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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. so is there a reason the website won't let me get my fucking espeon
  2. no it wasn't, it was ju- oh nevermind you're insane
  3. have you tried thinking with portals
  4. crisis core is better than ff7
  5. tim rogers is such a piece of shit
  6. finally fuck also if anyone has a dream world corphish they could trade me that would be boss
  7. yeah because it's totally sony's fault that their servers were shot down by outside attackers
  8. I want the character creator to be at least as good as it was in SC3
  9. yeah see the problem is when you get kilik > everyone forever a well designed fighting game is one that is both balanced and without a learning curve steeper than a right angle what do you mean that doesn't exist
  10. those are the only two I can think of, which is sort of sad we need more good ctf maps
  11. maybe that would have been a cool idea maybe if you didn't name characters from the shittiest game
  12. holy shit yes the prophet brushfire has spoken
  13. the guest character should be Aragorn
  14. I think skipping time ahead is a good idea since when you think about it the plot of the first four games is more or less exactly the same
  15. turbine is sooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaad
  16. Who doesn't like Badwater? Only terrible people, that's who.
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