficulty setting up, etc.. try to buy from somewhere with a good return policy. Every time I've needed an audio interface I had to go thru a few exchanges before I found something that worked for me.

    There's only so much advice I could give you. At some point you gotta bite the bullet.

  4. Yes, Miss Tricks did use GarageBand on her solo tracks.

    I recently upgraded to Logic Express 8 (from 7). In the past I may have said to just stick with GarageBand and spend your money on 3rd party plug-ins and sounds. That's still good advice but the price drop of Logic Express and added features from Pro makes it a prodigious value.

    In the end it comes down to what interface inspires you... you may prefer making music in Reason or Live, etc. But as far as features go: if you have $200, you're really not going to find anything that matches the value of Logic Express 8.


  5. I've probably owned more audio interfaces than anyone here. M-Audio stuff is generally a good value, but I haven't used the 410 in particular.

    I can't recommend the FireBox. I like the form-factor but the pre-amps are underpowered and noisy. The headphone amp is too hot and the knobs are too small and rigid for fine-tuning. Much better interface (and now cheaper) is the Yamaha GO46.

    But hey, if you already have a pre-amp then you can get something simple like a Behringer FCA-202. Good solution if you're using an external mixer or pre-amp and don't need MIDI.


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