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Posts posted by analoq

  1. today get get 3 analoq responses for the price of one:

    1. are you sure your Behringer is dead? i owned a Eurorack-series mixer for 5+ years and had no issues with it (though admittedly the UB series is crappier). perhaps the power supply just needs to be replaced.

    2. Mackie. check out the 1202-VLZ, it's more inputs/outputs than you need but it is a high-quality and durable mixer, you could probably find a used one for a decent price as well.

    3. do you really need a mixer? investing in a good audio interface would be a better recording solution in most cases, but your needs may be unique.


  2. so larry mods the larry's mods threa-- oh i get it. i'm going to go kill myself now.

    anyway, i'm curious about Grado mods and impressed that the Grados have such flexibility and inspire a modding community.

    last time i needed pads for my RS2s i bought some regular bowls and they work out for me, but next time i might try something different, those C-pads look sweet.


  3. could be a minimoog, but you're probably looking for an interpretation of that patch?

    i'd say the main characterizations of that sound are portamento and vibrato.

    the waveform sounds like a pulsewave thru a lopass filter.

    that's off the top of my head and probably a good place for you to start,

    but i'll see if i can make an example for you tomorrow.


  4. let's try Logic Express (what i use these days).

    $300 or $150 for the non-upgradable educational version...

    -VSTi support Nobody uses VSTis on OSX these days. (SF & SF2, AU, DLS?) check.

    -Reverse samples check.

    -Have variable tempo and tempo automation check.

    -Have effects automation check.

    -Better samples check.

    -Better syths (automation possibly?) check, and yes.

    -Better and more effects check.

    -Real-time file bounce check.

    -MIDI export is a great plus check.

    side notes:

    - changing sequencers for better samples/synths doesn't make a lot of sense. that's what 3rd party plugins are for.

    you can plug all kinds of excellent samples, softsynths and effects into GarageBand because it supports AUs.

    - demos! give Ableton Live a try. there is a demo of it you can download and play with. there's one for Metro as well, i think. maybe some of the other apps on that list as well.

    hope that helps.


  5. Max is the most capable, but also the most expensive and difficult to use.

    Reaktor is less capable, less expensive but more musician-friendly.

    SynthEdit is even less capable, most CPU taxing, but it's free and fairly easy to use.

    that's the general idea, if you want to get into the specifics of capability i'm probably not the best person to ask,

    but either way i'm sure any one of those apps will keep you busy for a long time.

    also there's two free programs in a similar vein: pd and jMAx.

    i have no experience with either but you can add it to your list of stuff to check out that won't hurt your wallet.


  6. last time a Max thread popped up it didn't get much response.

    most people here use more abstracted environments like Reaktor and SynthEdit.

    Max can do some crazy-cool things but there's a demanding investment of time necessary to get to that point.

    not that there's anything wrong with that...


  7. Old thread title no longer appropriate

    so you don't know how to edit posts. oh well.

    I actually thought that the Novation Remote series was a pretty cool controller. The problem I have with it is that it doesn't seperate the pitch and mod weels.

    that's the main reason i bothered with the ReMOTE series, separate mod/pitch wheels aren't as useful to me as a pitch stick is.

    i guess i have something in common with virt? oh gnoes.

    but to each his own.


  8. too bad, an Axiom review might've interested me.

    you see i'm shopping for a new 61-key controller as well, i bought a remote 61 LE which i liked because it had the features i wanted without having the features i don't want (like the SL does)

    sadly the unit was defective, the replacement i was given was defective, and the remaining 2 units the retailer had in stock were also defective. grr.

    so, you may want to avoid that one.

  9. it's still one of the better high-end music production tools on the PC, despite it not being the latest-and-greatest.

    emagic bid a kind farewell to it, the last PC version is very reliable and efficient -- it will keep you going for a long time.

    VST2 support is fine, though iirc VSTi's with multiple outputs were kinda iffy.

    overall: yes, it's worth using. cheers.

  10. Am I the only one using Emagic Logic Pro ? o_O
    Actually, no. analoq uses Logic, since before it was bought by Apple and then renamed into "Logic Pro".

    i got on Logic with v4 gold.. good times. i've used Tracktion for last year or so.. Logic 5 was starting to show it's age.

    but now that i have a (decent) Mac i may reacquaint myself with Logic when i have more money.

    in the meantime, GarageBand does 90% of what i want and that remaining 10% will force me to try new things. whee.


  11. well try this:

    think about all those famous, classic synthesizers from the 70s and 80s. the Moogs, the ARPs, the Sequential Circuits, the Korgs, the Rolands, even the Hammonds. these synths were played more expressively than you could ever dream to.

    now think about how none of them had weighted keys.

    some didn't even have velocity sensitivity.

    expressiveness comes from you. the keys make little difference.

    all that said, you are the best judge of what allows you to be more expressive -- if a little oomph helps you get the expressiveness you're after, then don't waste time arguing about it. just do it.


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