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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I think Metal Gear is a pretty cool guy eh hides in boxes and doesn't afraid of anything
  2. Comparing Spider-Man 2 to Spider-Man 3 - whether we're talking about the movie or the game - is like comparing a plate full of delicious, crispy bacon to an ass full of poo.
  3. Only the second one - the first and third ones were subpar, to say the least, and yet the second manages to be pretty much the best superhero game ever (other than Marvel Vs Capcom).
  4. I'm going to go ahead and throw Saturday out there as a possibility
  5. beating olimar with sonic is really really easy from my experience
  6. ...I don't care what atmuh was doing it has nothing to do with anything else many other people have voiced their opinions on the previous matter and whether or not you got all butthurt because atmuh called you an idiot is irrelevant
  7. seriously though, the more people get good with characters who AREN'T high tier, the better
  8. I'm going to go and assume that all the other reviewers also have big expensive sound systems with which to enjoy said sound when people play Dead Space on a 28 inch TV from 1995 that only has mono output, trust me when I say that nobody is going to care about the sound quality and the best way to make sure they do that job to the best of their ability is to obvious make them tired and depressed
  9. no actually what I was saying is that everyone is communicating the problems but it always degenerates into shit about atmuh for some bloody reason
  10. maybe you should post the new rule here so that the people who stopped playing because they were tired of the faggotry don't have to go through the trouble of opening the game to see it
  11. I thought it was hilarious and I agree with his points
  12. hopefully wii fencing is awesome
  13. What would you guys think if I made an offshoot of the competition, but for OffTopic? Same theme, same deadline, but for all entries that don't have to do with videogames. Would that be a good idea, or would it just drag away from the original competition?
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