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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. take some crit chance glyphs one extra armor or mr or whatever is not often going to be what keeps you alive but a super lucky crit will basically win you a fight edit: bardic beat me to it
  2. it kind of sucks that all of the super interesting ideas they had with the gba/gamecube have never been followed up with the wii/ds or wiiu/3ds; I think it would be fair to say that the gba/gamecube ones didn't do so hot because expecting every person to have the link cables was a bit much, but now that everything is wireless I'm not really sure why nobody has tried it again
  3. if your problem is pocket space and whatnot just carry around a professional looking briefcase full of video games like me
  4. have you considered buying a 3ds
  5. yeah but every player can get the rocket launcher; it's not like 'woops you didn't get the rocket launcher from the getgo so now you can't have it for the next forty minutes and you're pretty much guaranteed to lose' burden of proof is on you, here, bub; you can't just say that somebody would do it and then expect an entire design/balance philosophy to revolve around that also important is the idea that the extreme majority of players are not competitive players, and dealing with what negatively affects casual players is inherently more important than letting 1% of the playerbase have their fun the last time I argued with you about the laning phase you implied that last-hitting and farming were crucial elements to these kinds of games and to argue that they could survive without them was folly I believe that a moba could be designed from the ground up to not have a focus on farming and last hitting, but at this point it's an important part of lol for the majority of the characters and the metagame in general and having the ability to remove a character's ability to safely exist in a lane is kind of an extreme advantage to have one guy explaining how some competitive teams arguably countered a thing doesn't justify having an extreme and obtuse strategy that will consistently confound any player that's less skilled than the pro-est of the pro I don't know why this continues to need to be repeated, but combos are not really comparable in this situation, because combos are a) something that every player and every character has access to at all times something that the entire game is structured around also important to consider is that fighting game matches last a few minutes or less; you can get 100% combo'd and lose a match immediately and be able to bounce back into another match where you immediately have the chance to win whereas in lol oh did top tower get pushed down three minutes into the game I hope you enjoy either surrendering at 20 or dealing with your loss for the next 37 minutes oh and you can't leave games either so you know maybe if riot is going to force people to stay in games (which is arguably a good idea and by arguably in this context I mean of course it fucking is) then maybe their top priority should be minimizing the impact or effectiveness of strategies that involve completely reducing your opponent's chances of winning within the first quarter or less of a game see my earlier posts about how expecting your players to do something other than playing the game to learn how to play it is inherently bad design you can learn combos in training mode and you can load up a map in quake and learn how to rocket jump; but if you're playing lol or dota and the only way you can possibly be expected to enjoy the game is to spend more time than you'd be playing studying other players then yeah surprise 99% of the populace is just gonna find some other game to play and unfortunately since this is a day and age where video games no longer have to necessarily be designed to primarily be enjoyed by sperglords I don't really think riot is unreasonable for going out of their way to pander to people who aren't socially incapable of understanding that hey, some people might want to actually enjoy playing video games the simple answer is that maybe because that company wants to make money? the slightly more complex answer (which is still less relevant than the simple answer) is that you can't reasonably assume that 'time invested' is actually a meaningful measure of how important a player is to the game, nor is it reasonable to just assume that every single possible strategy can definitely be countered and to leave the metagame alone long enough to see; at that point you're experimenting at the expense of the people who you want to play your game, which is gonna net you a very small and loyal group of neckbeards as opposed to a very large group of players who gosh I don't know maybe don't want to have their entire lives revolve around playing lol but maybe still want to enjoy it I guess what you're trying to say here is that these casual nubs are selfish to want the game to revolve around them having a good time and what riot should instead be doing is maximizing the enjoyment of a much smaller group of people at the expense of everyone else which I guess is somehow magically not selfish at all maybe you don't understand what anti-fun means because you're reading too much into the name; it doesn't refer to any mechanic that is inherently not a fun thing to happen, but rather any mechanic that actively minimizes the amount of fun that a player can have whilst playing the game example; dying is not fun, but is not anti-fun getting stunlocked out of fucking nowhere by Old Evelynn and dying immediately because you didn't start the game with a vision ward because doing that would have made you slow and weak and lost you the lane regardless is anti-fun, because what the fuck else are you supposed to do and no before you ask, implying that 'people should just get better' in whatever assholish way does not magically render the concept of anti-fun invalid, it just makes you sound like a dick I like how you argued against a concept by calling it a buzzword and then proceeded to argue that something is good because Variety anyways stealth is a bad mechanic if it enables plays where suddenly your opponent is dealing with you and it's not possible for them to humanly react to it (evelynn stun and now I'm dead, oh shit twitch is shooting me from a mile away and I'm dead, shaco stabbed me in the butt and now I'm dead, etc.) and the only way to counter it are items that are so costly that to buy one in the early game (when stealth is most effective) is in itself going to lose your lane because of lack of other stats (being able to maybe see evelynn coming isn't going to make up for your lack of movespeed/regen/damage/etc.) I agree that stealth can be designed in a way that enables it to be balanced and more interesting (then maybe they could do another twitch remake that isn't fucking shitty), but the fact of the matter was that of all of the characters who had stealth central to their kits were kind of slowly wrecking the game for anyone who wasn't 2900 elo Double Challenger Championship Michael Jordan level player, so they made a bunch of changes so that people wouldn't quit the game because they hated Shaco so much (which is literally what I almost did)
  6. this is a misnomer; this range refers to the radius around your main target where other targets can successfully be considered additional targets eg. if twitch with runaan's and his ult activated has a target directly ahead of him at exactly 850 range and then two more targets to his left and right at 375 range, he won't hit the additional targets but if the targets are standing within 375 range of the first main target, then he will hit the additional targets I tested this out myself early on because the description is fairly confusing, but the effective range is a lot more effective than it lets on that all being said, though, twitch really is the only marksman who can maybe make effective use of it, and even then it's at the expense of his late-game single target damage, because the high attack speed doesn't statistically make up for the lack of attack damage and/or critical change
  7. why do all of the wikis for this game suck
  8. but then his actual tank build suffers and now you've made it so you have alistar the okay nuke and alistar the okay tank instead of just alistar the good tank that'd be a pretty good idea if there weren't items that gave armor and magic resist in addition to ad or ap so you make alistar's damage reduction scale off of his armor and mr and now it makes sense to build 'bruiser' alistar who murders everyone while staunchly refusing to give a fuck yeah but then what happens when you want to actually go near your minions and farm/go near the tower to push/get close enough to do anything of value for your team I repeat; if at any point the correct strategy for dealing with a champion is just not being near them at all, that champ's kit is broken and perhaps more pertinently, I'm fairly certain the reason alistar is kind of sucky right now is because they realized that a homing knockback-to-knockup combo and/or an instant flash-to-knockup-to-knockback combo is super strong AND super easy to pull off, and they want to minimize his effectiveness because they much rather introduced characters with crowd control that's a lot more complex/difficult to pull off until they retroactively change the easymode older characters into something more interesting to play as to be clear I don't think they nerfed AP alistar because that's not how they wanted him played; I think they nerfed ap alistar because they wanted his damage in general to take a hit because his kit is kind of ridiculous EDIT: rocket jumps and combos can be utilized by all players and characters; the existence of these strategies does not actively undermine the rest of the game I think there's an important distinction between 'free to' and 'supposed to' like what yeah but... who cares why should riot let thousands of new players get stomped on by a strategy that appears to be unbeatable just so that maybe somebody can maybe come up with a way to counter it? stealth is just kind of an anti-fun mechanic (and I say this as a twitch main) and I can't really come up with any argument as to why it should be a thing also I don't think they've actually done anything to proxy singed I agree with this, it's a band-aid fix, but - this is why it's a band-aid fix - because all of the other more interesting solutions are probably going to take more time and if given the choice between just leaving it be and letting the entire metagame start to revolve around a strategy that's uninteresting and unfun to most players while you develop a solution OR applying a band-aid to curb the worst of it (you can still push a tower down pretty fuckin' quick), why in the world would you pick the former
  9. I'm pretty sure that at this point building hydra on any melee character is not really a bad idea
  10. the difference with those examples is that everyone can do combos in street fighter, and everyone can rocket jump in quake whereas early tower pushing limits the viable champion pool to 'people who can push towers early', and viable character builds generally seems to refer to building a champion in such a way as to give them damage and cc and tankyness which is fun to play as of course but uh isn't really fun to play against playing against him would be no different except now his powerful CC combo also does huge amounts of damage to you and he's still able to get tanky because of his ult remember earlier when I said that every champion with a kit that makes them tanky for free but also enables huge damage is either overpowered but broken? what's the point of lol being a team game if it has characters that fulfill every meaningful part of a team by themselves? also, I'm pretty sure that any character where your strategy is to just not go anywhere near them is zero fun to play against and severely limits effective and entertaining counterplay, which is why they nerfed alistar so hard in the first place I agree with having more varied design for playable characters - I just don't agree when it involves playstyles that are so wildly different that opposing players have to hard counter that character, which limits player freedom more than it enables it (e.g having to play a character that can counter Jayce top or else you're straight fucked), or when 'varied design' is a codeword for 'overpowered/broken champ' way back in either this thread or the dota 2 thread, tensei pointed out how nobody in lol played like broodmother, and I disagreed - I was wrong to disagree there, but now I've played/watched enough dota 2 to know that broodmother is very rarely picked in matches compared to the popular characters that are often essentially the 'bruisers' of dota2; characters that have kits that are so powerful that they don't necessarily win by more skillful playing (i.e enabling good plays for your team) but rather by removing your opponent's ability to do the same, which is competitive I guess but more importantly isn't any fun and don't get me wrong this happens a lot in lol too (e.g wards and shields are slowly making the game unfun), I'm just saying that a lot of changes that people say they want to happen for the good of the game are actually just for novelty purposes that are just gonna make things worse over time
  11. the labels and the pigeonholing exist to reduce burden of knowledge, I think; having a bunch of characters that all play extremely differently only serves to make the game more opaque to newer players and ultimately reduces the size and quality of the playerbase also, I'm okay with a character having a single way to be played when there are over one hundred different characters to choose from; the novelty of AP Ashe or AD Malzahar or Six Warmogs Veigar isn't really worth obfuscating a new player's learning process
  12. champs who get lots of cc and are tough to kill because of their mobility and/or free tankiness but also get enough damage to kill other champs easily most of the champs that people refer to as 'bruisers' are called 'fighters' in lol's official terminology but not all 'fighters' are 'bruisers' in fact they arguably changed their terminology recently to reclassify 'ad carries' as 'marksmen' after thousands of people who played the game wondered out loud why ashe is considered the carry if their fucking darius is the one carrying their team fun fact: every character popularly referred to as a bruiser is either overpowered or has a broken kit
  13. it's also not officially confirmed yet
  14. How? When? What was in Diablo 3 or was added in that isn't just another place to stick all the gold you make from grinding? No, see, that's the problem - Diablo 3 is a game that's all about the loot. There wasn't any PVP, character building is relatively homogenized, there's not really any hidden content or challenges or complex gameplay decisions to be made; the entire game is structured around the acquisition of loot, and that's why almost nobody likes it. Diablo 2 has extra content like the Pandemonium bosses, more randomized gameplay, less homogeneous classes, a player versus player metagame, etc. There's no reason for Diablo 3 to not have much more than that; no reason beyond listening to sperglord Diablo 2 fans who basically said 'yeah I just want to have a mindless haze of infinite grinding'.
  15. I think from a gameplay perspective crafting is currently unsatisfying because you're still effectively just grinding for gold - what, honestly, is the difference between running a thing over and over to get enough gold to buy a thing on the AH and running a thing over and over to get enough gold to craft a thing? Gold should play an important role in the game, yeah, but I feel like having more tangible, mechanically-complex goals for the player should be top priority, as opposed to just infinitely grinding and hoping that you get what you want or need. They should come up with new and exciting ways to make it so that playing the game to get better items shouldn't be a chore.
  16. man I'm so glad they added in ravenous hydra to help those ailing melee carries *gets fucking destroyed by invincible splashsteal wukong top-lane* so... s-so glad...
  17. So I picked this up again in the wake of the expansion announcement. Highlights; - I bought a legendary bow that shoots chickens. - At some point they changed the Demon Hunter's Boar Companion from 'why would you ever use this' to 'why would you ever use anything but this'. - That being said, the Demon Hunter still seems kind of boring, because I can't figure out why I would use anything but the skills I have now. - It took me at least ten tries to beat Diablo on Normal, and I beat him on Nightmare my first try. I guess I must be good now, or something. - Having the Templar when you meet the Templar is pretty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - I got a Windforce bow! But I can't use it until I'm max level. This just reinforces my opinion from when the game first came out; legendary items should specifically be usable by any level character, but have damage that scales based on their level, to let's say 15-20% higher than the average DPS that items at that level will have.
  18. I remember when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker and the collective internet made the same animalistic noises they're making now at Affleck
  19. the story was bad and as such more story can't not be a good thing because it'll either be better or it'll be more bad which is still arguably better
  20. the new class is totally not the paladin at all nope no sir
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