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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I don't give a shit about Shulk but I'm happy for all the people who are happy
  2. this is probably the scariest game I've ever played
  3. on the one hand I'm pleased on the other hand, that ain't Groose
  4. "I haven't played the game that the character I'm about to criticize comes from, but"
  5. It needs enough that I'd be okay with Isaac but not with Shulk.
  6. Isaac's one of the few assist trophies from Brawl to not be confirmed to return as an assist trophy, and a lot of people are taking that as a sign that he might be playable.
  7. yeah I don't know about you guys but when the Little Mac video happened as soon as it struck that one chord and you saw his shadow oh man the tears just started droppin'
  8. don't change your font to make your posts more interesting; make your posts more interesting instead anyways yeah rayman what is the deaaal
  9. I hope it's literally anybody but Shulk
  10. fuck off like I see what you're saying here but the fact is that a lot of adcs don't actually need their supports to disengage for them, they just help them do it twitch is currently the only adc with a disengage that now relies on a skillshot cc (that, note, does no damage) instead of a dash in the other direction/over a wall but twitch is also the only stealth champ who doesn't have an ability that immediately gives him a movement speed buff and/or a dash or blink - a pink ward in the middle of a fight disables twitch's engage and further diminishes his capability to disengage, which is not the case for any other stealth champ (evelynn's movement speed buff isn't linked to her stealth, shaco's stealth is a blink, kha'zix still has his jump and can stealth several times, rengar and talon get large movement speed buffs) I would never build ghostblade on twitch until lategame if twitch had max attack speed it would still take him two-and-some seconds to get someone to max stacks if none of his attacks were interrupted, which compared to every other champ in the game with burst damage is a really long time none of the adcs, especially the currently popular ones, have what I would call burst damage see above my point is that unlike other adcs good positioning isn't a mix of offensive potential and defensive potential; with twitch you can't maximize your offensive potential without basically removing any options you have to escape most team comps can afford individual players some autonomy but when you're playing as twitch you literally have to have your whole team stand around you while you ult and hope that they stop anything that's gonna prevent you from shooting for the next couple seconds, and if they don't, you're screwed if you need your team to hold people in place so your ult can hit them something tells me that that ult isn't nearly as strong as everyone thinks it is yes, but my point is that it's not so much these champs in particular so much as basically every other adc is safe and doesn't care about team comp I feel like twitch has consistently been in the same boat as say, ashe and varus (good if they have a good team supporting them) but oh some pros played him so he must be too good (which apparently isn't enough reason to nerf lucian, though) at this point I'd rather they just take the stealth (and his ult) out of twitch's kit entirely than see him continuously gutted like this
  11. twitch is also one of two marksmen with an attack speed buff linked to his movement ability, making him incapable of using his full damage in team fights in a way that doesn't disable his ability to escape from a failing team fight also, twitch's stealth being focused as an engagement tool rather than disengagement means that all you need to do is have a pink ward down and now twitch's stealth is completely useless against you; by forcing it to be only useful on offense, they've also made it far simpler for opponents who play well to completely shut it down twitch doesn't have burst 1) contaminate isn't a burst ability, it's an execute 2) contaminate's damage is relatively high but only at max stacks, otherwise it doesn't do much 3) other AD's would have to stop auto-attacking to use their damage abilities, but the damage on their abilities is frontloaded, whereas contaminate's damage is based on the stacks; lucian can tag you with his Q and do a chunk of damage, whereas contaminate only does the "huge" damage it's famous for if you're letting twitch auto-attack you six times, in which case you're pretty much asking to die anyway? he also needs to be in a very specific position to abuse rat-a-tat-tat's AOE capabilities; if you're moving around a lot defensively, you're not gonna be doing as much damage as you could, and if you have the perfect line to fire down and hit everybody, you're probably making yourself a pretty prime target to be locked down and nuked also I guess not many people seem to realize this but twitch's autoattacks turn into straight-line projectiles when his ult is on; if you move properly while he's trying to shoot you with it, he'll actually miss with most of the attacks like I don't know guys maybe I'm just the only twitch player who consistently gets matched up against people who know how to take advantage of twitch's obvious and consistent weakness but I don't think he's ever been as overpowered or irritating as marksmen like lucian or caitlyn or vayne have been/currently are
  12. re: Twitch like everybody keeps saying that he was top-tier but nobody ever gives me any reasons as to why or how also I don't understand why "twitch nerfs" means that one of his skills and his passive are now close-to-worthless and "lucian nerfs" means a slightly smaller AD ratio on one of his skills that isn't even used primarily for damage
  13. I don't know, too busy being salty over more fuckin' Twitch nerfs
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