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Posts posted by analoq

  1. I should probably throw my 2 cents in.

    Unless you play live, you're better off getting a software synth and controller keyboard with knobs. As was said, you're not going to get an analogue synth at that price -- you're going to get a software synth with a keyboard attached to it... so why not just cut out the middle man?

    Unfortunately, if you're looking for the more unique VA sounds (Virus/Nord/etc) you're gonna need a 4-figure budget or close to it. It's hard to justify using going hardware unless you can get something that really makes it worth it.


  2. please don't talk about the usage of GarageBand. I've snooped around the internet to find that it's a giant inconvenience to use EZdrummer on GarageBand.

    how so? AUs are generally well-supported in any Mac application. I'm a bit baffled as to why it would be inadequate to use in GarageBand but not Live, Logic or any other sequencer. If you can shed some light on that I can give you a better answer than "hay check out logic express"

    Do you have the Mac yet? I can't tell if you've experimented with any of your options or not.


  3. I really hate doing things like this, makes me feel like i'm sucking up and kissin' everyones ass. But since I respect your mad synth skills I shall give it a serious attempt.

    I won't turn into some kiddie if thats what your hoping though, I'll won't spam, and try to be productive with all of my post, etc, which basicly means I'll make a post about once a week.

    OK humility isn't necessary, just some self-consciousness will do. We help those who help themselves. As long as you're making an effort you'll earn some patience.

    best of british to you.

  4. You say you don't know anything and then make replies like this gem.

    I noticed I was quoted in that post at the time but I never actually read it until now. Hoo boy.

    Nicholstein, unfortunately you've habitually presented yourself in a sophomoric way which has turned most people off from taking you seriously. I'm glad you're showing some humility now, keep that up and we'll be less reticent to help you.

    It's not too late, but there's a lot of damage to undo. Just be delicate in how you present yourself.


    edit: I'm gonna zap you with one of my synths.

  5. And to stay on topic, I have to agree and disagree with what Analoq said. How much of the original song you learn depends on your remixing style.

    That's not a disagreement. What I said was that one only needs to pick out the parts of the original they need for their remix. If you do more conservative arrangements then yeah, you'll be picking out more than I would need.

    Before I did remixing I transcribed to MIDIs for vgmusic-like sites, which to me is a very different process from remixing. If that's part of your process, fine, but I stand by my earlier claim that it's not necessary.


  6. MIDI protocol works the same way regardless of what you're plugging in and where, so you're thinking correctly. Just make the right connection, send the right messages and you'll get what you want providing the MIDI implementation of the device allows it.

    Is the USB on the Pod for audio only? If it provides a software MIDI-out port as well then you won't even need a MIDI cable.


  7. Considering I'm having difficulty getting the concept across, I doubt a program with functionality like this even exists.

    Bingo, I don't know of any software that will allow you to use your tablet the way you envision. Your best bet is to get used to the "crappy inefficient note type cycling staff". Or if you can play piano, get a midi controller and sequence the parts live and notate only where necessary.


  8. I'd second craiglist, I've used it to get freelance software/web programming jobs. But I'd just pay the listing fee -- the 'gigs' section is a crapshoot. I never check there anyway; if someone can't pay the measly fee on craigslist then I don't want to work for them.

    As for the idea, I'm not so sure about the premise. IIRC, a Windows application can address 2 GB of memory but each thread that application spawns can address 2 GB of memory as well. Applications (DAWs especially) make use of threads to benefit from multi-processor systems.

    I happen to have Logic open, so I checked and it's using 16 threads. If Logic were a Windows application it could potentially address 32 GB of memory. Now, how those threads are divided up among the bits that matter (plugins) changes the story dramatically, but I still think you may be overestimating the advantages of your idea.

    Of course I quit my last windows development job 6 years ago, so I could be not remembering things right.

  9. Mics generally don't have favorable return policies, especially if they can be used for vocals.

    If there's a pro audio retailer (Guitar Center/Sam Ash/Mars) nearby drop in and let them know what you're trying to accomplish. They probably won't drag a piano in just for you, but they can set up some mics for you to play with to get an idea of their sound. Wanting to record your home piano makes you a typical customer, they can probably give you good suggestions.


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