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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. flash being phased out would be pretty fucking nice so would diminishing returns on CC
  2. yeah whenever I make an unspecific statement about lol it's usually about pub play, you're definitely right in that wards are important to constantly have in premades
  3. I am not sure if you are seriously accusing me of trolling but I assure you I am being serious here not only should carries and/or off-tanks not have to worry about spending much needed money on wards, they probably shouldn't be wandering around in the jungle too much if they don't need to be or if they aren't accompanied and if you're getting your team to protect the carry so that the carry can put wards down, I mean, come on
  4. the wards should always be bought by the tank or the jungler, because they're the only ones who can be roaming around putting them in strategic places without putting themselves in too much danger
  5. I agree with all of those cons (save the denying thing, but we've talked about that) there is an update to the game being worked on that is supposed to completely overhaul the visual style and make it less... hodge-podge, but Riot is incredibly slow at doing things so there's not really any ETA and yeah LoL is ridiculously unbalanced; they recently buffed one of the already strongest champs in the game for some fucking reason and now she is absolutely zero fun to play against
  6. mind-blowing spoilers: [aside from the music, mario rpg isn't very good]
  7. Mother 3's localization would have required an unfathomable amount of legal action to make sure that all of the copyrighted things in the game didn't end up costing Nintendo millions of dollars in legal damages from a business perspective it really just wasn't worth the effort or money this game didn't even sell very well in Japan, of course they aren't going to waste time localizing it for a market that it'll probably do even less well in you mean like when they said they had no plans to bring over the black Wii systems or the Classic Controller Pro basically the thing here is that; a) there are 'no plans' until they decide to have plans, so bitching and whining about this is a waste of time because they haven't really directly confirmed anything either way Nintendo is one of many companies that is starting to realize that, despite what you may believe, North America is not really the most profitable market for jRPGs (because they tend to be pretty shitty by North American standards) the thing about jRPGs is that as a rule they are uh not really that good; every really good jRPG that someone can think of is strong because of things that have nothing to do with it being an RPG
  8. the SNES has three Final Fantasies, Earthbound and Chrono Trigger everything else is shit the GBA has two Golden Suns that are technically the same game, Mother 3 and Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire the DS has Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light, Dragon Quest IX, Pokemon Black/White, Radiant Historia and Golden Sun 3 keep in mind, here, that I said good jrpgs, which on their own are few and far between
  9. no videogame system has ever had more than five good jrpgs on it
  10. you know what it means when nintendo says 'no plans for release at this time' it means 'no plans for release at this time' can we seriously stop all the whining about not getting another mediocre jRPG
  11. I find it rage inducing when LAG when are we switching to a new host already (or is that even happening?)
  12. I keep forgetting about both of these games; I haven't even played the latter yet
  13. SE doesn't need to make a 16-bit RPG they just need to make a good RPG
  14. hahaha ha ha ha ha MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA
  15. that's pretty awesome, man you should be proud of yourself
  16. because people just don't know man they just don't know anyways is our votescramble still all broken also I am sick and fucking tired of being kicked for reserve slots so who's wallet do I need to fellate to get one
  17. there is no infinite targe glitch, as far as I know - what people are interpreting to be a glitch is actually that the new shield stops using up actual charge meter as soon as you're stopped or you attack, which means that the bar will fill up quite quickly after a short charge (especially with alibooties)
  18. I'd really rather that people just stopped making jRPGs that aren't Dragon Quest
  19. all of the new weapons seem pretty fun and fresh and funky but the new demoman set is the most fun (and broken) thing in the universe
  20. what generous, paragon of a man wants to give poor old bleck a kritzkrieg
  21. no engi pack two soldier packs suck every dick valve
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